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//! Configure tracing subscribers for Arti
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use arti_config::{LogRotation, LogfileConfig, LoggingConfig};
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::FromStr;
use tracing::Subscriber;
use tracing_appender::non_blocking::WorkerGuard;
use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt;
use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;
use tracing_subscriber::{filter::Targets, fmt, registry, Layer};
/// As [`Targets::from_str`], but wrapped in an [`anyhow::Result`].
// (Note that we have to use `Targets`, not `EnvFilter`: see comment in
// `setup_logging()`.)
fn filt_from_str_verbose(s: &str, source: &str) -> Result<Targets> {
Targets::from_str(s).with_context(|| format!("in {}", source))
/// As filt_from_str_verbose, but treat an absent filter (or an empty string) as
/// None.
fn filt_from_opt_str(s: Option<&str>, source: &str) -> Result<Option<Targets>> {|s| filt_from_str_verbose(s, source)).transpose()
/// Try to construct a tracing [`Layer`] for logging to stdout.
fn console_layer<S>(config: &LoggingConfig, cli: Option<&str>) -> Result<impl Layer<S>>
S: Subscriber + for<'span> tracing_subscriber::registry::LookupSpan<'span>,
let filter = cli
.map(|s| filt_from_str_verbose(s, "--log-level command line parameter"))
.or_else(|| filt_from_opt_str(config.console_filter(), "logging.console").transpose())
.unwrap_or_else(|| Ok(Targets::from_str("debug").expect("bad default")))?;
/// Try to construct a tracing [`Layer`] for logging to journald, if one is
/// configured.
#[cfg(feature = "journald")]
fn journald_layer<S>(config: &LoggingConfig) -> Result<impl Layer<S>>
if let Some(filter) = filt_from_opt_str(config.journald_filter(), "logging.journald")? {
} else {
// Fortunately, Option<Layer> implements Layer, so we can just return None here.
/// Try to construct a non-blocking tracing [`Layer`] for writing data to an
/// optionally rotating logfile.
/// On success, return that layer, along with a WorkerGuard that needs to be
/// dropped when the program exits, to flush buffered messages.
fn logfile_layer<S>(
config: &LogfileConfig,
) -> Result<(impl Layer<S> + Send + Sync + Sized, WorkerGuard)>
S: Subscriber + for<'span> tracing_subscriber::registry::LookupSpan<'span> + Send + Sync,
use tracing_appender::{
rolling::{RollingFileAppender, Rotation},
let filter = filt_from_str_verbose(config.filter(), "logging.files.filter")?;
let rotation = match config.rotate() {
LogRotation::Daily => Rotation::DAILY,
LogRotation::Hourly => Rotation::HOURLY,
_ => Rotation::NEVER,
let path = config.path().path()?;
let directory = path.parent().unwrap_or_else(|| Path::new("."));
let fname = path
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No path for log file"))
let appender = RollingFileAppender::new(rotation, directory, fname);
let (nonblocking, guard) = non_blocking(appender);
let layer = fmt::layer().with_writer(nonblocking).with_filter(filter);
Ok((layer, guard))
/// Try to construct a tracing [`Layer`] for all of the configured logfiles.
/// On success, return that layer along with a list of [`WorkerGuard`]s that
/// need to be dropped when the program exits.
fn logfile_layers<S>(config: &LoggingConfig) -> Result<(impl Layer<S>, Vec<WorkerGuard>)>
let mut guards = Vec::new();
if config.logfiles().is_empty() {
// As above, we have Option<Layer> implements Layer, so we can return
// None in this case.
return Ok((None, guards));
let (layer, guard) = logfile_layer(&config.logfiles()[0])?;
// We have to use a dyn pointer here so we can build up linked list of
// arbitrary depth.
let mut layer: Box<dyn Layer<S> + Send + Sync + 'static> = Box::new(layer);
for logfile in &config.logfiles()[1..] {
let (new_layer, guard) = logfile_layer(logfile)?;
layer = Box::new(layer.and_then(new_layer));
Ok((Some(layer), guards))
/// Opaque structure that gets dropped when the program is shutting down,
/// after logs are no longer needed. The `Drop` impl flushes buffered messages.
pub struct LogGuards {
/// The actual list of guards we're returning.
guards: Vec<WorkerGuard>,
/// Set up logging.
/// Note that the returned LogGuard must be dropped precisely when the program
/// quits; they're used to ensure that all the log messages are flushed.
pub fn setup_logging(config: &LoggingConfig, cli: Option<&str>) -> Result<LogGuards> {
// Important: We have to make sure that the individual layers we add here
// are not filters themselves. That means, for example, that we can't add
// an `EnvFilter` layer unless we want it to apply globally to _all_ layers.
// For a bit of discussion on the difference between per-layer filters and filters
// that apply to the entire registry, see
let registry = registry().with(console_layer(config, cli)?);
let registry = registry.with(journald_layer(config)?);
let (layer, guards) = logfile_layers(config)?;
let registry = registry.with(layer);
Ok(LogGuards { guards })