LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - lib/math - prob_distr.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 229 247 92.7 %
Date: 2021-11-24 03:28:48 Functions: 69 74 93.2 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* Copyright (c) 2018-2021, The Tor Project, Inc. */
       2             : /* See LICENSE for licensing information */
       3             : 
       4             : /**
       5             :  * \file prob_distr.c
       6             :  *
       7             :  * \brief
       8             :  *  Implements various probability distributions.
       9             :  *  Almost all code is courtesy of Riastradh.
      10             :  *
      11             :  * \details
      12             :  * Here are some details that might help you understand this file:
      13             :  *
      14             :  * - Throughout this file, `eps' means the largest relative error of a
      15             :  *   correctly rounded floating-point operation, which in binary64
      16             :  *   floating-point arithmetic is 2^-53.  Here the relative error of a
      17             :  *   true value x from a computed value y is |x - y|/|x|.  This
      18             :  *   definition of epsilon is conventional for numerical analysts when
      19             :  *   writing error analyses.  (If your libm doesn't provide correctly
      20             :  *   rounded exp and log, their relative error is usually below 2*2^-53
      21             :  *   and probably closer to 1.1*2^-53 instead.)
      22             :  *
      23             :  *   The C constant DBL_EPSILON is actually twice this, and should
      24             :  *   perhaps rather be named ulp(1) -- that is, it is the distance from
      25             :  *   1 to the next greater floating-point number, which is usually of
      26             :  *   more interest to programmers and hardware engineers.
      27             :  *
      28             :  *   Since this file is concerned mainly with error bounds rather than
      29             :  *   with low-level bit-hacking of floating-point numbers, we adopt the
      30             :  *   numerical analysts' definition in the comments, though we do use
      31             :  *   DBL_EPSILON in a handful of places where it is convenient to use
      32             :  *   some function of eps = DBL_EPSILON/2 in a case analysis.
      33             :  *
      34             :  * - In various functions (e.g. sample_log_logistic()) we jump through hoops so
      35             :  *   that we can use reals closer to 0 than closer to 1, since we achieve much
      36             :  *   greater accuracy for floating point numbers near 0. In particular, we can
      37             :  *   represent differences as small as 10^-300 for numbers near 0, but of no
      38             :  *   less than 10^-16 for numbers near 1.
      39             :  **/
      40             : 
      41             : #define PROB_DISTR_PRIVATE
      42             : 
      43             : #include "orconfig.h"
      44             : 
      45             : #include "lib/math/prob_distr.h"
      46             : 
      47             : #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
      48             : #include "lib/cc/ctassert.h"
      49             : #include "lib/log/util_bug.h"
      50             : 
      51             : #include <float.h>
      52             : #include <math.h>
      53             : #include <stddef.h>
      54             : 
      55             : #ifndef COCCI
      56             : /** Declare a function that downcasts from a generic dist struct to the actual
      57             :  *  subtype probablity distribution it represents. */
      58             : #define DECLARE_PROB_DISTR_DOWNCAST_FN(name) \
      59             :   static inline                           \
      60             :   const struct name##_t *                             \
      61             :   dist_to_const_##name(const struct dist_t *obj) {    \
      62             :     tor_assert(obj->ops == &name##_ops);            \
      63             :     return SUBTYPE_P(obj, struct name ## _t, base);   \
      64             :   }
      65      601320 : DECLARE_PROB_DISTR_DOWNCAST_FN(uniform)
      66      400100 : DECLARE_PROB_DISTR_DOWNCAST_FN(geometric)
      67      400904 : DECLARE_PROB_DISTR_DOWNCAST_FN(logistic)
      68      400904 : DECLARE_PROB_DISTR_DOWNCAST_FN(log_logistic)
      69      701507 : DECLARE_PROB_DISTR_DOWNCAST_FN(genpareto)
      70      501105 : DECLARE_PROB_DISTR_DOWNCAST_FN(weibull)
      71             : #endif /* !defined(COCCI) */
      72             : 
      73             : /**
      74             :  * Count number of one bits in 32-bit word.
      75             :  */
      76             : static unsigned
      77     3400714 : bitcount32(uint32_t x)
      78             : {
      79             : 
      80             :   /* Count two-bit groups.  */
      81     3400714 :   x -= (x >> 1) & UINT32_C(0x55555555);
      82             : 
      83             :   /* Count four-bit groups.  */
      84     3400714 :   x = ((x >> 2) & UINT32_C(0x33333333)) + (x & UINT32_C(0x33333333));
      85             : 
      86             :   /* Count eight-bit groups.  */
      87     3400714 :   x = (x + (x >> 4)) & UINT32_C(0x0f0f0f0f);
      88             : 
      89             :   /* Sum all eight-bit groups, and extract the sum.  */
      90     3400714 :   return (x * UINT32_C(0x01010101)) >> 24;
      91             : }
      92             : 
      93             : /**
      94             :  * Count leading zeros in 32-bit word.
      95             :  */
      96             : static unsigned
      97     3400714 : clz32(uint32_t x)
      98             : {
      99             : 
     100             :   /* Round up to a power of two.  */
     101     3400714 :   x |= x >> 1;
     102     3400714 :   x |= x >> 2;
     103     3400714 :   x |= x >> 4;
     104     3400714 :   x |= x >> 8;
     105     3400714 :   x |= x >> 16;
     106             : 
     107             :   /* Subtract count of one bits from 32.  */
     108     3400714 :   return (32 - bitcount32(x));
     109             : }
     110             : 
     111             : /*
     112             :  * Some lemmas that will be used throughout this file to prove various error
     113             :  * bounds:
     114             :  *
     115             :  * Lemma 1.  If |d| <= 1/2, then 1/(1 + d) <= 2.
     116             :  *
     117             :  * Proof.  If 0 <= d <= 1/2, then 1 + d >= 1, so that 1/(1 + d) <= 1.
     118             :  * If -1/2 <= d <= 0, then 1 + d >= 1/2, so that 1/(1 + d) <= 2.  QED.
     119             :  *
     120             :  * Lemma 2. If b = a*(1 + d)/(1 + d') for |d'| < 1/2 and nonzero a, b,
     121             :  * then b = a*(1 + e) for |e| <= 2|d' - d|.
     122             :  *
     123             :  * Proof.  |a - b|/|a|
     124             :  *             = |a - a*(1 + d)/(1 + d')|/|a|
     125             :  *             = |1 - (1 + d)/(1 + d')|
     126             :  *             = |(1 + d' - 1 - d)/(1 + d')|
     127             :  *             = |(d' - d)/(1 + d')|
     128             :  *            <= 2|d' - d|, by Lemma 1,
     129             :  *
     130             :  * QED.
     131             :  *
     132             :  * Lemma 3.  For |d|, |d'| < 1/4,
     133             :  *
     134             :  *     |log((1 + d)/(1 + d'))| <= 4|d - d'|.
     135             :  *
     136             :  * Proof.  Write
     137             :  *
     138             :  *     log((1 + d)/(1 + d'))
     139             :  *      = log(1 + (1 + d)/(1 + d') - 1)
     140             :  *      = log(1 + (1 + d - 1 - d')/(1 + d')
     141             :  *      = log(1 + (d - d')/(1 + d')).
     142             :  *
     143             :  * By Lemma 1, |(d - d')/(1 + d')| < 2|d' - d| < 1, so the Taylor
     144             :  * series of log(1 + x) converges absolutely for (d - d')/(1 + d'),
     145             :  * and thus we have
     146             :  *
     147             :  *     |log(1 + (d - d')/(1 + d'))|
     148             :  *      = |\sum_{n=1}^\infty ((d - d')/(1 + d'))^n/n|
     149             :  *     <= \sum_{n=1}^\infty |(d - d')/(1 + d')|^n/n
     150             :  *     <= \sum_{n=1}^\infty |2(d' - d)|^n/n
     151             :  *     <= \sum_{n=1}^\infty |2(d' - d)|^n
     152             :  *      = 1/(1 - |2(d' - d)|)
     153             :  *     <= 4|d' - d|,
     154             :  *
     155             :  * QED.
     156             :  *
     157             :  * Lemma 4.  If 1/e <= 1 + x <= e, then
     158             :  *
     159             :  *     log(1 + (1 + d) x) = (1 + d') log(1 + x)
     160             :  *
     161             :  * for |d'| < 8|d|.
     162             :  *
     163             :  * Proof.  Write
     164             :  *
     165             :  *     log(1 + (1 + d) x)
     166             :  *     = log(1 + x + x*d)
     167             :  *     = log((1 + x) (1 + x + x*d)/(1 + x))
     168             :  *     = log(1 + x) + log((1 + x + x*d)/(1 + x))
     169             :  *     = log(1 + x) (1 + log((1 + x + x*d)/(1 + x))/log(1 + x)).
     170             :  *
     171             :  * The relative error is bounded by
     172             :  *
     173             :  *     |log((1 + x + x*d)/(1 + x))/log(1 + x)|
     174             :  *     <= 4|x + x*d - x|/|log(1 + x)|, by Lemma 3,
     175             :  *      = 4|x*d|/|log(1 + x)|
     176             :  *      < 8|d|,
     177             :  *
     178             :  * since in this range 0 < 1 - 1/e < x/log(1 + x) <= e - 1 < 2.  QED.
     179             :  */
     180             : 
     181             : /**
     182             :  * Compute the logistic function: f(x) = 1/(1 + e^{-x}) = e^x/(1 + e^x).
     183             :  * Maps a log-odds-space probability in [-infinity, +infinity] into a
     184             :  * direct-space probability in [0,1].  Inverse of logit.
     185             :  *
     186             :  * Ill-conditioned for large x; the identity logistic(-x) = 1 -
     187             :  * logistic(x) and the function logistichalf(x) = logistic(x) - 1/2 may
     188             :  * help to rearrange a computation.
     189             :  *
     190             :  * This implementation gives relative error bounded by 7 eps.
     191             :  */
     192             : STATIC double
     193        1833 : logistic(double x)
     194             : {
     195        1833 :   if (x <= log(DBL_EPSILON/2)) {
     196             :     /*
     197             :      * If x <= log(DBL_EPSILON/2) = log(eps), then e^x <= eps. In this case
     198             :      * we will approximate the logistic() function with e^x because the
     199             :      * relative error is less than eps. Here is a calculation of the
     200             :      * relative error between the logistic() function and e^x and a proof
     201             :      * that it's less than eps:
     202             :      *
     203             :      *     |e^x - e^x/(1 + e^x)|/|e^x/(1 + e^x)|
     204             :      *     <= |1 - 1/(1 + e^x)|*|1 + e^x|
     205             :      *      = |e^x/(1 + e^x)|*|1 + e^x|
     206             :      *      = |e^x|
     207             :      *     <= eps.
     208             :      */
     209         141 :     return exp(x); /* return e^x */
     210        1692 :   } else if (x <= -log(DBL_EPSILON/2)) {
     211             :     /*
     212             :      * e^{-x} > 0, so 1 + e^{-x} > 1, and 0 < 1/(1 +
     213             :      * e^{-x}) < 1; further, since e^{-x} < 1 + e^{-x}, we
     214             :      * also have 0 < 1/(1 + e^{-x}) < 1.  Thus, if exp has
     215             :      * relative error d0, + has relative error d1, and /
     216             :      * has relative error d2, then we get
     217             :      *
     218             :      *     (1 + d2)/[(1 + (1 + d0) e^{-x})(1 + d1)]
     219             :      *     = (1 + d0)/[1 + e^{-x} + d0 e^{-x}
     220             :      *                     + d1 + d1 e^{-x} + d0 d1 e^{-x}]
     221             :      *     = (1 + d0)/[(1 + e^{-x})
     222             :      *                 * (1 + d0 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})
     223             :      *                      + d1/(1 + e^{-x})
     224             :      *                      + d0 d1 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x}))].
     225             :      *     = (1 + d0)/[(1 + e^{-x})(1 + d')]
     226             :      *     = [1/(1 + e^{-x})] (1 + d0)/(1 + d')
     227             :      *
     228             :      * where
     229             :      *
     230             :      *     d' = d0 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})
     231             :      *          + d1/(1 + e^{-x})
     232             :      *          + d0 d1 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x}).
     233             :      *
     234             :      * By Lemma 2 this relative error is bounded by
     235             :      *
     236             :      *     2|d0 - d'|
     237             :      *      = 2|d0 - d0 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})
     238             :      *             - d1/(1 + e^{-x})
     239             :      *             - d0 d1 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})|
     240             :      *     <= 2|d0| + 2|d0 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})|
     241             :      *             + 2|d1/(1 + e^{-x})|
     242             :      *             + 2|d0 d1 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})|
     243             :      *     <= 2|d0| + 2|d0| + 2|d1| + 2|d0 d1|
     244             :      *     <= 4|d0| + 2|d1| + 2|d0 d1|
     245             :      *     <= 6 eps + 2 eps^2.
     246             :      */
     247        1548 :     return 1/(1 + exp(-x));
     248             :   } else {
     249             :     /*
     250             :      * e^{-x} <= eps, so the relative error of 1 from 1/(1
     251             :      * + e^{-x}) is
     252             :      *
     253             :      *     |1/(1 + e^{-x}) - 1|/|1/(1 + e^{-x})|
     254             :      *      = |e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})|/|1/(1 + e^{-x})|
     255             :      *      = |e^{-x}|
     256             :      *     <= eps.
     257             :      *
     258             :      * This computation avoids an intermediate overflow
     259             :      * exception, although the effect on the result is
     260             :      * harmless.
     261             :      *
     262             :      * XXX Should maybe raise inexact here.
     263             :      */
     264             :     return 1;
     265             :   }
     266             : }
     267             : 
     268             : /**
     269             :  * Compute the logit function: log p/(1 - p).  Defined on [0,1].  Maps
     270             :  * a direct-space probability in [0,1] to a log-odds-space probability
     271             :  * in [-infinity, +infinity].  Inverse of logistic.
     272             :  *
     273             :  * Ill-conditioned near 1/2 and 1; the identity logit(1 - p) =
     274             :  * -logit(p) and the function logithalf(p0) = logit(1/2 + p0) may help
     275             :  * to rearrange a computation for p in [1/(1 + e), 1 - 1/(1 + e)].
     276             :  *
     277             :  * This implementation gives relative error bounded by 10 eps.
     278             :  */
     279             : STATIC double
     280      216482 : logit(double p)
     281             : {
     282             : 
     283             :   /* logistic(-1) <= p <= logistic(+1) */
     284      216482 :   if (1/(1 + exp(1)) <= p && p <= 1/(1 + exp(-1))) {
     285             :     /*
     286             :      * For inputs near 1/2, we want to compute log1p(near
     287             :      * 0) rather than log(near 1), so write this as:
     288             :      *
     289             :      * log(p/(1 - p)) = -log((1 - p)/p)
     290             :      * = -log(1 + (1 - p)/p - 1)
     291             :      * = -log(1 + (1 - p - p)/p)
     292             :      * = -log(1 + (1 - 2p)/p).
     293             :      *
     294             :      * Since p = 2p/2 <= 1 <= 2*2p = 4p, the floating-point
     295             :      * evaluation of 1 - 2p is exact; the only error arises
     296             :      * from division and log1p.  First, note that if
     297             :      * logistic(-1) <= p <= logistic(+1), (1 - 2p)/p lies
     298             :      * in the bounds of Lemma 4.
     299             :      *
     300             :      * If division has relative error d0 and log1p has
     301             :      * relative error d1, the outcome is
     302             :      *
     303             :      *     -(1 + d1) log(1 + (1 - 2p) (1 + d0)/p)
     304             :      *     = -(1 + d1) (1 + d') log(1 + (1 - 2p)/p)
     305             :      *     = -(1 + d1 + d' + d1 d') log(1 + (1 - 2p)/p).
     306             :      *
     307             :      * where |d'| < 8|d0| by Lemma 4.  The relative error
     308             :      * is then bounded by
     309             :      *
     310             :      *     |d1 + d' + d1 d'|
     311             :      *     <= |d1| + 8|d0| + 8|d1 d0|
     312             :      *     <= 9 eps + 8 eps^2.
     313             :      */
     314         446 :     return -log1p((1 - 2*p)/p);
     315             :   } else {
     316             :     /*
     317             :      * For inputs near 0, although 1 - p may be rounded to
     318             :      * 1, it doesn't matter much because the magnitude of
     319             :      * the result is so much larger.  For inputs near 1, we
     320             :      * can compute 1 - p exactly, although the precision on
     321             :      * the input is limited so we won't ever get more than
     322             :      * about 700 for the output.
     323             :      *
     324             :      * If - has relative error d0, / has relative error d1,
     325             :      * and log has relative error d2, then
     326             :      *
     327             :      *     (1 + d2) log((1 + d0) p/[(1 - p)(1 + d1)])
     328             :      *     = (1 + d2) [log(p/(1 - p)) + log((1 + d0)/(1 + d1))]
     329             :      *     = log(p/(1 - p)) + d2 log(p/(1 - p))
     330             :      *       + (1 + d2) log((1 + d0)/(1 + d1))
     331             :      *     = log(p/(1 - p))*[1 + d2 +
     332             :      *         + (1 + d2) log((1 + d0)/(1 + d1))/log(p/(1 - p))]
     333             :      *
     334             :      * Since 0 <= p < logistic(-1) or logistic(+1) < p <=
     335             :      * 1, we have |log(p/(1 - p))| > 1.  Hence this error
     336             :      * is bounded by
     337             :      *
     338             :      *     |d2 + (1 + d2) log((1 + d0)/(1 + d1))/log(p/(1 - p))|
     339             :      *     <= |d2| + |(1 + d2) log((1 + d0)/(1 + d1))
     340             :      *                      / log(p/(1 - p))|
     341             :      *     <= |d2| + |(1 + d2) log((1 + d0)/(1 + d1))|
     342             :      *     <= |d2| + 4|(1 + d2) (d0 - d1)|, by Lemma 3,
     343             :      *     <= |d2| + 4|d0 - d1 + d2 d0 - d1 d0|
     344             :      *     <= |d2| + 4|d0| + 4|d1| + 4|d2 d0| + 4|d1 d0|
     345             :      *     <= 9 eps + 8 eps^2.
     346             :      */
     347      216036 :     return log(p/(1 - p));
     348             :   }
     349             : }
     350             : 
     351             : /**
     352             :  * Compute the logit function, translated in input by 1/2: logithalf(p)
     353             :  * = logit(1/2 + p).  Defined on [-1/2, 1/2].  Inverse of logistichalf.
     354             :  *
     355             :  * Ill-conditioned near +/-1/2.  If |p0| > 1/2 - 1/(1 + e), it may be
     356             :  * better to compute 1/2 + p0 or -1/2 - p0 and to use logit instead.
     357             :  * This implementation gives relative error bounded by 34 eps.
     358             :  */
     359             : STATIC double
     360      186082 : logithalf(double p0)
     361             : {
     362             : 
     363      186082 :   if (fabs(p0) <= 0.5 - 1/(1 + exp(1))) {
     364             :     /*
     365             :      * logit(1/2 + p0)
     366             :      * = log((1/2 + p0)/(1 - (1/2 + p0)))
     367             :      * = log((1/2 + p0)/(1/2 - p0))
     368             :      * = log(1 + (1/2 + p0)/(1/2 - p0) - 1)
     369             :      * = log(1 + (1/2 + p0 - (1/2 - p0))/(1/2 - p0))
     370             :      * = log(1 + (1/2 + p0 - 1/2 + p0)/(1/2 - p0))
     371             :      * = log(1 + 2 p0/(1/2 - p0))
     372             :      *
     373             :      * If the error of subtraction is d0, the error of
     374             :      * division is d1, and the error of log1p is d2, then
     375             :      * what we compute is
     376             :      *
     377             :      *  (1 + d2) log(1 + (1 + d1) 2 p0/[(1 + d0) (1/2 - p0)])
     378             :      *  = (1 + d2) log(1 + (1 + d') 2 p0/(1/2 - p0))
     379             :      *  = (1 + d2) (1 + d'') log(1 + 2 p0/(1/2 - p0))
     380             :      *  = (1 + d2 + d'' + d2 d'') log(1 + 2 p0/(1/2 - p0)),
     381             :      *
     382             :      * where |d'| < 2|d0 - d1| <= 4 eps by Lemma 2, and
     383             :      * |d''| < 8|d'| < 32 eps by Lemma 4 since
     384             :      *
     385             :      *  1/e <= 1 + 2*p0/(1/2 - p0) <= e
     386             :      *
     387             :      * when |p0| <= 1/2 - 1/(1 + e).  Hence the relative
     388             :      * error is bounded by
     389             :      *
     390             :      *  |d2 + d'' + d2 d''|
     391             :      *  <= |d2| + |d''| + |d2 d''|
     392             :      *  <= |d1| + 32 |d0| + 32 |d1 d0|
     393             :      *  <= 33 eps + 32 eps^2.
     394             :      */
     395      186062 :     return log1p(2*p0/(0.5 - p0));
     396             :   } else {
     397             :     /*
     398             :      * We have a choice of computing logit(1/2 + p0) or
     399             :      * -logit(1 - (1/2 + p0)) = -logit(1/2 - p0).  It
     400             :      * doesn't matter which way we do this: either way,
     401             :      * since 1/2 p0 <= 1/2 <= 2 p0, the sum and difference
     402             :      * are computed exactly.  So let's do the one that
     403             :      * skips the final negation.
     404             :      *
     405             :      * The result is
     406             :      *
     407             :      *  (1 + d1) log((1 + d0) (1/2 + p0)/[(1 + d2) (1/2 - p0)])
     408             :      *  = (1 + d1) (1 + log((1 + d0)/(1 + d2))
     409             :      *                  / log((1/2 + p0)/(1/2 - p0)))
     410             :      *    * log((1/2 + p0)/(1/2 - p0))
     411             :      *  = (1 + d') log((1/2 + p0)/(1/2 - p0))
     412             :      *  = (1 + d') logit(1/2 + p0)
     413             :      *
     414             :      * where
     415             :      *
     416             :      *  d' = d1 + log((1 + d0)/(1 + d2))/logit(1/2 + p0)
     417             :      *       + d1 log((1 + d0)/(1 + d2))/logit(1/2 + p0).
     418             :      *
     419             :      * For |p| > 1/2 - 1/(1 + e), logit(1/2 + p0) > 1.
     420             :      * Provided |d0|, |d2| < 1/4, by Lemma 3 we have
     421             :      *
     422             :      *  |log((1 + d0)/(1 + d2))| <= 4|d0 - d2|.
     423             :      *
     424             :      * Hence the relative error is bounded by
     425             :      *
     426             :      *  |d'| <= |d1| + 4|d0 - d2| + 4|d1| |d0 - d2|
     427             :      *       <= |d1| + 4|d0| + 4|d2| + 4|d1 d0| + 4|d1 d2|
     428             :      *       <= 9 eps + 8 eps^2.
     429             :      */
     430          20 :     return log((0.5 + p0)/(0.5 - p0));
     431             :   }
     432             : }
     433             : 
     434             : /*
     435             :  * The following random_uniform_01 is tailored for IEEE 754 binary64
     436             :  * floating-point or smaller.  It can be adapted to larger
     437             :  * floating-point formats like i387 80-bit or IEEE 754 binary128, but
     438             :  * it may require sampling more bits.
     439             :  */
     440             : CTASSERT(FLT_RADIX == 2);
     441             : CTASSERT(-DBL_MIN_EXP <= 1021);
     442             : CTASSERT(DBL_MANT_DIG <= 53);
     443             : 
     444             : /**
     445             :  * Draw a floating-point number in [0, 1] with uniform distribution.
     446             :  *
     447             :  * Note that the probability of returning 0 is less than 2^-1074, so
     448             :  * callers need not check for it.  However, callers that cannot handle
     449             :  * rounding to 1 must deal with that, because it occurs with
     450             :  * probability 2^-54, which is small but nonnegligible.
     451             :  */
     452             : STATIC double
     453     3400714 : random_uniform_01(void)
     454             : {
     455     3400714 :   uint32_t z, x, hi, lo;
     456     3400714 :   double s;
     457             : 
     458             :   /*
     459             :    * Draw an exponent, geometrically distributed, but give up if
     460             :    * we get a run of more than 1088 zeros, which really means the
     461             :    * system is broken.
     462             :    */
     463     3400714 :   z = 0;
     464     3400714 :   while ((x = crypto_fast_rng_get_u32(get_thread_fast_rng())) == 0) {
     465           0 :     if (z >= 1088)
     466             :       /* Your bit sampler is broken.  Go home.  */
     467             :       return 0;
     468           0 :     z += 32;
     469             :   }
     470     3400714 :   z += clz32(x);
     471             : 
     472             :   /*
     473             :    * Pick 32-bit halves of an odd normalized significand.
     474             :    * Picking it odd breaks ties in the subsequent rounding, which
     475             :    * occur only with measure zero in the uniform distribution on
     476             :    * [0, 1].
     477             :    */
     478     3400714 :   hi = crypto_fast_rng_get_u32(get_thread_fast_rng()) | UINT32_C(0x80000000);
     479     3400714 :   lo = crypto_fast_rng_get_u32(get_thread_fast_rng()) | UINT32_C(0x00000001);
     480             : 
     481             :   /* Round to nearest scaled significand in [2^63, 2^64].  */
     482     3400714 :   s = hi*(double)4294967296 + lo;
     483             : 
     484             :   /* Rescale into [1/2, 1] and apply exponent in one swell foop.  */
     485     3400714 :   return s * ldexp(1, -(64 + z));
     486             : }
     487             : 
     488             : /*******************************************************************/
     489             : 
     490             : /* Functions for specific probability distributions start here: */
     491             : 
     492             : /*
     493             :  * Logistic(mu, sigma) distribution, supported on (-infinity,+infinity)
     494             :  *
     495             :  * This is the uniform distribution on [0,1] mapped into log-odds
     496             :  * space, scaled by sigma and translated by mu.
     497             :  *
     498             :  * pdf(x) = e^{-(x - mu)/sigma} sigma (1 + e^{-(x - mu)/sigma})^2
     499             :  * cdf(x) = 1/(1 + e^{-(x - mu)/sigma}) = logistic((x - mu)/sigma)
     500             :  * sf(x) = 1 - cdf(x) = 1 - logistic((x - mu)/sigma = logistic(-(x - mu)/sigma)
     501             :  * icdf(p) = mu + sigma log p/(1 - p) = mu + sigma logit(p)
     502             :  * isf(p) = mu + sigma log (1 - p)/p = mu - sigma logit(p)
     503             :  */
     504             : 
     505             : /**
     506             :  * Compute the CDF of the Logistic(mu, sigma) distribution: the
     507             :  * logistic function.  Well-conditioned for negative inputs and small
     508             :  * positive inputs; ill-conditioned for large positive inputs.
     509             :  */
     510             : STATIC double
     511         794 : cdf_logistic(double x, double mu, double sigma)
     512             : {
     513         794 :   return logistic((x - mu)/sigma);
     514             : }
     515             : 
     516             : /**
     517             :  * Compute the SF of the Logistic(mu, sigma) distribution: the logistic
     518             :  * function reflected over the y axis.  Well-conditioned for positive
     519             :  * inputs and small negative inputs; ill-conditioned for large negative
     520             :  * inputs.
     521             :  */
     522             : STATIC double
     523         810 : sf_logistic(double x, double mu, double sigma)
     524             : {
     525         810 :   return logistic(-(x - mu)/sigma);
     526             : }
     527             : 
     528             : /**
     529             :  * Compute the inverse of the CDF of the Logistic(mu, sigma)
     530             :  * distribution: the logit function.  Well-conditioned near 0;
     531             :  * ill-conditioned near 1/2 and 1.
     532             :  */
     533             : STATIC double
     534         314 : icdf_logistic(double p, double mu, double sigma)
     535             : {
     536         314 :   return mu + sigma*logit(p);
     537             : }
     538             : 
     539             : /**
     540             :  * Compute the inverse of the SF of the Logistic(mu, sigma)
     541             :  * distribution: the -logit function.  Well-conditioned near 0;
     542             :  * ill-conditioned near 1/2 and 1.
     543             :  */
     544             : STATIC double
     545         310 : isf_logistic(double p, double mu, double sigma)
     546             : {
     547         310 :   return mu - sigma*logit(p);
     548             : }
     549             : 
     550             : /*
     551             :  * LogLogistic(alpha, beta) distribution, supported on (0, +infinity).
     552             :  *
     553             :  * This is the uniform distribution on [0,1] mapped into odds space,
     554             :  * scaled by positive alpha and shaped by positive beta.
     555             :  *
     556             :  * Equivalent to computing exp of a Logistic(log alpha, 1/beta) sample.
     557             :  * (Name arises because the pdf has LogLogistic(x; alpha, beta) =
     558             :  * Logistic(log x; log alpha, 1/beta) and mathematicians got their
     559             :  * covariance contravariant.)
     560             :  *
     561             :  * pdf(x) = (beta/alpha) (x/alpha)^{beta - 1}/(1 + (x/alpha)^beta)^2
     562             :  *        = (1/e^mu sigma) (x/e^mu)^{1/sigma - 1} /
     563             :  *              (1 + (x/e^mu)^{1/sigma})^2
     564             :  * cdf(x) = 1/(1 + (x/alpha)^-beta) = 1/(1 + (x/e^mu)^{-1/sigma})
     565             :  *        = 1/(1 + (e^{log x}/e^mu)^{-1/sigma})
     566             :  *        = 1/(1 + (e^{log x - mu})^{-1/sigma})
     567             :  *        = 1/(1 + e^{-(log x - mu)/sigma})
     568             :  *        = logistic((log x - mu)/sigma)
     569             :  *        = logistic((log x - log alpha)/(1/beta))
     570             :  * sf(x) = 1 - 1/(1 + (x/alpha)^-beta)
     571             :  *       = (x/alpha)^-beta/(1 + (x/alpha)^-beta)
     572             :  *       = 1/((x/alpha)^beta + 1)
     573             :  *       = 1/(1 + (x/alpha)^beta)
     574             :  * icdf(p) = alpha (p/(1 - p))^{1/beta}
     575             :  *         = alpha e^{logit(p)/beta}
     576             :  *         = e^{mu + sigma logit(p)}
     577             :  * isf(p) = alpha ((1 - p)/p)^{1/beta}
     578             :  *        = alpha e^{-logit(p)/beta}
     579             :  *        = e^{mu - sigma logit(p)}
     580             :  */
     581             : 
     582             : /**
     583             :  * Compute the CDF of the LogLogistic(alpha, beta) distribution.
     584             :  * Well-conditioned for all x and alpha, and the condition number
     585             :  *
     586             :  *      -beta/[1 + (x/alpha)^{-beta}]
     587             :  *
     588             :  * grows linearly with beta.
     589             :  *
     590             :  * Loosely, the relative error of this implementation is bounded by
     591             :  *
     592             :  *      4 eps + 2 eps^2 + O(beta eps),
     593             :  *
     594             :  * so don't bother trying this for beta anywhere near as large as
     595             :  * 1/eps, around which point it levels off at 1.
     596             :  */
     597             : STATIC double
     598         486 : cdf_log_logistic(double x, double alpha, double beta)
     599             : {
     600             :   /*
     601             :    * Let d0 be the error of x/alpha; d1, of pow; d2, of +; and
     602             :    * d3, of the final quotient.  The exponentiation gives
     603             :    *
     604             :    *    ((1 + d0) x/alpha)^{-beta}
     605             :    *    = (x/alpha)^{-beta} (1 + d0)^{-beta}
     606             :    *    = (x/alpha)^{-beta} (1 + (1 + d0)^{-beta} - 1)
     607             :    *    = (x/alpha)^{-beta} (1 + d')
     608             :    *
     609             :    * where d' = (1 + d0)^{-beta} - 1.  If y = (x/alpha)^{-beta},
     610             :    * the denominator is
     611             :    *
     612             :    *    (1 + d2) (1 + (1 + d1) (1 + d') y)
     613             :    *    = (1 + d2) (1 + y + (d1 + d' + d1 d') y)
     614             :    *    = 1 + y + (1 + d2) (d1 + d' + d1 d') y
     615             :    *    = (1 + y) (1 + (1 + d2) (d1 + d' + d1 d') y/(1 + y))
     616             :    *    = (1 + y) (1 + d''),
     617             :    *
     618             :    * where d'' = (1 + d2) (d1 + d' + d1 d') y/(1 + y).  The
     619             :    * final result is
     620             :    *
     621             :    *    (1 + d3) / [(1 + d2) (1 + d'') (1 + y)]
     622             :    *    = (1 + d''') / (1 + y)
     623             :    *
     624             :    * for |d'''| <= 2|d3 - d''| by Lemma 2 as long as |d''| < 1/2
     625             :    * (which may not be the case for very large beta).  This
     626             :    * relative error is therefore bounded by
     627             :    *
     628             :    *    |d'''|
     629             :    *    <= 2|d3 - d''|
     630             :    *    <= 2|d3| + 2|(1 + d2) (d1 + d' + d1 d') y/(1 + y)|
     631             :    *    <= 2|d3| + 2|(1 + d2) (d1 + d' + d1 d')|
     632             :    *     = 2|d3| + 2|d1 + d' + d1 d' + d2 d1 + d2 d' + d2 d1 d'|
     633             :    *      <= 2|d3| + 2|d1| + 2|d'| + 2|d1 d'| + 2|d2 d1| + 2|d2 d'|
     634             :    *         + 2|d2 d1 d'|
     635             :    *      <= 4 eps + 2 eps^2 + (2 + 2 eps + 2 eps^2) |d'|.
     636             :    *
     637             :    * Roughly, |d'| = |(1 + d0)^{-beta} - 1| grows like beta eps,
     638             :    * until it levels off at 1.
     639             :    */
     640         486 :   return 1/(1 + pow(x/alpha, -beta));
     641             : }
     642             : 
     643             : /**
     644             :  * Compute the SF of the LogLogistic(alpha, beta) distribution.
     645             :  * Well-conditioned for all x and alpha, and the condition number
     646             :  *
     647             :  *      beta/[1 + (x/alpha)^beta]
     648             :  *
     649             :  * grows linearly with beta.
     650             :  *
     651             :  * Loosely, the relative error of this implementation is bounded by
     652             :  *
     653             :  *      4 eps + 2 eps^2 + O(beta eps)
     654             :  *
     655             :  * so don't bother trying this for beta anywhere near as large as
     656             :  * 1/eps, beyond which point it grows unbounded.
     657             :  */
     658             : STATIC double
     659        1122 : sf_log_logistic(double x, double alpha, double beta)
     660             : {
     661             :   /*
     662             :    * The error analysis here is essentially the same as in
     663             :    * cdf_log_logistic, except that rather than levelling off at
     664             :    * 1, |(1 + d0)^beta - 1| grows unbounded.
     665             :    */
     666        1122 :   return 1/(1 + pow(x/alpha, beta));
     667             : }
     668             : 
     669             : /**
     670             :  * Compute the inverse of the CDF of the LogLogistic(alpha, beta)
     671             :  * distribution.  Ill-conditioned for p near 1 and beta near 0 with
     672             :  * condition number 1/[beta (1 - p)].
     673             :  */
     674             : STATIC double
     675         350 : icdf_log_logistic(double p, double alpha, double beta)
     676             : {
     677         350 :   return alpha*pow(p/(1 - p), 1/beta);
     678             : }
     679             : 
     680             : /**
     681             :  * Compute the inverse of the SF of the LogLogistic(alpha, beta)
     682             :  * distribution.  Ill-conditioned for p near 1 and for large beta, with
     683             :  * condition number -1/[beta (1 - p)].
     684             :  */
     685             : STATIC double
     686         346 : isf_log_logistic(double p, double alpha, double beta)
     687             : {
     688         346 :   return alpha*pow((1 - p)/p, 1/beta);
     689             : }
     690             : 
     691             : /*
     692             :  * Weibull(lambda, k) distribution, supported on (0, +infinity).
     693             :  *
     694             :  * pdf(x) = (k/lambda) (x/lambda)^{k - 1} e^{-(x/lambda)^k}
     695             :  * cdf(x) = 1 - e^{-(x/lambda)^k}
     696             :  * icdf(p) = lambda * (-log (1 - p))^{1/k}
     697             :  * sf(x) = e^{-(x/lambda)^k}
     698             :  * isf(p) = lambda * (-log p)^{1/k}
     699             :  */
     700             : 
     701             : /**
     702             :  * Compute the CDF of the Weibull(lambda, k) distribution.
     703             :  * Well-conditioned for small x and k, and for large lambda --
     704             :  * condition number
     705             :  *
     706             :  *      -k (x/lambda)^k exp(-(x/lambda)^k)/[exp(-(x/lambda)^k) - 1]
     707             :  *
     708             :  * grows linearly with k, x^k, and lambda^{-k}.
     709             :  */
     710             : STATIC double
     711         469 : cdf_weibull(double x, double lambda, double k)
     712             : {
     713         469 :   return -expm1(-pow(x/lambda, k));
     714             : }
     715             : 
     716             : /**
     717             :  * Compute the SF of the Weibull(lambda, k) distribution.
     718             :  * Well-conditioned for small x and k, and for large lambda --
     719             :  * condition number
     720             :  *
     721             :  *      -k (x/lambda)^k
     722             :  *
     723             :  * grows linearly with k, x^k, and lambda^{-k}.
     724             :  */
     725             : STATIC double
     726        1049 : sf_weibull(double x, double lambda, double k)
     727             : {
     728        1049 :   return exp(-pow(x/lambda, k));
     729             : }
     730             : 
     731             : /**
     732             :  * Compute the inverse of the CDF of the Weibull(lambda, k)
     733             :  * distribution.  Ill-conditioned for p near 1, and for k near 0;
     734             :  * condition number is
     735             :  *
     736             :  *      (p/(1 - p))/(k log(1 - p)).
     737             :  */
     738             : STATIC double
     739          52 : icdf_weibull(double p, double lambda, double k)
     740             : {
     741          52 :   return lambda*pow(-log1p(-p), 1/k);
     742             : }
     743             : 
     744             : /**
     745             :  * Compute the inverse of the SF of the Weibull(lambda, k)
     746             :  * distribution.  Ill-conditioned for p near 0, and for k near 0;
     747             :  * condition number is
     748             :  *
     749             :  *      1/(k log(p)).
     750             :  */
     751             : STATIC double
     752          65 : isf_weibull(double p, double lambda, double k)
     753             : {
     754          65 :   return lambda*pow(-log(p), 1/k);
     755             : }
     756             : 
     757             : /*
     758             :  * GeneralizedPareto(mu, sigma, xi), supported on (mu, +infinity) for
     759             :  * nonnegative xi, or (mu, mu - sigma/xi) for negative xi.
     760             :  *
     761             :  * Samples:
     762             :  * = mu - sigma log U, if xi = 0;
     763             :  * = mu + sigma (U^{-xi} - 1)/xi = mu + sigma*expm1(-xi log U)/xi, if xi =/= 0,
     764             :  * where U is uniform on (0,1].
     765             :  * = mu + sigma (e^{xi X} - 1)/xi,
     766             :  * where X has standard exponential distribution.
     767             :  *
     768             :  * pdf(x) = sigma^{-1} (1 + xi (x - mu)/sigma)^{-(1 + 1/xi)}
     769             :  * cdf(x) = 1 - (1 + xi (x - mu)/sigma)^{-1/xi}
     770             :  *        = 1 - e^{-log(1 + xi (x - mu)/sigma)/xi}
     771             :  *        --> 1 - e^{-(x - mu)/sigma}  as  xi --> 0
     772             :  * sf(x) = (1 + xi (x - mu)/sigma)^{-1/xi}
     773             :  *       --> e^{-(x - mu)/sigma}  as  xi --> 0
     774             :  * icdf(p) = mu + sigma*(p^{-xi} - 1)/xi
     775             :  *         = mu + sigma*expm1(-xi log p)/xi
     776             :  *         --> mu + sigma*log p  as  xi --> 0
     777             :  * isf(p) = mu + sigma*((1 - p)^{xi} - 1)/xi
     778             :  *        = mu + sigma*expm1(-xi log1p(-p))/xi
     779             :  *        --> mu + sigma*log1p(-p)  as  xi --> 0
     780             :  */
     781             : 
     782             : /**
     783             :  * Compute the CDF of the GeneralizedPareto(mu, sigma, xi)
     784             :  * distribution.  Well-conditioned everywhere.  For standard
     785             :  * distribution (mu=0, sigma=1), condition number
     786             :  *
     787             :  *      (x/(1 + x xi)) / ((1 + x xi)^{1/xi} - 1)
     788             :  *
     789             :  * is bounded by 1, attained only at x = 0.
     790             :  */
     791             : STATIC double
     792         379 : cdf_genpareto(double x, double mu, double sigma, double xi)
     793             : {
     794         379 :   double x_0 = (x - mu)/sigma;
     795             : 
     796             :   /*
     797             :    * log(1 + xi x_0)/xi
     798             :    * = (-1/xi) \sum_{n=1}^infinity (-xi x_0)^n/n
     799             :    * = (-1/xi) (-xi x_0 + \sum_{n=2}^infinity (-xi x_0)^n/n)
     800             :    * = x_0 - (1/xi) \sum_{n=2}^infinity (-xi x_0)^n/n
     801             :    * = x_0 - x_0 \sum_{n=2}^infinity (-xi x_0)^{n-1}/n
     802             :    * = x_0 (1 - d),
     803             :    *
     804             :    * where d = \sum_{n=2}^infinity (-xi x_0)^{n-1}/n.  If |xi| <
     805             :    * eps/4|x_0|, then
     806             :    *
     807             :    * |d| <= \sum_{n=2}^infinity (eps/4)^{n-1}/n
     808             :    *     <= \sum_{n=2}^infinity (eps/4)^{n-1}
     809             :    *      = \sum_{n=1}^infinity (eps/4)^n
     810             :    *      = (eps/4) \sum_{n=0}^infinity (eps/4)^n
     811             :    *      = (eps/4)/(1 - eps/4)
     812             :    *      < eps/2
     813             :    *
     814             :    * for any 0 < eps < 2.  Thus, the relative error of x_0 from
     815             :    * log(1 + xi x_0)/xi is bounded by eps.
     816             :    */
     817         379 :   if (fabs(xi) < 1e-17/x_0)
     818         153 :     return -expm1(-x_0);
     819             :   else
     820         226 :     return -expm1(-log1p(xi*x_0)/xi);
     821             : }
     822             : 
     823             : /**
     824             :  * Compute the SF of the GeneralizedPareto(mu, sigma, xi) distribution.
     825             :  * For standard distribution (mu=0, sigma=1), ill-conditioned for xi
     826             :  * near 0; condition number
     827             :  *
     828             :  *      -x (1 + x xi)^{(-1 - xi)/xi}/(1 + x xi)^{-1/xi}
     829             :  *      = -x (1 + x xi)^{-1/xi - 1}/(1 + x xi)^{-1/xi}
     830             :  *      = -(x/(1 + x xi)) (1 + x xi)^{-1/xi}/(1 + x xi)^{-1/xi}
     831             :  *      = -x/(1 + x xi)
     832             :  *
     833             :  * is bounded by 1/xi.
     834             :  */
     835             : STATIC double
     836        1343 : sf_genpareto(double x, double mu, double sigma, double xi)
     837             : {
     838        1343 :   double x_0 = (x - mu)/sigma;
     839             : 
     840        1343 :   if (fabs(xi) < 1e-17/x_0)
     841         573 :     return exp(-x_0);
     842             :   else
     843         770 :     return exp(-log1p(xi*x_0)/xi);
     844             : }
     845             : 
     846             : /**
     847             :  * Compute the inverse of the CDF of the GeneralizedPareto(mu, sigma,
     848             :  * xi) distribution.  Ill-conditioned for p near 1; condition number is
     849             :  *
     850             :  *      xi (p/(1 - p))/(1 - (1 - p)^xi)
     851             :  */
     852             : STATIC double
     853        1542 : icdf_genpareto(double p, double mu, double sigma, double xi)
     854             : {
     855             :   /*
     856             :    * To compute f(xi) = (U^{-xi} - 1)/xi = (e^{-xi log U} - 1)/xi
     857             :    * for xi near zero (note f(xi) --> -log U as xi --> 0), write
     858             :    * the absolutely convergent Taylor expansion
     859             :    *
     860             :    * f(xi) = (1/xi)*(-xi log U + \sum_{n=2}^infinity (-xi log U)^n/n!
     861             :    *       = -log U + (1/xi)*\sum_{n=2}^infinity (-xi log U)^n/n!
     862             :    *       = -log U + \sum_{n=2}^infinity xi^{n-1} (-log U)^n/n!
     863             :    *       = -log U - log U \sum_{n=2}^infinity (-xi log U)^{n-1}/n!
     864             :    *       = -log U (1 + \sum_{n=2}^infinity (-xi log U)^{n-1}/n!).
     865             :    *
     866             :    * Let d = \sum_{n=2}^infinity (-xi log U)^{n-1}/n!.  What do we
     867             :    * lose if we discard it and use -log U as an approximation to
     868             :    * f(xi)?  If |xi| < eps/-4log U, then
     869             :    *
     870             :    * |d| <= \sum_{n=2}^infinity |xi log U|^{n-1}/n!
     871             :    *     <= \sum_{n=2}^infinity (eps/4)^{n-1}/n!
     872             :    *     <= \sum_{n=1}^infinity (eps/4)^n
     873             :    *      = (eps/4) \sum_{n=0}^infinity (eps/4)^n
     874             :    *      = (eps/4)/(1 - eps/4)
     875             :    *      < eps/2,
     876             :    *
     877             :    * for any 0 < eps < 2.  Hence, as long as |xi| < eps/-2log U,
     878             :    * f(xi) = -log U (1 + d) for |d| <= eps/2.  |d| is the
     879             :    * relative error of f(xi) from -log U; from this bound, the
     880             :    * relative error of -log U from f(xi) is at most (eps/2)/(1 -
     881             :    * eps/2) = eps/2 + (eps/2)^2 + (eps/2)^3 + ... < eps for 0 <
     882             :    * eps < 1.  Since -log U < 1000 for all U in (0, 1] in
     883             :    * binary64 floating-point, we can safely cut xi off at 1e-20 <
     884             :    * eps/4000 and attain <1ulp error from series truncation.
     885             :    */
     886        1542 :   if (fabs(xi) <= 1e-20)
     887         636 :     return mu - sigma*log1p(-p);
     888             :   else
     889         906 :     return mu + sigma*expm1(-xi*log1p(-p))/xi;
     890             : }
     891             : 
     892             : /**
     893             :  * Compute the inverse of the SF of the GeneralizedPareto(mu, sigma,
     894             :  * xi) distribution.  Ill-conditioned for p near 1; condition number is
     895             :  *
     896             :  *      -xi/(1 - p^{-xi})
     897             :  */
     898             : STATIC double
     899        1469 : isf_genpareto(double p, double mu, double sigma, double xi)
     900             : {
     901        1469 :   if (fabs(xi) <= 1e-20)
     902         621 :     return mu - sigma*log(p);
     903             :   else
     904         848 :     return mu + sigma*expm1(-xi*log(p))/xi;
     905             : }
     906             : 
     907             : /*******************************************************************/
     908             : 
     909             : /**
     910             :  * Deterministic samplers, parametrized by uniform integer and (0,1]
     911             :  * samples.  No guarantees are made about _which_ mapping from the
     912             :  * integer and (0,1] samples these use; all that is guaranteed is the
     913             :  * distribution of the outputs conditioned on a uniform distribution on
     914             :  * the inputs.  The automatic tests in test_prob_distr.c double-check
     915             :  * the particular mappings we use.
     916             :  *
     917             :  * Beware: Unlike random_uniform_01(), these are not guaranteed to be
     918             :  * supported on all possible outputs.  See Ilya Mironov, `On the
     919             :  * Significance of the Least Significant Bits for Differential
     920             :  * Privacy', for an example of what can go wrong if you try to use
     921             :  * these to conceal information from an adversary but you expose the
     922             :  * specific full-precision floating-point values.
     923             :  *
     924             :  * Note: None of these samplers use rejection sampling; they are all
     925             :  * essentially inverse-CDF transforms with tweaks.  If you were to add,
     926             :  * say, a Gamma sampler with the Marsaglia-Tsang method, you would have
     927             :  * to parametrize it by a potentially infinite stream of uniform (and
     928             :  * perhaps normal) samples rather than a fixed number, which doesn't
     929             :  * make for quite as nice automatic testing as for these.
     930             :  */
     931             : 
     932             : /**
     933             :  * Deterministically sample from the interval [a, b], indexed by a
     934             :  * uniform random floating-point number p0 in (0, 1].
     935             :  *
     936             :  * Note that even if p0 is nonzero, the result may be equal to a, if
     937             :  * ulp(a)/2 is nonnegligible, e.g. if a = 1.  For maximum resolution,
     938             :  * arrange |a| <= |b|.
     939             :  */
     940             : STATIC double
     941      600178 : sample_uniform_interval(double p0, double a, double b)
     942             : {
     943             :   /*
     944             :    * XXX Prove that the distribution is, in fact, uniform on
     945             :    * [a,b], particularly around p0 = 1, or at least has very
     946             :    * small deviation from uniform, quantified appropriately
     947             :    * (e.g., like in Monahan 1984, or by KL divergence).  It
     948             :    * almost certainly does but it would be nice to quantify the
     949             :    * error.
     950             :    */
     951      600178 :   if ((a <= 0 && 0 <= b) || (b <= 0 && 0 <= a)) {
     952             :     /*
     953             :      * When ab < 0, (1 - t) a + t b is monotonic, since for
     954             :      * a <= b it is a sum of nondecreasing functions of t,
     955             :      * and for b <= a, of nonincreasing functions of t.
     956             :      * Further, clearly at 0 and 1 it attains a and b,
     957             :      * respectively.  Hence it is bounded within [a, b].
     958             :      */
     959      300140 :     return (1 - p0)*a + p0*b;
     960             :   } else {
     961             :     /*
     962             :      * a + (b - a) t is monotonic -- it is obviously a
     963             :      * nondecreasing function of t for a <= b.  Further, it
     964             :      * attains a at 0, and while it may overshoot b at 1,
     965             :      * we have a
     966             :      *
     967             :      * Theorem.  If 0 <= t < 1, then the floating-point
     968             :      * evaluation of a + (b - a) t is bounded in [a, b].
     969             :      *
     970             :      * Lemma 1.  If 0 <= t < 1 is a floating-point number,
     971             :      * then for any normal floating-point number x except
     972             :      * the smallest in magnitude, |round(x*t)| < |x|.
     973             :      *
     974             :      * Proof.  WLOG, assume x >= 0.  Since the rounding
     975             :      * function and t |---> x*t are nondecreasing, their
     976             :      * composition t |---> round(x*t) is also
     977             :      * nondecreasing, so it suffices to consider the
     978             :      * largest floating-point number below 1, in particular
     979             :      * t = 1 - ulp(1)/2.
     980             :      *
     981             :      * Case I: If x is a power of two, then the next
     982             :      * floating-point number below x is x - ulp(x)/2 = x -
     983             :      * x*ulp(1)/2 = x*(1 - ulp(1)/2) = x*t, so, since x*t
     984             :      * is a floating-point number, multiplication is exact,
     985             :      * and thus round(x*t) = x*t < x.
     986             :      *
     987             :      * Case II: If x is not a power of two, then the
     988             :      * greatest lower bound of real numbers rounded to x is
     989             :      * x - ulp(x)/2 = x - ulp(T(x))/2 = x - T(x)*ulp(1)/2,
     990             :      * where T(X) is the largest power of two below x.
     991             :      * Anything below this bound is rounded to a
     992             :      * floating-point number smaller than x, and x*t = x*(1
     993             :      * - ulp(1)/2) = x - x*ulp(1)/2 < x - T(x)*ulp(1)/2
     994             :      * since T(x) < x, so round(x*t) < x*t < x.  QED.
     995             :      *
     996             :      * Lemma 2.  If x and y are subnormal, then round(x +
     997             :      * y) = x + y.
     998             :      *
     999             :      * Proof.  It is a matter of adding the significands,
    1000             :      * since if we treat subnormals as having an implicit
    1001             :      * zero bit before the `binary' point, their exponents
    1002             :      * are all the same.  There is at most one carry/borrow
    1003             :      * bit, which can always be accommodated either in a
    1004             :      * subnormal, or, at largest, in the implicit one bit
    1005             :      * of a normal.
    1006             :      *
    1007             :      * Lemma 3.  Let x and y be floating-point numbers.  If
    1008             :      * round(x - y) is subnormal or zero, then it is equal
    1009             :      * to x - y.
    1010             :      *
    1011             :      * Proof.  Case I (equal): round(x - y) = 0 iff x = y;
    1012             :      * hence if round(x - y) = 0, then round(x - y) = 0 = x
    1013             :      * - y.
    1014             :      *
    1015             :      * Case II (subnormal/subnormal): If x and y are both
    1016             :      * subnormal, this follows directly from Lemma 2.
    1017             :      *
    1018             :      * Case IIIa (normal/subnormal): If x is normal and y
    1019             :      * is subnormal, then x and y must share sign, or else
    1020             :      * x - y would be larger than x and thus rounded to
    1021             :      * normal.  If s is the smallest normal positive
    1022             :      * floating-point number, |x| < 2s since by
    1023             :      * construction 2s - |y| is normal for all subnormal y.
    1024             :      * This means that x and y must have the same exponent,
    1025             :      * so the difference is the difference of significands,
    1026             :      * which is exact.
    1027             :      *
    1028             :      * Case IIIb (subnormal/normal): Same as case IIIa for
    1029             :      * -(y - x).
    1030             :      *
    1031             :      * Case IV (normal/normal): If x and y are both normal,
    1032             :      * then they must share sign, or else x - y would be
    1033             :      * larger than x and thus rounded to normal.  Note that
    1034             :      * |y| < 2|x|, for if |y| >= 2|x|, then |x| - |y| <=
    1035             :      * -|x| but -|x| is normal like x.  Also, |x|/2 < |y|:
    1036             :      * if |x|/2 is subnormal, it must hold because y is
    1037             :      * normal; if |x|/2 is normal, then |x|/2 >= s, so
    1038             :      * since |x| - |y| < s,
    1039             :      *
    1040             :      *  |x|/2 = |x| - |x|/2 <= |x| - s <= |y|;
    1041             :      *
    1042             :      * that is, |x|/2 < |y| < 2|x|, so by the Sterbenz
    1043             :      * lemma, round(x - y) = x - y.  QED.
    1044             :      *
    1045             :      * Proof of theorem.  WLOG, assume 0 <= a <= b.  Since
    1046             :      * round(a + round(round(b - a)*t) is nondecreasing in
    1047             :      * t and attains a at 0, the lower end of the bound is
    1048             :      * trivial; we must show the upper end of the bound
    1049             :      * strictly.  It suffices to show this for the largest
    1050             :      * floating-point number below 1, namely 1 - ulp(1)/2.
    1051             :      *
    1052             :      * Case I: round(b - a) is normal.  Then it is at most
    1053             :      * the smallest floating-point number above b - a.  By
    1054             :      * Lemma 1, round(round(b - a)*t) < round(b - a).
    1055             :      * Since the inequality is strict, and since
    1056             :      * round(round(b - a)*t) is a floating-point number
    1057             :      * below round(b - a), and since there are no
    1058             :      * floating-point numbers between b - a and round(b -
    1059             :      * a), we must have round(round(b - a)*t) < b - a.
    1060             :      * Then since y |---> round(a + y) is nondecreasing, we
    1061             :      * must have
    1062             :      *
    1063             :      *  round(a + round(round(b - a)*t))
    1064             :      *  <= round(a + (b - a))
    1065             :      *   = round(b) = b.
    1066             :      *
    1067             :      * Case II: round(b - a) is subnormal.  In this case,
    1068             :      * Lemma 1 falls apart -- we are not guaranteed the
    1069             :      * strict inequality.  However, by Lemma 3, the
    1070             :      * difference is exact: round(b - a) = b - a.  Thus,
    1071             :      *
    1072             :      *  round(a + round(round(b - a)*t))
    1073             :      *  <= round(a + round((b - a)*t))
    1074             :      *  <= round(a + (b - a))
    1075             :      *   = round(b)
    1076             :      *   = b,
    1077             :      *
    1078             :      * QED.
    1079             :      */
    1080             : 
    1081             :     /* p0 is restricted to [0,1], but we use >= to silence -Wfloat-equal.  */
    1082      300038 :     if (p0 >= 1)
    1083             :       return b;
    1084      300030 :     return a + (b - a)*p0;
    1085             :   }
    1086             : }
    1087             : 
    1088             : /**
    1089             :  * Deterministically sample from the standard logistic distribution,
    1090             :  * indexed by a uniform random 32-bit integer s and uniform random
    1091             :  * floating-point numbers t and p0 in (0, 1].
    1092             :  */
    1093             : STATIC double
    1094      400908 : sample_logistic(uint32_t s, double t, double p0)
    1095             : {
    1096      400908 :   double sign = (s & 1) ? -1 : +1;
    1097      400908 :   double r;
    1098             : 
    1099             :   /*
    1100             :    * We carve up the interval (0, 1) into subregions to compute
    1101             :    * the inverse CDF precisely:
    1102             :    *
    1103             :    * A = (0, 1/(1 + e)] ---> (-infinity, -1]
    1104             :    * B = [1/(1 + e), 1/2] ---> [-1, 0]
    1105             :    * C = [1/2, 1 - 1/(1 + e)] ---> [0, 1]
    1106             :    * D = [1 - 1/(1 + e), 1) ---> [1, +infinity)
    1107             :    *
    1108             :    * Cases D and C are mirror images of cases A and B,
    1109             :    * respectively, so we choose between them by the sign chosen
    1110             :    * by a fair coin toss.  We choose between cases A and B by a
    1111             :    * coin toss weighted by
    1112             :    *
    1113             :    *    2/(1 + e) = 1 - [1/2 - 1/(1 + e)]/(1/2):
    1114             :    *
    1115             :    * if it comes up heads, scale p0 into a uniform (0, 1/(1 + e)]
    1116             :    * sample p; if it comes up tails, scale p0 into a uniform (0,
    1117             :    * 1/2 - 1/(1 + e)] sample and compute the inverse CDF of p =
    1118             :    * 1/2 - p0.
    1119             :    */
    1120      400908 :   if (t <= 2/(1 + exp(1))) {
    1121             :     /* p uniform in (0, 1/(1 + e)], represented by p.  */
    1122      215312 :     p0 /= 1 + exp(1);
    1123      215312 :     r = logit(p0);
    1124             :   } else {
    1125             :     /*
    1126             :      * p uniform in [1/(1 + e), 1/2), actually represented
    1127             :      * by p0 = 1/2 - p uniform in (0, 1/2 - 1/(1 + e)], so
    1128             :      * that p = 1/2 - p.
    1129             :      */
    1130      185596 :     p0 *= 0.5 - 1/(1 + exp(1));
    1131      185596 :     r = logithalf(p0);
    1132             :   }
    1133             : 
    1134             :   /*
    1135             :    * We have chosen from the negative half of the standard
    1136             :    * logistic distribution, which is symmetric with the positive
    1137             :    * half.  Now use the sign to choose uniformly between them.
    1138             :    */
    1139      400908 :   return sign*r;
    1140             : }
    1141             : 
    1142             : /**
    1143             :  * Deterministically sample from the logistic distribution scaled by
    1144             :  * sigma and translated by mu.
    1145             :  */
    1146             : static double
    1147      400100 : sample_logistic_locscale(uint32_t s, double t, double p0, double mu,
    1148             :     double sigma)
    1149             : {
    1150             : 
    1151      400100 :   return mu + sigma*sample_logistic(s, t, p0);
    1152             : }
    1153             : 
    1154             : /**
    1155             :  * Deterministically sample from the standard log-logistic
    1156             :  * distribution, indexed by a uniform random 32-bit integer s and a
    1157             :  * uniform random floating-point number p0 in (0, 1].
    1158             :  */
    1159             : STATIC double
    1160      400504 : sample_log_logistic(uint32_t s, double p0)
    1161             : {
    1162             : 
    1163             :   /*
    1164             :    * Carve up the interval (0, 1) into (0, 1/2] and [1/2, 1); the
    1165             :    * condition numbers of the icdf and the isf coincide at 1/2.
    1166             :    */
    1167      400504 :   p0 *= 0.5;
    1168      400504 :   if ((s & 1) == 0) {
    1169             :     /* p = p0 in (0, 1/2] */
    1170      200463 :     return p0/(1 - p0);
    1171             :   } else {
    1172             :     /* p = 1 - p0 in [1/2, 1) */
    1173      200041 :     return (1 - p0)/p0;
    1174             :   }
    1175             : }
    1176             : 
    1177             : /**
    1178             :  * Deterministically sample from the log-logistic distribution with
    1179             :  * scale alpha and shape beta.
    1180             :  */
    1181             : static double
    1182      400100 : sample_log_logistic_scaleshape(uint32_t s, double p0, double alpha,
    1183             :     double beta)
    1184             : {
    1185      400100 :   double x = sample_log_logistic(s, p0);
    1186             : 
    1187      400100 :   return alpha*pow(x, 1/beta);
    1188             : }
    1189             : 
    1190             : /**
    1191             :  * Deterministically sample from the standard exponential distribution,
    1192             :  * indexed by a uniform random 32-bit integer s and a uniform random
    1193             :  * floating-point number p0 in (0, 1].
    1194             :  */
    1195             : static double
    1196     1606360 : sample_exponential(uint32_t s, double p0)
    1197             : {
    1198             :   /*
    1199             :    * We would like to evaluate log(p) for p near 0, and log1p(-p)
    1200             :    * for p near 1.  Simply carve the interval into (0, 1/2] and
    1201             :    * [1/2, 1) by a fair coin toss.
    1202             :    */
    1203     1606360 :   p0 *= 0.5;
    1204     1606360 :   if ((s & 1) == 0)
    1205             :     /* p = p0 in (0, 1/2] */
    1206      803352 :     return -log(p0);
    1207             :   else
    1208             :     /* p = 1 - p0 in [1/2, 1) */
    1209      803008 :     return -log1p(-p0);
    1210             : }
    1211             : 
    1212             : /**
    1213             :  * Deterministically sample from a Weibull distribution with scale
    1214             :  * lambda and shape k -- just an exponential with a shape parameter in
    1215             :  * addition to a scale parameter.  (Yes, lambda really is the scale,
    1216             :  * _not_ the rate.)
    1217             :  */
    1218             : STATIC double
    1219      500504 : sample_weibull(uint32_t s, double p0, double lambda, double k)
    1220             : {
    1221             : 
    1222      500504 :   return lambda*pow(sample_exponential(s, p0), 1/k);
    1223             : }
    1224             : 
    1225             : /**
    1226             :  * Deterministically sample from the generalized Pareto distribution
    1227             :  * with shape xi, indexed by a uniform random 32-bit integer s and a
    1228             :  * uniform random floating-point number p0 in (0, 1].
    1229             :  */
    1230             : STATIC double
    1231      705756 : sample_genpareto(uint32_t s, double p0, double xi)
    1232             : {
    1233      705756 :   double x = sample_exponential(s, p0);
    1234             : 
    1235             :   /*
    1236             :    * Write f(xi) = (e^{xi x} - 1)/xi for xi near zero as the
    1237             :    * absolutely convergent Taylor series
    1238             :    *
    1239             :    * f(x) = (1/xi) (xi x + \sum_{n=2}^infinity (xi x)^n/n!)
    1240             :    *      = x + (1/xi) \sum_{n=2}^infinity (xi x)^n/n!
    1241             :    *      = x + \sum_{n=2}^infinity xi^{n-1} x^n/n!
    1242             :    *      = x + x \sum_{n=2}^infinity (xi x)^{n-1}/n!
    1243             :    *      = x (1 + \sum_{n=2}^infinity (xi x)^{n-1}/n!).
    1244             :    *
    1245             :    * d = \sum_{n=2}^infinity (xi x)^{n-1}/n! is the relative error
    1246             :    * of f(x) from x.  If |xi| < eps/4x, then
    1247             :    *
    1248             :    * |d| <= \sum_{n=2}^infinity |xi x|^{n-1}/n!
    1249             :    *     <= \sum_{n=2}^infinity (eps/4)^{n-1}/n!
    1250             :    *     <= \sum_{n=1}^infinity (eps/4)
    1251             :    *      = (eps/4) \sum_{n=0}^infinity (eps/4)^n
    1252             :    *      = (eps/4)/(1 - eps/4)
    1253             :    *      < eps/2,
    1254             :    *
    1255             :    * for any 0 < eps < 2.  Hence, as long as |xi| < eps/2x, f(xi)
    1256             :    * = x (1 + d) for |d| <= eps/2, so x = f(xi) (1 + d') for |d'|
    1257             :    * <= eps.  What bound should we use for x?
    1258             :    *
    1259             :    * - If x is exponentially distributed, x > 200 with
    1260             :    *   probability below e^{-200} << 2^{-256}, i.e. never.
    1261             :    *
    1262             :    * - If x is computed by -log(U) for U in (0, 1], x is
    1263             :    *   guaranteed to be below 1000 in IEEE 754 binary64
    1264             :    *   floating-point.
    1265             :    *
    1266             :    * We can safely cut xi off at 1e-20 < eps/4000 and attain an
    1267             :    * error bounded by 0.5 ulp for this expression.
    1268             :    */
    1269      705756 :   return (fabs(xi) < 1e-20 ? x : expm1(xi*x)/xi);
    1270             : }
    1271             : 
    1272             : /**
    1273             :  * Deterministically sample from a generalized Pareto distribution with
    1274             :  * shape xi, scaled by sigma and translated by mu.
    1275             :  */
    1276             : static double
    1277      700100 : sample_genpareto_locscale(uint32_t s, double p0, double mu, double sigma,
    1278             :     double xi)
    1279             : {
    1280             : 
    1281      700100 :   return mu + sigma*sample_genpareto(s, p0, xi);
    1282             : }
    1283             : 
    1284             : /**
    1285             :  * Deterministically sample from the geometric distribution with
    1286             :  * per-trial success probability p.
    1287             :  **/
    1288             : // clang-format off
    1289             : /*
    1290             :  * XXX Quantify the error (KL divergence?) of this
    1291             :  * ceiling-of-exponential sampler from a true geometric distribution,
    1292             :  * which we could get by rejection sampling.  Relevant papers:
    1293             :  *
    1294             :  *      John F. Monahan, `Accuracy in Random Number Generation',
    1295             :  *      Mathematics of Computation 45(172), October 1984, pp. 559--568.
    1296             :
    1297             :  *      Karl Bringmann and Tobias Friedrich, `Exact and Efficient
    1298             :  *      Generation of Geometric Random Variates and Random Graphs', in
    1299             :  *      Proceedings of the 40th International Colloaquium on Automata,
    1300             :  *      Languages, and Programming -- ICALP 2013, Springer LNCS 7965,
    1301             :  *      pp.267--278.
    1302             :  *
    1303             :  *
    1304             :  */
    1305             : // clang-format on
    1306             : static double
    1307      400100 : sample_geometric(uint32_t s, double p0, double p)
    1308             : {
    1309      400100 :   double x = sample_exponential(s, p0);
    1310             : 
    1311             :   /* This is actually a check against 1, but we do >= so that the compiler
    1312             :      does not raise a -Wfloat-equal */
    1313      400100 :   if (p >= 1)
    1314             :     return 1;
    1315             : 
    1316      300100 :   return ceil(-x/log1p(-p));
    1317             : }
    1318             : 
    1319             : /*******************************************************************/
    1320             : 
    1321             : /** Public API for probability distributions:
    1322             :  *
    1323             :  *  These are wrapper functions on top of the various probability distribution
    1324             :  *  operations using the generic <b>dist</b> structure.
    1325             : 
    1326             :  *  These are the functions that should be used by consumers of this API.
    1327             :  */
    1328             : 
    1329             : /** Returns the name of the distribution in <b>dist</b>. */
    1330             : const char *
    1331           0 : dist_name(const struct dist_t *dist)
    1332             : {
    1333           0 :   return dist->ops->name;
    1334             : }
    1335             : 
    1336             : /* Sample a value from <b>dist</b> and return it. */
    1337             : double
    1338     3000614 : dist_sample(const struct dist_t *dist)
    1339             : {
    1340     3000614 :   return dist->ops->sample(dist);
    1341             : }
    1342             : 
    1343             : /** Compute the CDF of <b>dist</b> at <b>x</b>. */
    1344             : double
    1345        1448 : dist_cdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1346             : {
    1347        1448 :   return dist->ops->cdf(dist, x);
    1348             : }
    1349             : 
    1350             : /** Compute the SF (Survival function) of <b>dist</b> at <b>x</b>. */
    1351             : double
    1352        3700 : dist_sf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1353             : {
    1354        3700 :   return dist->ops->sf(dist, x);
    1355             : }
    1356             : 
    1357             : /** Compute the iCDF (Inverse CDF) of <b>dist</b> at <b>x</b>. */
    1358             : double
    1359          52 : dist_icdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1360             : {
    1361          52 :   return dist->ops->icdf(dist, p);
    1362             : }
    1363             : 
    1364             : /** Compute the iSF (Inverse Survival function) of <b>dist</b> at <b>x</b>. */
    1365             : double
    1366          26 : dist_isf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1367             : {
    1368          26 :   return dist->ops->isf(dist, p);
    1369             : }
    1370             : 
    1371             : /** Functions for uniform distribution */
    1372             : 
    1373             : static double
    1374      600114 : uniform_sample(const struct dist_t *dist)
    1375             : {
    1376      600114 :   const struct uniform_t *U = dist_to_const_uniform(dist);
    1377      600114 :   double p0 = random_uniform_01();
    1378             : 
    1379      600114 :   return sample_uniform_interval(p0, U->a, U->b);
    1380             : }
    1381             : 
    1382             : static double
    1383         584 : uniform_cdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1384             : {
    1385         584 :   const struct uniform_t *U = dist_to_const_uniform(dist);
    1386         584 :   if (x < U->a)
    1387             :     return 0;
    1388         584 :   else if (x < U->b)
    1389         584 :     return (x - U->a)/(U->b - U->a);
    1390             :   else
    1391             :     return 1;
    1392             : }
    1393             : 
    1394             : static double
    1395         604 : uniform_sf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1396             : {
    1397         604 :   const struct uniform_t *U = dist_to_const_uniform(dist);
    1398             : 
    1399         604 :   if (x > U->b)
    1400             :     return 0;
    1401         604 :   else if (x > U->a)
    1402         604 :     return (U->b - x)/(U->b - U->a);
    1403             :   else
    1404             :     return 1;
    1405             : }
    1406             : 
    1407             : static double
    1408          12 : uniform_icdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1409             : {
    1410          12 :   const struct uniform_t *U = dist_to_const_uniform(dist);
    1411          12 :   double w = U->b - U->a;
    1412             : 
    1413          12 :   return (p < 0.5 ? (U->a + w*p) : (U->b - w*(1 - p)));
    1414             : }
    1415             : 
    1416             : static double
    1417           6 : uniform_isf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1418             : {
    1419           6 :   const struct uniform_t *U = dist_to_const_uniform(dist);
    1420           6 :   double w = U->b - U->a;
    1421             : 
    1422           6 :   return (p < 0.5 ? (U->b - w*p) : (U->a + w*(1 - p)));
    1423             : }
    1424             : 
    1425             : const struct dist_ops_t uniform_ops = {
    1426             :   .name = "uniform",
    1427             :   .sample = uniform_sample,
    1428             :   .cdf = uniform_cdf,
    1429             :   .sf = uniform_sf,
    1430             :   .icdf = uniform_icdf,
    1431             :   .isf = uniform_isf,
    1432             : };
    1433             : 
    1434             : /*******************************************************************/
    1435             : 
    1436             : /** Private functions for each probability distribution. */
    1437             : 
    1438             : /** Functions for logistic distribution: */
    1439             : 
    1440             : static double
    1441      400100 : logistic_sample(const struct dist_t *dist)
    1442             : {
    1443      400100 :   const struct logistic_t *L = dist_to_const_logistic(dist);
    1444      400100 :   uint32_t s = crypto_fast_rng_get_u32(get_thread_fast_rng());
    1445      400100 :   double t = random_uniform_01();
    1446      400100 :   double p0 = random_uniform_01();
    1447             : 
    1448      400100 :   return sample_logistic_locscale(s, t, p0, L->mu, L->sigma);
    1449             : }
    1450             : 
    1451             : static double
    1452         388 : logistic_cdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1453             : {
    1454         388 :   const struct logistic_t *L = dist_to_const_logistic(dist);
    1455         388 :   return cdf_logistic(x, L->mu, L->sigma);
    1456             : }
    1457             : 
    1458             : static double
    1459         404 : logistic_sf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1460             : {
    1461         404 :   const struct logistic_t *L = dist_to_const_logistic(dist);
    1462         404 :   return sf_logistic(x, L->mu, L->sigma);
    1463             : }
    1464             : 
    1465             : static double
    1466           8 : logistic_icdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1467             : {
    1468           8 :   const struct logistic_t *L = dist_to_const_logistic(dist);
    1469           8 :   return icdf_logistic(p, L->mu, L->sigma);
    1470             : }
    1471             : 
    1472             : static double
    1473           4 : logistic_isf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1474             : {
    1475           4 :   const struct logistic_t *L = dist_to_const_logistic(dist);
    1476           4 :   return isf_logistic(p, L->mu, L->sigma);
    1477             : }
    1478             : 
    1479             : const struct dist_ops_t logistic_ops = {
    1480             :   .name = "logistic",
    1481             :   .sample = logistic_sample,
    1482             :   .cdf = logistic_cdf,
    1483             :   .sf = logistic_sf,
    1484             :   .icdf = logistic_icdf,
    1485             :   .isf = logistic_isf,
    1486             : };
    1487             : 
    1488             : /** Functions for log-logistic distribution: */
    1489             : 
    1490             : static double
    1491      400100 : log_logistic_sample(const struct dist_t *dist)
    1492             : {
    1493      400100 :   const struct log_logistic_t *LL = dist_to_const_log_logistic(dist);
    1494      400100 :   uint32_t s = crypto_fast_rng_get_u32(get_thread_fast_rng());
    1495      400100 :   double p0 = random_uniform_01();
    1496             : 
    1497      400100 :   return sample_log_logistic_scaleshape(s, p0, LL->alpha, LL->beta);
    1498             : }
    1499             : 
    1500             : static double
    1501          78 : log_logistic_cdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1502             : {
    1503          78 :   const struct log_logistic_t *LL = dist_to_const_log_logistic(dist);
    1504          78 :   return cdf_log_logistic(x, LL->alpha, LL->beta);
    1505             : }
    1506             : 
    1507             : static double
    1508         714 : log_logistic_sf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1509             : {
    1510         714 :   const struct log_logistic_t *LL = dist_to_const_log_logistic(dist);
    1511         714 :   return sf_log_logistic(x, LL->alpha, LL->beta);
    1512             : }
    1513             : 
    1514             : static double
    1515           8 : log_logistic_icdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1516             : {
    1517           8 :   const struct log_logistic_t *LL = dist_to_const_log_logistic(dist);
    1518           8 :   return icdf_log_logistic(p, LL->alpha, LL->beta);
    1519             : }
    1520             : 
    1521             : static double
    1522           4 : log_logistic_isf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1523             : {
    1524           4 :   const struct log_logistic_t *LL = dist_to_const_log_logistic(dist);
    1525           4 :   return isf_log_logistic(p, LL->alpha, LL->beta);
    1526             : }
    1527             : 
    1528             : const struct dist_ops_t log_logistic_ops = {
    1529             :   .name = "log logistic",
    1530             :   .sample = log_logistic_sample,
    1531             :   .cdf = log_logistic_cdf,
    1532             :   .sf = log_logistic_sf,
    1533             :   .icdf = log_logistic_icdf,
    1534             :   .isf = log_logistic_isf,
    1535             : };
    1536             : 
    1537             : /** Functions for Weibull distribution */
    1538             : 
    1539             : static double
    1540      500100 : weibull_sample(const struct dist_t *dist)
    1541             : {
    1542      500100 :   const struct weibull_t *W = dist_to_const_weibull(dist);
    1543      500100 :   uint32_t s = crypto_fast_rng_get_u32(get_thread_fast_rng());
    1544      500100 :   double p0 = random_uniform_01();
    1545             : 
    1546      500100 :   return sample_weibull(s, p0, W->lambda, W->k);
    1547             : }
    1548             : 
    1549             : static double
    1550         187 : weibull_cdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1551             : {
    1552         187 :   const struct weibull_t *W = dist_to_const_weibull(dist);
    1553         187 :   return cdf_weibull(x, W->lambda, W->k);
    1554             : }
    1555             : 
    1556             : static double
    1557         803 : weibull_sf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1558             : {
    1559         803 :   const struct weibull_t *W = dist_to_const_weibull(dist);
    1560         803 :   return sf_weibull(x, W->lambda, W->k);
    1561             : }
    1562             : 
    1563             : static double
    1564          10 : weibull_icdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1565             : {
    1566          10 :   const struct weibull_t *W = dist_to_const_weibull(dist);
    1567          10 :   return icdf_weibull(p, W->lambda, W->k);
    1568             : }
    1569             : 
    1570             : static double
    1571           5 : weibull_isf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1572             : {
    1573           5 :   const struct weibull_t *W = dist_to_const_weibull(dist);
    1574           5 :   return isf_weibull(p, W->lambda, W->k);
    1575             : }
    1576             : 
    1577             : const struct dist_ops_t weibull_ops = {
    1578             :   .name = "Weibull",
    1579             :   .sample = weibull_sample,
    1580             :   .cdf = weibull_cdf,
    1581             :   .sf = weibull_sf,
    1582             :   .icdf = weibull_icdf,
    1583             :   .isf = weibull_isf,
    1584             : };
    1585             : 
    1586             : /** Functions for generalized Pareto distributions */
    1587             : 
    1588             : static double
    1589      700100 : genpareto_sample(const struct dist_t *dist)
    1590             : {
    1591      700100 :   const struct genpareto_t *GP = dist_to_const_genpareto(dist);
    1592      700100 :   uint32_t s = crypto_fast_rng_get_u32(get_thread_fast_rng());
    1593      700100 :   double p0 = random_uniform_01();
    1594             : 
    1595      700100 :   return sample_genpareto_locscale(s, p0, GP->mu, GP->sigma, GP->xi);
    1596             : }
    1597             : 
    1598             : static double
    1599         211 : genpareto_cdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1600             : {
    1601         211 :   const struct genpareto_t *GP = dist_to_const_genpareto(dist);
    1602         211 :   return cdf_genpareto(x, GP->mu, GP->sigma, GP->xi);
    1603             : }
    1604             : 
    1605             : static double
    1606        1175 : genpareto_sf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1607             : {
    1608        1175 :   const struct genpareto_t *GP = dist_to_const_genpareto(dist);
    1609        1175 :   return sf_genpareto(x, GP->mu, GP->sigma, GP->xi);
    1610             : }
    1611             : 
    1612             : static double
    1613          14 : genpareto_icdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1614             : {
    1615          14 :   const struct genpareto_t *GP = dist_to_const_genpareto(dist);
    1616          14 :   return icdf_genpareto(p, GP->mu, GP->sigma, GP->xi);
    1617             : }
    1618             : 
    1619             : static double
    1620           7 : genpareto_isf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1621             : {
    1622           7 :   const struct genpareto_t *GP = dist_to_const_genpareto(dist);
    1623           7 :   return isf_genpareto(p, GP->mu, GP->sigma, GP->xi);
    1624             : }
    1625             : 
    1626             : const struct dist_ops_t genpareto_ops = {
    1627             :   .name = "generalized Pareto",
    1628             :   .sample = genpareto_sample,
    1629             :   .cdf = genpareto_cdf,
    1630             :   .sf = genpareto_sf,
    1631             :   .icdf = genpareto_icdf,
    1632             :   .isf = genpareto_isf,
    1633             : };
    1634             : 
    1635             : /** Functions for geometric distribution on number of trials before success */
    1636             : 
    1637             : static double
    1638      400100 : geometric_sample(const struct dist_t *dist)
    1639             : {
    1640      400100 :   const struct geometric_t *G = dist_to_const_geometric(dist);
    1641      400100 :   uint32_t s = crypto_fast_rng_get_u32(get_thread_fast_rng());
    1642      400100 :   double p0 = random_uniform_01();
    1643             : 
    1644      400100 :   return sample_geometric(s, p0, G->p);
    1645             : }
    1646             : 
    1647             : static double
    1648           0 : geometric_cdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1649             : {
    1650           0 :   const struct geometric_t *G = dist_to_const_geometric(dist);
    1651             : 
    1652           0 :   if (x < 1)
    1653             :     return 0;
    1654             :   /* 1 - (1 - p)^floor(x) = 1 - e^{floor(x) log(1 - p)} */
    1655           0 :   return -expm1(floor(x)*log1p(-G->p));
    1656             : }
    1657             : 
    1658             : static double
    1659           0 : geometric_sf(const struct dist_t *dist, double x)
    1660             : {
    1661           0 :   const struct geometric_t *G = dist_to_const_geometric(dist);
    1662             : 
    1663           0 :   if (x < 1)
    1664             :     return 0;
    1665             :   /* (1 - p)^floor(x) = e^{ceil(x) log(1 - p)} */
    1666           0 :   return exp(floor(x)*log1p(-G->p));
    1667             : }
    1668             : 
    1669             : static double
    1670           0 : geometric_icdf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1671             : {
    1672           0 :   const struct geometric_t *G = dist_to_const_geometric(dist);
    1673             : 
    1674           0 :   return log1p(-p)/log1p(-G->p);
    1675             : }
    1676             : 
    1677             : static double
    1678           0 : geometric_isf(const struct dist_t *dist, double p)
    1679             : {
    1680           0 :   const struct geometric_t *G = dist_to_const_geometric(dist);
    1681             : 
    1682           0 :   return log(p)/log1p(-G->p);
    1683             : }
    1684             : 
    1685             : const struct dist_ops_t geometric_ops = {
    1686             :   .name = "geometric (1-based)",
    1687             :   .sample = geometric_sample,
    1688             :   .cdf = geometric_cdf,
    1689             :   .sf = geometric_sf,
    1690             :   .icdf = geometric_icdf,
    1691             :   .isf = geometric_isf,
    1692             : };

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14