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//! Stream utilities to help implement
//! [`AbstractCircMgr`](`super::AbstractCircMgr.`)
use futures::stream::{Fuse, FusedStream, Stream, StreamExt};
use futures::task::{Context, Poll};
use pin_project::pin_project;
use std::pin::Pin;
/// Enumeration to indicate which of two streams provided a result.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(super) enum Source {
/// Indicates a result coming from the left (preferred) stream.
/// Indicates a result coming from the right (secondary) stream.
/// A stream returned by [`select_biased`]
/// See that function for more documentation.
pub(super) struct SelectBiased<S, T> {
/// Preferred underlying stream.
/// When results are available from both streams, we always yield them
/// from this one. When this stream is exhausted, the `SelectBiased`
/// is exhausted too.
left: Fuse<S>,
/// Secondary underlying stream.
right: Fuse<T>,
/// Combine two instances of [`Stream`] into one.
/// This function is similar to [`futures::stream::select`], but differs
/// in that it treats the two underlying streams asymmetrically. Specifically:
/// * Each result is labeled with [`Source::Left`] or
/// [`Source::Right`], depending on which of the two streams it came
/// from.
/// * If both the "left" and the "right" stream are ready, we always
/// prefer the left stream.
/// * We stop iterating over this stream when there are no more
/// results on the left stream, regardless whether the right stream
/// is exhausted or not.
/// # Future plans
/// This might need a better name, especially if we use it anywhere
/// else.
/// If we do expose this function, we might want to split up the ways in
/// which it differs from `select`.
pub(super) fn select_biased<S, T>(left: S, right: T) -> SelectBiased<S, T>
S: Stream,
T: Stream<Item = S::Item>,
SelectBiased {
left: left.fuse(),
right: right.fuse(),
impl<S, T> FusedStream for SelectBiased<S, T>
fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
// We're done if the left stream is done, whether the right stream
// is done or not.
impl<S, T> Stream for SelectBiased<S, T>
type Item = (Source, S::Item);
fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
let this = self.project();
// We always check the left stream first.
match this.left.poll_next(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Some(val)) => {
// The left stream has an item: yield it.
return Poll::Ready(Some((Source::Left, val)));
Poll::Ready(None) => {
// The left stream is exhausted: don't even check the right.
return Poll::Ready(None);
Poll::Pending => {}
// The left stream is pending: see whether the right stream has
// anything to say.
match this.right.poll_next(cx) {
// The right stream has an item: yield it.
Poll::Ready(Some((Source::Right, val)))
_ => {
// The right stream is exhausted or pending: in either case,
// we need to wait.
mod test {
use super::*;
use futures_await_test::async_test;
// Tests where only elements from the left stream should be yielded.
async fn left_only() {
use futures::stream::iter;
use Source::Left as L;
// If there's nothing in the right stream, we just yield the left.
let left = vec![1_usize, 2, 3];
let right = vec![];
let s = select_biased(iter(left), iter(right));
let result: Vec<_> = s.collect().await;
assert_eq!(result, vec![(L, 1_usize), (L, 2), (L, 3)]);
// If the left runs out (which this will), we don't yield anything
// from the right.
let right = vec![4, 5, 6];
// The same thing happens if the left stream is completely empty!
let left = vec![];
let right = vec![4_usize, 5, 6];
assert_eq!(result, vec![]);
// Tests where only elements from the right stream should be yielded.
async fn right_only() {
use futures::stream::{iter, pending};
use Source::Right as R;
// Try a forever-pending stream for the left hand side.
let left = pending();
let mut s = select_biased(left, iter(right));
assert_eq!(, Some((R, 4)));
assert_eq!(, Some((R, 5)));
assert_eq!(, Some((R, 6)));
// Tests where we can find elements from both streams.
async fn multiplex() {
use futures::SinkExt;
use Source::{Left as L, Right as R};
let (mut snd_l, rcv_l) = futures::channel::mpsc::channel(5);
let (mut snd_r, rcv_r) = futures::channel::mpsc::channel(5);
let mut s = select_biased(rcv_l, rcv_r);
assert_eq!(, Some((L, 1)));
assert_eq!(, Some((L, 2)));
assert_eq!(, Some((L, 3)));
assert_eq!(, None);