58.85 %
46.59 %
100 %
//! Facilities to build circuits directly, instead of via a circuit manager.
use crate::path::{OwnedPath, TorPath};
use crate::timeouts::{self, Action};
use crate::{Error, Result};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use futures::channel::oneshot;
use futures::task::SpawnExt;
use futures::Future;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::sync::{
atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering},
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use tor_chanmgr::ChanMgr;
use tor_guardmgr::GuardStatus;
use tor_linkspec::{ChanTarget, OwnedChanTarget, OwnedCircTarget};
use tor_proto::circuit::{CircParameters, ClientCirc, PendingClientCirc};
use tor_rtcompat::{Runtime, SleepProviderExt};
mod guardstatus;
pub(crate) use guardstatus::GuardStatusHandle;
/// Represents an objects that can be constructed in a circuit-like way.
/// This is only a separate trait for testing purposes, so that we can swap
/// our some other type when we're testing Builder.
/// TODO: I'd like to have a simpler testing strategy here; this one
/// complicates things a bit.
pub(crate) trait Buildable: Sized {
/// Launch a new one-hop circuit to a given relay, given only a
/// channel target `ct` specifying that relay.
/// (Since we don't have a CircTarget here, we can't extend the circuit
/// to be multihop later on.)
async fn create_chantarget<RT: Runtime>(
chanmgr: &ChanMgr<RT>,
rt: &RT,
ct: &OwnedChanTarget,
params: &CircParameters,
) -> Result<Self>;
/// Launch a new circuit through a given relay, given a circuit target
/// `ct` specifying that relay.
async fn create<RT: Runtime>(
ct: &OwnedCircTarget,
/// Extend this circuit-like object by one hop, to the location described
/// in `ct`.
async fn extend<RT: Runtime>(
) -> Result<()>;
/// Try to make a [`PendingClientCirc`] to a given relay, and start its
/// reactor.
/// This is common code, shared by all the first-hop functions in the
/// implementation of `Buildable` for `Arc<ClientCirc>`.
async fn create_common<RT: Runtime, CT: ChanTarget>(
target: &CT,
) -> Result<PendingClientCirc> {
let chan = chanmgr
.map_err(|cause| Error::Channel {
peer: OwnedChanTarget::from_chan_target(target),
let (pending_circ, reactor) = chan.new_circ().await?;
rt.spawn(async {
let _ =;
.map_err(|e| Error::from_spawn("circuit reactor task", e))?;
impl Buildable for ClientCirc {
) -> Result<Self> {
let circ = create_common(chanmgr, rt, ct).await?;
Ok(circ.create_firsthop_ntor(ct, params.clone()).await?)
_rt: &RT,
) -> Result<()> {
self.extend_ntor(ct, params).await?;
/// An implementation type for [`CircuitBuilder`].
/// A `CircuitBuilder` holds references to all the objects that are needed
/// to build circuits correctly.
/// In general, you should not need to construct or use this object yourself,
/// unless you are choosing your own paths.
struct Builder<R: Runtime, C: Buildable + Sync + Send + 'static> {
/// The runtime used by this circuit builder.
runtime: R,
/// A channel manager that this circuit builder uses to make channels.
chanmgr: Arc<ChanMgr<R>>,
/// An estimator to determine the correct timeouts for circuit building.
timeouts: timeouts::Estimator,
/// We don't actually hold any clientcircs, so we need to put this
/// type here so the compiler won't freak out.
_phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<C>,
impl<R: Runtime, C: Buildable + Sync + Send + 'static> Builder<R, C> {
/// Construct a new [`Builder`].
fn new(runtime: R, chanmgr: Arc<ChanMgr<R>>, timeouts: timeouts::Estimator) -> Self {
Builder {
_phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,
/// Build a circuit, without performing any timeout operations.
/// After each hop is built, increments n_hops_built. Make sure that
/// `guard_status` has its pending status set correctly to correspond
/// to a circuit failure at any given stage.
/// (TODO: Find
/// a better design there.)
async fn build_notimeout(
self: Arc<Self>,
path: OwnedPath,
params: CircParameters,
start_time: Instant,
n_hops_built: Arc<AtomicU32>,
guard_status: Arc<GuardStatusHandle>,
) -> Result<C> {
match path {
OwnedPath::ChannelOnly(target) => {
// If we fail now, it's the guard's fault.
let circ =
C::create_chantarget(&self.chanmgr, &self.runtime, &target, ¶ms).await?;
.note_hop_completed(0, - start_time, true);
n_hops_built.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
OwnedPath::Normal(p) => {
let n_hops = p.len() as u8;
let circ = C::create(&self.chanmgr, &self.runtime, &p[0], ¶ms).await?;
.note_hop_completed(0, - start_time, n_hops == 0);
// If we fail after this point, we can't tell whether it's
// the fault of the guard or some later relay.
let mut hop_num = 1;
for relay in p[1..].iter() {
circ.extend(&self.runtime, relay, ¶ms).await?;
hop_num, - start_time,
hop_num == (n_hops - 1),
hop_num += 1;
/// Build a circuit from an [`OwnedPath`].
async fn build_owned(
self: &Arc<Self>,
let action = Action::BuildCircuit { length: path.len() };
let (timeout, abandon_timeout) = self.timeouts.timeouts(&action);
let start_time =;
// TODO: This is probably not the best way for build_notimeout to
// tell us how many hops it managed to build, but at least it is
// isolated here.
let hops_built = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0));
let self_clone = Arc::clone(self);
let params = params.clone();
let circuit_future = self_clone.build_notimeout(
match double_timeout(&self.runtime, circuit_future, timeout, abandon_timeout).await {
Ok(circuit) => Ok(circuit),
Err(Error::CircTimeout) => {
let n_built = hops_built.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
.note_circ_timeout(n_built as u8, - start_time);
Err(e) => Err(e),
/// A factory object to build circuits.
pub struct CircuitBuilder<R: Runtime> {
/// The underlying [`Builder`] object
builder: Arc<Builder<R, ClientCirc>>,
/// Configuration for how to choose paths for circuits.
path_config: tor_config::MutCfg<crate::PathConfig>,
/// State-manager object to use in storing current state.
storage: crate::TimeoutStateHandle,
/// Guard manager to tell us which guards nodes to use for the circuits
/// we build.
guardmgr: tor_guardmgr::GuardMgr<R>,
impl<R: Runtime> CircuitBuilder<R> {
/// Construct a new [`CircuitBuilder`].
// TODO: eventually I'd like to make this a public function, but
// TimeoutStateHandle is private.
pub(crate) fn new(
path_config: crate::PathConfig,
) -> Self {
let timeouts = timeouts::Estimator::from_storage(&storage);
CircuitBuilder {
builder: Arc::new(Builder::new(runtime, chanmgr, timeouts)),
path_config: path_config.into(),
/// Return this builder's [`PathConfig`](crate::PathConfig).
pub(crate) fn path_config(&self) -> Arc<crate::PathConfig> {
/// Replace this builder's [`PathConfig`](crate::PathConfig).
pub(crate) fn set_path_config(&self, new_config: crate::PathConfig) {
/// Flush state to the state manager if we own the lock.
/// Return `Ok(true)` if we saved, and `Ok(false)` if we didn't hold the lock.
pub(crate) fn save_state(&self) -> Result<bool> {
if ! {
return Ok(false);
// TODO: someday we'll want to only do this if there is something
// changed.
/// Replace our state with a new owning state, assuming we have
/// storage permission.
pub(crate) fn upgrade_to_owned_state(&self) -> Result<()> {
/// Reload persistent state from disk, if we don't have storage permission.
pub(crate) fn reload_state(&self) -> Result<()> {
/// Reconfigure this builder using the latest set of network parameters.
/// (NOTE: for now, this only affects circuit timeout estimation.)
pub fn update_network_parameters(&self, p: &tor_netdir::params::NetParameters) {
/// Like `build`, but construct a new circuit from an [`OwnedPath`].
pub(crate) async fn build_owned(
) -> Result<ClientCirc> {
self.builder.build_owned(path, params, guard_status).await
/// Try to construct a new circuit from a given path, using appropriate
/// timeouts.
/// This circuit is _not_ automatically registered with any
/// circuit manager; if you don't hang on it it, it will
/// automatically go away when the last reference is dropped.
pub async fn build(&self, path: &TorPath<'_>, params: &CircParameters) -> Result<ClientCirc> {
let owned = path.try_into()?;
self.build_owned(owned, params, Arc::new(None.into())).await
/// Return true if this builder is currently learning timeout info.
pub(crate) fn learning_timeouts(&self) -> bool {
/// Return a reference to this builder's `GuardMgr`.
pub(crate) fn guardmgr(&self) -> &tor_guardmgr::GuardMgr<R> {
/// Helper function: spawn a future as a background task, and run it with
/// two separate timeouts.
/// If the future does not complete by `timeout`, then return a
/// timeout error immediately, but keep running the future in the
/// background.
/// If the future does not complete by `abandon`, then abandon the
/// future completely.
async fn double_timeout<R, F, T>(
runtime: &R,
fut: F,
timeout: Duration,
abandon: Duration,
) -> Result<T>
R: Runtime,
F: Future<Output = Result<T>> + Send + 'static,
T: Send + 'static,
let (snd, rcv) = oneshot::channel();
let rt = runtime.clone();
// We create these futures now, since we want them to look at the current
// time when they decide when to expire.
let inner_timeout_future = rt.timeout(abandon, fut);
let outer_timeout_future = rt.timeout(timeout, rcv);
.spawn(async move {
let result = inner_timeout_future.await;
let _ignore_cancelled_error = snd.send(result);
.map_err(|e| Error::from_spawn("circuit construction task", e))?;
let outcome = outer_timeout_future.await;
// 4 layers of error to collapse:
// One from the receiver being cancelled.
// One from the outer timeout.
// One from the inner timeout.
// One from the actual future's result.
// (Technically, we could refrain from unwrapping the future's result,
// but doing it this way helps make it more certain that we really are
// collapsing all the layers into one.)
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::timeouts::TimeoutEstimator;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use tor_llcrypto::pk::ed25519::Ed25519Identity;
use tor_rtcompat::{test_with_all_runtimes, SleepProvider};
use tracing::trace;
/// Make a new nonfunctional `Arc<GuardStatusHandle>`
fn gs() -> Arc<GuardStatusHandle> {
// TODO: re-enable this test after arti#149 is fixed. For now, it
// is not reliable enough.
fn test_double_timeout() {
let t1 = Duration::from_secs(1);
let t10 = Duration::from_secs(10);
/// Return true if d1 is in range [d2...d2 + 0.5sec]
fn duration_close_to(d1: Duration, d2: Duration) -> bool {
d1 >= d2 && d1 <= d2 + Duration::from_millis(500)
test_with_all_runtimes!(|rto| async move {
let rt = tor_rtmock::MockSleepRuntime::new(rto.clone());
// Try a future that's ready immediately.
let x = double_timeout(&rt, async { Ok(3_u32) }, t1, t10).await;
assert_eq!(x.unwrap(), 3_u32);
trace!("acquiesce after test1");
// Try a future that's ready after a short delay.
let rt_clone = rt.clone();
// (We only want the short delay to fire, not any of the other timeouts.)
rt_clone.block_advance("manually controlling advances");
let x = rt
async move {
let sl = rt_clone.sleep(Duration::from_millis(100));
assert_eq!(x.unwrap(), 4_u32);
trace!("acquiesce after test2");
// Try a future that passes the first timeout, and make sure that
// it keeps running after it times out.
let start =;
rt.block_advance("manually controlling advances");
let sl = rt_clone.sleep(Duration::from_secs(2));
assert!(matches!(x, Err(Error::CircTimeout)));
let end =;
assert!(duration_close_to(end - start, Duration::from_secs(1)));
let waited = rt.wait_for(rcv).await;
assert_eq!(waited, Ok(()));
trace!("acquiesce after test3");
// Try a future that times out and gets abandoned.
// Let it hit the first timeout...
// ...and let it hit the second, too.
let end2 =;
assert!(duration_close_to(end2 - start, Duration::from_secs(10)));
/// Get a pair of timeouts that we've encoded as an Ed25519 identity.
/// In our FakeCircuit code below, the first timeout is the amount of
/// time that we should sleep while building a hop to this key,
/// and the second timeout is the length of time-advance we should allow
/// after the hop is built.
/// (This is pretty silly, but it's good enough for testing.)
fn timeouts_from_key(id: &Ed25519Identity) -> (Duration, Duration) {
let mut be = [0; 8];
let dur = u64::from_be_bytes(be);
let dur2 = u64::from_be_bytes(be);
(Duration::from_millis(dur), Duration::from_millis(dur2))
/// Encode a pair of timeouts as an Ed25519 identity.
/// (This is pretty silly but it's good enough for testing.)
fn key_from_timeouts(d1: Duration, d2: Duration) -> Ed25519Identity {
let mut bytes = [0; 32];
let dur = (d1.as_millis() as u64).to_be_bytes();
let dur = (d2.as_millis() as u64).to_be_bytes();
/// Replacement type for circuit, to implement buildable.
struct FakeCirc {
hops: Vec<Ed25519Identity>,
onehop: bool,
impl Buildable for Mutex<FakeCirc> {
_: &ChanMgr<RT>,
_: &CircParameters,
let ed_id = ct.ed_identity();
let (d1, d2) = timeouts_from_key(ed_id);
if !d2.is_zero() {
let c = FakeCirc {
hops: vec![*ct.ed_identity()],
onehop: true,
onehop: false,
let mut c = self.lock().unwrap();
/// Fake implementation of TimeoutEstimator that just records its inputs.
struct TimeoutRecorder<R> {
hist: Vec<(bool, u8, Duration)>,
// How much advance to permit after being told of a timeout?
on_timeout: Duration,
// How much advance to permit after being told of a success?
on_success: Duration,
snd_success: Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>,
rcv_success: Option<oneshot::Receiver<()>>,
impl<R> TimeoutRecorder<R> {
fn new(runtime: R) -> Self {
Self::with_delays(runtime, Duration::from_secs(0), Duration::from_secs(0))
fn with_delays(runtime: R, on_timeout: Duration, on_success: Duration) -> Self {
let (snd_success, rcv_success) = oneshot::channel();
Self {
hist: Vec::new(),
rcv_success: Some(rcv_success),
snd_success: Some(snd_success),
impl<R: Runtime> TimeoutEstimator for Arc<Mutex<TimeoutRecorder<R>>> {
fn note_hop_completed(&mut self, hop: u8, delay: Duration, is_last: bool) {
if !is_last {
let (rt, advance) = {
let mut this = self.lock().unwrap();
this.hist.push((true, hop, delay));
let _ = this.snd_success.take().unwrap().send(());
(this.runtime.clone(), this.on_success)
if !advance.is_zero() {
fn note_circ_timeout(&mut self, hop: u8, delay: Duration) {
this.hist.push((false, hop, delay));
(this.runtime.clone(), this.on_timeout)
fn timeouts(&mut self, _action: &Action) -> (Duration, Duration) {
(Duration::from_secs(3), Duration::from_secs(100))
fn learning_timeouts(&self) -> bool {
fn update_params(&mut self, _params: &tor_netdir::params::NetParameters) {}
fn build_state(&mut self) -> Option<crate::timeouts::pareto::ParetoTimeoutState> {
/// Testing only: create a bogus circuit target
fn circ_t(id: Ed25519Identity) -> OwnedCircTarget {
OwnedCircTarget::new(chan_t(id), [0x33; 32].into(), "".parse().unwrap())
/// Testing only: create a bogus channel target
fn chan_t(id: Ed25519Identity) -> OwnedChanTarget {
OwnedChanTarget::new(vec![], id, [0x20; 20].into())
async fn run_builder_test<R: Runtime>(
rt: tor_rtmock::MockSleepRuntime<R>,
advance_initial: Duration,
advance_on_timeout: Option<(Duration, Duration)>,
) -> (Result<FakeCirc>, Vec<(bool, u8, Duration)>) {
let chanmgr = Arc::new(ChanMgr::new(rt.clone()));
// always has 3 second timeout, 100 second abandon.
let timeouts = match advance_on_timeout {
Some((d1, d2)) => TimeoutRecorder::with_delays(rt.clone(), d1, d2),
None => TimeoutRecorder::new(rt.clone()),
let timeouts = Arc::new(Mutex::new(timeouts));
let builder: Builder<_, Mutex<FakeCirc>> = Builder::new(
let params = CircParameters::default();
let outcome = rt
.wait_for(Arc::new(builder).build_owned(path, ¶ms, gs()))
// Now we wait for a success to finally, finally be reported.
if advance_on_timeout.is_some() {
let receiver = { timeouts.lock().unwrap().rcv_success.take().unwrap() };
let _ = rt.wait_for(receiver).await;
let circ =|m| m.lock().unwrap().clone());
let timeouts = timeouts.lock().unwrap().hist.clone();
(circ, timeouts)
fn build_onehop() {
test_with_all_runtimes!(|rt| async move {
let rt = tor_rtmock::MockSleepRuntime::new(rt);
let id_100ms = key_from_timeouts(Duration::from_millis(100), Duration::from_millis(0));
let path = OwnedPath::ChannelOnly(chan_t(id_100ms));
let (outcome, timeouts) =
run_builder_test(rt, Duration::from_millis(100), path, None).await;
let circ = outcome.unwrap();
assert_eq!(circ.hops, [id_100ms]);
assert_eq!(timeouts.len(), 1);
assert!(timeouts[0].0); // success
assert_eq!(timeouts[0].1, 0); // one-hop
assert_eq!(timeouts[0].2, Duration::from_millis(100));
fn build_threehop() {
let id_100ms =
key_from_timeouts(Duration::from_millis(100), Duration::from_millis(200));
let id_200ms =
key_from_timeouts(Duration::from_millis(200), Duration::from_millis(300));
let id_300ms = key_from_timeouts(Duration::from_millis(300), Duration::from_millis(0));
let path =
OwnedPath::Normal(vec![circ_t(id_100ms), circ_t(id_200ms), circ_t(id_300ms)]);
assert_eq!(circ.hops, [id_100ms, id_200ms, id_300ms]);
assert_eq!(timeouts[0].1, 2); // three-hop
assert_eq!(timeouts[0].2, Duration::from_millis(600));
fn build_huge_timeout() {
key_from_timeouts(Duration::from_millis(200), Duration::from_millis(2700));
let id_hour = key_from_timeouts(Duration::from_secs(3600), Duration::from_secs(0));
let path = OwnedPath::Normal(vec![circ_t(id_100ms), circ_t(id_200ms), circ_t(id_hour)]);
assert!(matches!(outcome, Err(Error::CircTimeout)));
assert!(!timeouts[0].0); // timeout
// BUG: Sometimes this is 1 and sometimes this is 2.
// assert_eq!(timeouts[0].1, 2); // at third hop.
assert_eq!(timeouts[0].2, Duration::from_millis(3000));
fn build_modest_timeout() {
let id_3sec = key_from_timeouts(Duration::from_millis(3000), Duration::from_millis(0));
let timeout_advance = (Duration::from_millis(4000), Duration::from_secs(0));
let path = OwnedPath::Normal(vec![circ_t(id_100ms), circ_t(id_200ms), circ_t(id_3sec)]);
let (outcome, timeouts) = run_builder_test(
assert_eq!(timeouts.len(), 2);
//assert_eq!(timeouts[0].1, 2); // at third hop.
assert!(timeouts[1].0); // success
assert_eq!(timeouts[1].1, 2); // three-hop
// BUG: This timer is not always reliable, due to races.
//assert_eq!(timeouts[1].2, Duration::from_millis(3300));