74.24 %
23.2 %
100 %
//! Functions to download or load directory objects, using the
//! state machines in the `states` module.
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Weak},
time::{Duration, SystemTime},
use crate::{
docid::{self, ClientRequest},
upgrade_weak_ref, DirMgr, DirState, DocId, DocumentText, Error, Readiness, Result,
use futures::channel::oneshot;
use futures::FutureExt;
use futures::StreamExt;
use tor_dirclient::DirResponse;
use tor_rtcompat::{Runtime, SleepProviderExt};
use tracing::{info, trace, warn};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use std::sync::Mutex;
/// Try to read a set of documents from `dirmgr` by ID.
fn load_all<R: Runtime>(
dirmgr: &DirMgr<R>,
missing: Vec<DocId>,
) -> Result<HashMap<DocId, DocumentText>> {
let mut loaded = HashMap::new();
for query in docid::partition_by_type(missing.into_iter()).values() {
dirmgr.load_documents_into(query, &mut loaded)?;
/// Testing helper: if this is Some, then we return it in place of any
/// response to fetch_single.
/// Note that only one test uses this: otherwise there would be a race
/// condition. :p
static CANNED_RESPONSE: Lazy<Mutex<Option<String>>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(None));
/// Launch a single client request and get an associated response.
async fn fetch_single<R: Runtime>(
dirmgr: Arc<DirMgr<R>>,
request: ClientRequest,
) -> Result<(ClientRequest, DirResponse)> {
let m = CANNED_RESPONSE.lock().expect("Poisoned mutex");
if let Some(s) = m.as_ref() {
return Ok((request, DirResponse::from_body(s)));
let circmgr = dirmgr.circmgr()?;
let cur_netdir = dirmgr.opt_netdir();
let config = dirmgr.config.get();
let dirinfo = match cur_netdir {
Some(ref netdir) => netdir.as_ref().into(),
None => config.fallbacks().into(),
let resource =
tor_dirclient::get_resource(request.as_requestable(), dirinfo, &dirmgr.runtime, circmgr)
Ok((request, resource))
/// Launch a set of download requests for a set of missing objects in
/// `missing`, and return each request along with the response it received.
/// Don't launch more than `parallelism` requests at once.
async fn fetch_multiple<R: Runtime>(
parallelism: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<(ClientRequest, DirResponse)>> {
let mut requests = Vec::new();
for (_type, query) in docid::partition_by_type(missing.into_iter()) {
// TODO: instead of waiting for all the queries to finish, we
// could stream the responses back or something.
let responses: Vec<Result<(ClientRequest, DirResponse)>> = futures::stream::iter(requests)
.map(|query| fetch_single(Arc::clone(&dirmgr), query))
let mut useful_responses = Vec::new();
for r in responses {
// TODO: on some error cases we might want to stop using this source.
match r {
Ok((request, response)) => {
if response.status_code() == 200 {
useful_responses.push((request, response));
} else {
"cache declined request; reported status {:?}",
Err(e) => warn!("error while downloading: {:?}", e),
/// Try tp update `state` by loading cached information from `dirmgr`.
/// Return true if anything changed.
async fn load_once<R: Runtime>(
dirmgr: &Arc<DirMgr<R>>,
state: &mut Box<dyn DirState>,
) -> Result<bool> {
let missing = state.missing_docs();
let outcome = if missing.is_empty() {
trace!("Found no missing documents; can't advance current state");
"Found {} missing documents; trying to load them",
let documents = load_all(dirmgr, missing)?;
state.add_from_cache(documents, dirmgr.store_if_rw())
if matches!(outcome, Ok(true)) {
/// Try to load as much state as possible for a provided `state` from the
/// cache in `dirmgr`, advancing the state to the extent possible.
/// No downloads are performed; the provided state will not be reset.
pub(crate) async fn load<R: Runtime>(
mut state: Box<dyn DirState>,
) -> Result<Box<dyn DirState>> {
let mut safety_counter = 0_usize;
loop {
trace!(state=%state.describe(), "Loading from cache");
let changed = load_once(&dirmgr, &mut state).await?;
if state.can_advance() {
state = state.advance()?;
safety_counter = 0;
if !changed {
safety_counter += 1;
safety_counter < 100,
"Spent 100 iterations in the same state: this is a bug"
/// Helper: Make a set of download attempts for the current directory state,
/// and on success feed their results into the state object.
/// This can launch one or more download requests, but will not launch more
/// than `parallelism` requests at a time.
/// Return true if the state reports that it changed.
async fn download_attempt<R: Runtime>(
let mut changed = false;
let fetched = fetch_multiple(Arc::clone(dirmgr), missing, parallelism).await?;
for (client_req, dir_response) in fetched {
let text =
match dirmgr.expand_response_text(&client_req, text) {
Ok(text) => {
let outcome = state.add_from_download(&text, &client_req, Some(&;
match outcome {
Ok(b) => changed |= b,
// TODO: in this case we might want to stop using this source.
Err(e) => warn!("error while adding directory info: {}", e),
Err(e) => {
warn!("Error when expanding directory text: {}", e);
if changed {
/// Download information into a DirState state machine until it is
/// ["complete"](Readiness::Complete), or until we hit a
/// non-recoverable error.
/// Use `dirmgr` to load from the cache or to launch downloads.
/// Keep resetting the state as needed.
/// The first time that the state becomes ["usable"](Readiness::Usable),
/// notify the sender in `on_usable`.
/// Return Err only on a non-recoverable error. On an error that
/// merits another bootstrap attempt with the same state, return the
/// state and an Error object in an option.
pub(crate) async fn download<R: Runtime>(
dirmgr: Weak<DirMgr<R>>,
on_usable: &mut Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>,
) -> Result<(Box<dyn DirState>, Option<Error>)> {
let runtime = upgrade_weak_ref(&dirmgr)?.runtime.clone();
'next_state: loop {
let retry_config = state.dl_config()?;
let parallelism = retry_config.parallelism();
// In theory this could be inside the loop below maybe? If we
// want to drop the restriction that the missing() members of a
// state must never grow, then we'll need to move it inside.
let dirmgr = upgrade_weak_ref(&dirmgr)?;
load_once(&dirmgr, &mut state).await?;
// Skip the downloads if we can...
continue 'next_state;
if state.is_ready(Readiness::Complete) {
return Ok((state, None));
let mut retry = retry_config.schedule();
// Make several attempts to fetch whatever we're missing,
// until either we can advance, or we've got a complete
// document, or we run out of tries, or we run out of time.
'next_attempt: for attempt in retry_config.attempts() {
info!("{}: {}", attempt + 1, state.describe());
let reset_time = no_more_than_a_week_from(SystemTime::now(), state.reset_time());
futures::select_biased! {
outcome = download_attempt(&dirmgr, &mut state, parallelism.into()).fuse() => {
warn!("Error while downloading: {}", e);
continue 'next_attempt;
Ok(changed) => {
_ = runtime.sleep_until_wallclock(reset_time).fuse() => {
// We need to reset. This can happen if (for
// example) we're downloading the last few
// microdescriptors on a consensus that now
// we're ready to replace.
state = state.reset()?;
// Exit if there is nothing more to download.
// Report usable-ness if appropriate.
if on_usable.is_some() && state.is_ready(Readiness::Usable) {
// Unwrap should be safe due to parent `.is_some()` check
let _ = on_usable.take().unwrap().send(());
// We have enough info to advance to another state.
// We should wait a bit, and then retry.
// TODO: we shouldn't wait on the final attempt.
let delay = retry.next_delay(&mut rand::thread_rng());
_ = FutureExt::fuse(runtime.sleep(delay)) => {}
// We didn't advance the state, after all the retries.
"Unable to advance downloading state");
return Ok((state, Some(Error::CantAdvanceState)));
/// Helper: Clamp `v` so that it is no more than one week from `now`.
/// If `v` is absent, return the time that's one week from now.
/// We use this to determine a reset time when no reset time is
/// available, or when it is too far in the future.
fn no_more_than_a_week_from(now: SystemTime, v: Option<SystemTime>) -> SystemTime {
let one_week_later = now + Duration::new(86400 * 7, 0);
match v {
Some(t) => std::cmp::min(t, one_week_later),
None => one_week_later,
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::storage::DynStore;
use crate::test::new_mgr;
use crate::DownloadSchedule;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use tor_netdoc::doc::microdesc::MdDigest;
fn week() {
let now = SystemTime::now();
let one_day = Duration::new(86400, 0);
assert_eq!(no_more_than_a_week_from(now, None), now + one_day * 7);
no_more_than_a_week_from(now, Some(now + one_day)),
now + one_day
no_more_than_a_week_from(now, Some(now - one_day)),
now - one_day
no_more_than_a_week_from(now, Some(now + 30 * one_day)),
now + one_day * 7
/// A fake implementation of DirState that just wants a fixed set
/// of microdescriptors. It doesn't care if it gets them: it just
/// wants to be told that the IDs exist.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct DemoState {
second_time_around: bool,
got_items: HashMap<MdDigest, bool>,
// Constants from Lou Reed
const H1: MdDigest = *b"satellite's gone up to the skies";
const H2: MdDigest = *b"things like that drive me out of";
const H3: MdDigest = *b"my mind i watched it for a littl";
const H4: MdDigest = *b"while i like to watch things on ";
const H5: MdDigest = *b"TV Satellite of love Satellite--";
impl DemoState {
fn new1() -> Self {
DemoState {
second_time_around: false,
got_items: vec![(H1, false), (H2, false)].into_iter().collect(),
fn new2() -> Self {
second_time_around: true,
got_items: vec![(H3, false), (H4, false), (H5, false)]
fn n_ready(&self) -> usize {
self.got_items.values().filter(|x| **x).count()
impl DirState for DemoState {
fn describe(&self) -> String {
format!("{:?}", &self)
fn bootstrap_status(&self) -> crate::event::DirStatus {
fn is_ready(&self, ready: Readiness) -> bool {
match (ready, self.second_time_around) {
(_, false) => false,
(Readiness::Complete, true) => self.n_ready() == self.got_items.len(),
(Readiness::Usable, true) => self.n_ready() >= self.got_items.len() - 1,
fn can_advance(&self) -> bool {
if self.second_time_around {
self.n_ready() == self.got_items.len()
fn missing_docs(&self) -> Vec<DocId> {
.filter_map(|(id, have)| {
if *have {
fn add_from_cache(
&mut self,
docs: HashMap<DocId, DocumentText>,
_storage: Option<&Mutex<DynStore>>,
for id in docs.keys() {
if let DocId::Microdesc(id) = id {
if self.got_items.get(id) == Some(&false) {
self.got_items.insert(*id, true);
changed = true;
fn add_from_download(
text: &str,
_request: &ClientRequest,
for token in text.split_ascii_whitespace() {
if let Ok(v) = hex::decode(token) {
if let Ok(id) = v.try_into() {
if self.got_items.get(&id) == Some(&false) {
self.got_items.insert(id, true);
fn dl_config(&self) -> Result<DownloadSchedule> {
fn advance(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Box<dyn DirState>> {
if self.can_advance() {
fn reset_time(&self) -> Option<SystemTime> {
fn reset(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Box<dyn DirState>> {
fn all_in_cache() {
// Let's try bootstrapping when everything is in the cache.
tor_rtcompat::test_with_one_runtime!(|rt| async {
let (_tempdir, mgr) = new_mgr(rt);
let mut store = mgr.store_if_rw().unwrap().lock().unwrap();
for h in [H1, H2, H3, H4, H5] {
.store_microdescs(&[("ignore", &h)], SystemTime::now())
let mgr = Arc::new(mgr);
// Try just a load.
let state = Box::new(DemoState::new1());
let result = super::load(Arc::clone(&mgr), state).await.unwrap();
// Try a bootstrap that could (but won't!) download.
let mut on_usable = None;
let result = super::download(Arc::downgrade(&mgr), state, &mut on_usable)
fn partly_in_cache() {
// Let's try bootstrapping with all of phase1 and part of
// phase 2 in cache.
for h in [H1, H2, H3] {
let mut resp = CANNED_RESPONSE.lock().unwrap();
// H4 and H5.
*resp = Some(