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//! Define an error type for the tor-cell crate.
use thiserror::Error;
use tor_error::{ErrorKind, HasKind};
/// An error type for the tor-cell crate.
/// This type should probably be split into several. There's more
/// than one kind of error that can occur while doing something with
/// tor cells.
#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Error {
/// An error that occurred in the tor_bytes crate while decoding an
/// object.
#[error("parsing error: {0}")]
BytesErr(#[from] tor_bytes::Error),
/// There was a programming error somewhere in the code.
#[error("Internal programming error: {0}")]
/// Protocol violation at the channel level
#[error("channel protocol violation: {0}")]
/// Tried to make or use a stream to an invalid destination address.
#[error("invalid stream target address")]
/// Tried to construct a message that Tor can't represent.
#[error("Message can't be represented in a Tor cell.")]
impl HasKind for Error {
fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
use tor_bytes::Error as ByE;
use Error as E;
use ErrorKind as EK;
match self {
E::BytesErr(ByE::Truncated) => EK::Internal,
E::BytesErr(_) => EK::TorProtocolViolation,
E::Internal(_) => EK::Internal,
E::ChanProto(_) => EK::TorProtocolViolation,
E::BadStreamAddress => EK::BadApiUsage,
E::CantEncode => EK::Internal,