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//! A path type exposed from the configuration crate
//! This type allows the user to specify paths as strings, with some
//! support for tab expansion and user directory support.
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use directories::{BaseDirs, ProjectDirs};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use serde::Deserialize;
use tor_error::{ErrorKind, HasKind};
/// A path in a configuration file: tilde expansion is performed, along
/// with expansion of certain variables.
/// The supported variables are:
/// * `ARTI_CACHE`: an arti-specific cache directory.
/// * `ARTI_CONFIG`: an arti-specific configuration directory.
/// * `ARTI_SHARED_DATA`: an arti-specific directory in the user's "shared
/// data" space.
/// * `ARTI_LOCAL_DATA`: an arti-specific directory in the user's "local
/// * `USER_HOME`: the user's home directory.
/// These variables are implemented using the `directories` crate, and
/// so should use appropriate system-specific overrides under the
/// hood. (Some of those overrides are based on environment variables.)
/// For more information, see that crate's documentation.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct CfgPath(PathInner);
/// Inner implementation of CfgPath
enum PathInner {
/// A path that should be expanded from a string using ShellExpand.
/// A path that should be used literally, with no expansion.
/// An error that has occurred while expanding a path.
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum CfgPathError {
/// The path contained a variable we didn't recognize.
#[error("unrecognized variable {0}")]
/// We couldn't construct a ProjectDirs object.
#[error("can't construct project directories")]
/// We couldn't construct a BaseDirs object.
#[error("can't construct base directories")]
/// We couldn't convert a variable to UTF-8.
/// (This is due to a limitation in the shellexpand crate, which should
/// be fixed in the future.)
#[error("can't convert value of {0} to UTF-8")]
/// We couldn't convert a string to a valid path on the OS.
#[error("invalid path string: {0:?}")]
impl HasKind for CfgPathError {
fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
use CfgPathError as E;
use ErrorKind as EK;
match self {
E::UnknownVar(_) | E::InvalidString(_) => EK::InvalidConfig,
E::NoProjectDirs | E::NoBaseDirs => EK::NoHomeDirectory,
E::BadUtf8(_) => {
// Arguably, this should be a new "unsupported config" type,
// since it isn't truly "invalid" to have a string with bad UTF8
// when it's going to be used as a filename.
// With luck, however, this error will cease to exist when shellexpand
// improves its character-set handling.
impl CfgPath {
/// Create a new configuration path
pub fn new(s: String) -> Self {
/// Return the path on disk designated by this `CfgPath`.
pub fn path(&self) -> Result<PathBuf, CfgPathError> {
match &self.0 {
PathInner::Shell(s) => expand(s),
PathInner::Literal(p) => Ok(p.clone()),
/// Construct a new `CfgPath` from a system path.
pub fn from_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Self {
/// Helper: expand a directory given as a string.
#[cfg(feature = "expand-paths")]
fn expand(s: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, CfgPathError> {
Ok(shellexpand::full_with_context(s, get_home, get_env)
.map_err(|e| e.cause)?
/// Helper: convert a string to a path without expansion.
#[cfg(not(feature = "expand-paths"))]
.map_err(|_| CfgPathError::InvalidString(s.to_owned()))
/// Shellexpand helper: return the user's home directory if we can.
fn get_home() -> Option<&'static Path> {
/// Shellexpand helper: Expand a shell variable if we can.
fn get_env(var: &str) -> Result<Option<&'static str>, CfgPathError> {
let path = match var {
"ARTI_CACHE" => project_dirs()?.cache_dir(),
"ARTI_CONFIG" => project_dirs()?.config_dir(),
"ARTI_SHARED_DATA" => project_dirs()?.data_dir(),
"ARTI_LOCAL_DATA" => project_dirs()?.data_local_dir(),
"USER_HOME" => base_dirs()?.home_dir(),
_ => return Err(CfgPathError::UnknownVar(var.to_owned())),
match path.to_str() {
// Note that we never return Ok(None) -- an absent variable is
// always an error.
Some(s) => Ok(Some(s)),
// Note that this error is necessary because shellexpand
// doesn't currently handle OsStr. In the future, that might
// change.
None => Err(CfgPathError::BadUtf8(var.to_owned())),
impl std::fmt::Display for CfgPath {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
PathInner::Literal(p) => write!(fmt, "{:?} [exactly]", p),
PathInner::Shell(s) => s.fmt(fmt),
/// Return a ProjectDirs object for the Arti project.
fn project_dirs() -> Result<&'static ProjectDirs, CfgPathError> {
/// lazy cell holding the ProjectDirs object.
static PROJECT_DIRS: Lazy<Option<ProjectDirs>> =
Lazy::new(|| ProjectDirs::from("org", "torproject", "Arti"));
/// Return a UserDirs object for the current user.
fn base_dirs() -> Result<&'static BaseDirs, CfgPathError> {
/// lazy cell holding the BaseDirs object.
static BASE_DIRS: Lazy<Option<BaseDirs>> = Lazy::new(BaseDirs::new);
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "expand-paths"))]
mod test {
use super::*;
fn expand_no_op() {
let p = CfgPath::new("Hello/world".to_string());
assert_eq!(p.to_string(), "Hello/world".to_string());
assert_eq!(p.path().unwrap().to_str(), Some("Hello/world"));
let p = CfgPath::new("/usr/local/foo".to_string());
assert_eq!(p.to_string(), "/usr/local/foo".to_string());
assert_eq!(p.path().unwrap().to_str(), Some("/usr/local/foo"));
#[cfg(not(target_family = "windows"))]
fn expand_home() {
let p = CfgPath::new("~/.arti/config".to_string());
assert_eq!(p.to_string(), "~/.arti/config".to_string());
let expected = dirs::home_dir().unwrap().join(".arti/config");
assert_eq!(p.path().unwrap().to_str(), expected.to_str());
let p = CfgPath::new("${USER_HOME}/.arti/config".to_string());
assert_eq!(p.to_string(), "${USER_HOME}/.arti/config".to_string());
#[cfg(target_family = "windows")]
let p = CfgPath::new("~\\.arti\\config".to_string());
assert_eq!(p.to_string(), "~\\.arti\\config".to_string());
let expected = dirs::home_dir().unwrap().join(".arti\\config");
let p = CfgPath::new("${USER_HOME}\\.arti\\config".to_string());
assert_eq!(p.to_string(), "${USER_HOME}\\.arti\\config".to_string());
fn expand_cache() {
let p = CfgPath::new("${ARTI_CACHE}/example".to_string());
assert_eq!(p.to_string(), "${ARTI_CACHE}/example".to_string());
let expected = project_dirs().unwrap().cache_dir().join("example");
let p = CfgPath::new("${ARTI_CACHE}\\example".to_string());
assert_eq!(p.to_string(), "${ARTI_CACHE}\\example".to_string());
fn expand_bogus() {
let p = CfgPath::new("${ARTI_WOMBAT}/example".to_string());
assert_eq!(p.to_string(), "${ARTI_WOMBAT}/example".to_string());
assert!(matches!(p.path(), Err(CfgPathError::UnknownVar(_))));
"unrecognized variable ARTI_WOMBAT"
fn literal() {
let p = CfgPath::from_path(PathBuf::from("${ARTI_CACHE}/literally"));
// This doesn't get expanded, since we're using a literal path.
assert_eq!(p.to_string(), "\"${ARTI_CACHE}/literally\" [exactly]");