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//! `caret`: Integers with some named values.
//! # Crikey! Another Rust Enum Tool?
//! Suppose you have an integer type with some named values. For
//! example, you might be implementing a protocol where "command" can
//! be any 8-bit value, but where only a small number of commands are
//! recognized.
//! In that case, you can use the [`caret_int`] macro to define a
//! wrapper around `u8` so named values are displayed with their
//! preferred format, but you can still represent all the other values
//! of the field:
//! ```
//! use caret::caret_int;
//! caret_int!{
//! struct Command(u8) {
//! Get = 0,
//! Put = 1,
//! Swap = 2,
//! }
//! let c1: Command = 2.into();
//! let c2: Command = 100.into();
//! assert_eq!(c1.to_string().as_str(), "Swap");
//! assert_eq!(c2.to_string().as_str(), "100");
//! assert_eq!(c1, Command::Swap);
//! This crate is developed as part of
//! [Arti](, a project to
//! implement [Tor]( in Rust.
//! Many other crates in Arti depend on it, but it should be of general
//! use.
/// Declare an integer type with some named elements.
/// This macro declares a struct that wraps an integer
/// type, and allows any integer type as a value. Some values of this type
/// have names, and others do not, but they are all allowed.
/// This macro is suitable for protocol implementations that accept
/// any integer on the wire, and have definitions for some of those
/// integers. For example, Tor cell commands are 8-bit integers, but
/// not every u8 is a currently recognized Tor command.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use caret::caret_int;
/// caret_int! {
/// pub struct FruitID(u8) {
/// AVOCADO = 7,
/// PERSIMMON = 8,
/// LONGAN = 99
/// }
/// // Known fruits work the way we would expect...
/// let a_num: u8 = FruitID::AVOCADO.into();
/// assert_eq!(a_num, 7);
/// let a_fruit: FruitID = 8.into();
/// assert_eq!(a_fruit, FruitID::PERSIMMON);
/// assert_eq!(format!("I'd like a {}", FruitID::PERSIMMON),
/// "I'd like a PERSIMMON");
/// // And we can construct unknown fruits, if we encounter any.
/// let weird_fruit: FruitID = 202.into();
/// assert_eq!(format!("I'd like a {}", weird_fruit),
/// "I'd like a 202");
macro_rules! caret_int {
$v:vis struct $name:ident ( $numtype:ty ) {
$id:ident = $num:literal
} => {
$v struct $name($numtype);
impl From<$name> for $numtype {
fn from(val: $name) -> $numtype { val.0 }
impl From<$numtype> for $name {
fn from(num: $numtype) -> $name { $name(num) }
impl $name {
$( #[$item_meta] )*
pub const $id: $name = $name($num) ; )*
fn to_str(self) -> Option<&'static str> {
match self {
$( $name::$id => Some(stringify!($id)), )*
_ => None,
/// Return true if this value is one that we recognize.
$v fn is_recognized(self) -> bool {
$( $name::$id )|*)
/// Try to convert this value from one of the recognized names.
$v fn from_name(name: &str) -> Option<Self> {
match name {
$( stringify!($id) => Some($name::$id), )*
_ => None
/// Return the underlying integer that this value represents.
fn get(self) -> $numtype {
impl std::fmt::Display for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self.to_str() {
Some(s) => write!(f, "{}", s),
None => write!(f, "{}", self.0),
// `#[educe(Debug)]` could do this for us, but let's not deepen this macrology
impl std::fmt::Debug for $name {
write!(f, "{}({})", stringify!($name), self)