96.76 %
63.08 %
100 %
//! Code for notifying other modules about changes in the directory.
// TODO(nickm): After we have enough experience with this FlagPublisher, we
// might want to make it a public interface. If we do it should probably move
// into another crate.
use std::{
atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
use educe::Educe;
use futures::{stream::Stream, Future, StreamExt};
use time::OffsetDateTime;
use tor_basic_utils::skip_fmt;
use tor_netdoc::doc::netstatus;
/// An event that a DirMgr can broadcast to indicate that a change in
/// the status of its directory.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DirEvent {
/// A new consensus has been received, and has enough information to be
/// used.
/// This event is also broadcast when a new set of consensus parameters is
/// available, even if that set of parameters comes from a configuration
/// change rather than from the latest consensus.
/// New descriptors have been received for the current consensus.
/// (This event is _not_ broadcast when receiving new descriptors for a
/// consensus which is not yet ready to replace the current consensus.)
/// A trait to indicate something that can be published with [`FlagPublisher`].
/// Since the implementation of `FlagPublisher` requires that its events be
/// represented as small integers, this trait is mainly about converting to and
/// from those integers.
pub(crate) trait FlagEvent: Sized {
/// The maximum allowed integer value that [`FlagEvent::to_index()`] can return
/// for this type.
/// This is limited to u16 because the [`FlagPublisher`] uses a vector of all
/// known flags, and sometimes iterates over the whole vector.
const MAXIMUM: u16;
/// Convert this event into an index.
/// For efficiency, indices should be small and densely packed.
fn to_index(self) -> u16;
/// Try to reconstruct an event from its index. Return None if the index is
/// out-of-bounds.
fn from_index(flag: u16) -> Option<Self>;
impl FlagEvent for DirEvent {
const MAXIMUM: u16 = 1;
fn to_index(self) -> u16 {
match self {
DirEvent::NewConsensus => 0,
DirEvent::NewDescriptors => 1,
fn from_index(flag: u16) -> Option<Self> {
match flag {
0 => Some(DirEvent::NewConsensus),
1 => Some(DirEvent::NewDescriptors),
_ => None,
/// A publisher that broadcasts flag-level events to multiple subscribers.
/// Events with the same flag value may be coalesced: that is, if the same event
/// is published ten times in a row, a subscriber may receive only a single
/// notification of the event.
/// FlagPublisher supports an MPMC model: cloning a Publisher creates a new handle
/// that can also broadcast events to everybody listening on the channel.
/// Dropping the last handle closes all streams subscribed to it.
pub(crate) struct FlagPublisher<F> {
/// Inner data shared by publishers and streams.
inner: Arc<Inner<F>>,
/// Shared structure to implement [`FlagPublisher`] and [`FlagListener`].
struct Inner<F> {
/// An event that we use to broadcast whenever a new [`FlagEvent`] event has occurred.
event: event_listener::Event,
/// How many times has each event occurred, ever.
/// (It is safe for this to wrap around.)
// TODO(nickm): I wish this could be an array, but const generics don't
// quite support that yet.
counts: Vec<AtomicUsize>, // I wish this could be an array.
/// How many publishers remain?
n_publishers: AtomicUsize,
/// Phantom member to provide correct covariance.
/// The `fn` business is a covariance trick to include `F` without affecting
/// this object's Send/Sync status.
_phantom: PhantomData<fn(F) -> F>,
/// A [`Stream`] that returns a series of event [`FlagEvent`]s broadcast by a
/// [`FlagPublisher`].
pub(crate) struct FlagListener<F> {
/// What value of each flag's count have we seen most recently?
/// Note that we count the event as "received" only once for each observed
/// change in the flag's count, even if that count has changed by more than
/// 1.
my_counts: Vec<usize>,
/// An an `EventListener` that will be notified when events are published,
/// or when the final publisher is dropped.
/// We must always have one of these available _before_ we check any counts
/// in self.inner.
listener: event_listener::EventListener,
/// Reference to shared data.
impl<F: FlagEvent> FlagPublisher<F> {
/// Construct a new FlagPublisher.
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
// We can't use vec![AtomicUsize::new(0); F::MAXIMUM+1]: that would
// require AtomicUsize to be Clone.
let counts = std::iter::repeat_with(AtomicUsize::default)
.take(F::MAXIMUM as usize + 1)
FlagPublisher {
inner: Arc::new(Inner {
event: event_listener::Event::new(),
n_publishers: AtomicUsize::new(1),
_phantom: PhantomData,
/// Create a new subscription to this FlagPublisher.
pub(crate) fn subscribe(&self) -> FlagListener<F> {
// We need to do this event.listen before we check the counts; otherwise
// we could have a sequence where: we check the count, then the
// publisher increments the count, then the publisher calls
// event.notify(), and we call event.listen(). That would cause us to
// miss the increment.
let listener = self.inner.event.listen();
FlagListener {
my_counts: self
.map(|a| a.load(Ordering::SeqCst))
inner: Arc::clone(&self.inner),
/// Tell every listener that the provided flag has been published.
pub(crate) fn publish(&self, flag: F) {
self.inner.counts[flag.to_index() as usize].fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
impl<F> Clone for FlagPublisher<F> {
fn clone(&self) -> FlagPublisher<F> {
self.inner.n_publishers.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
// We must implement Drop to keep count publishers, and so that when the last
// publisher goes away, we can wake up every listener so that it notices that
// the stream is now ended.
impl<F> Drop for FlagPublisher<F> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.inner.n_publishers.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst) == 1 {
// That was the last reference; we must notify the listeners.
impl<F: FlagEvent> Stream for FlagListener<F> {
type Item = F;
fn poll_next(
mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
loop {
// Notify the caller if any events are ready to fire.
for idx in 0..F::MAXIMUM as usize + 1 {
let cur = self.inner.counts[idx].load(Ordering::SeqCst);
// We don't have to use < here specifically, since any change
// indicates that the count has been modified. That lets us
// survive usize wraparound.
if cur != self.my_counts[idx] {
self.my_counts[idx] = cur;
return Poll::Ready(Some(F::from_index(idx as u16).expect("Internal error")));
// At this point, notify the caller if there are no more publishers.
if self.inner.n_publishers.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == 0 {
return Poll::Ready(None);
if let Poll::Ready(()) = Pin::new(&mut self.listener).poll(cx) {
// Got a new notification; we must create a new event and continue the loop.
// See discussion in `FlagPublisher::subscribe()` for why we must always create
// this listener _before_ checking any flags.
self.listener = self.inner.event.listen();
} else {
// Nothing to do yet: put the listener back.
return Poll::Pending;
/// Description of the directory manager's current bootstrapping status.
/// This status does not necessarily increase monotonically: it can go backwards
/// if (for example) our directory information expires before we're able to get
/// new information.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct DirBootstrapStatus {
/// The status for the current directory that we're using right now.
pub(crate) current: DirStatus,
/// The status for a directory that we're downloading to replace the current
/// directory.
/// This is "None" if we haven't started fetching the next consensus yet.
pub(crate) next: Option<DirStatus>,
/// The status for a single directory.
pub struct DirStatus(DirStatusInner);
/// The contents of a single DirStatus.
/// This is a separate type so that we don't make the variants public.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Educe)]
pub(crate) enum DirStatusInner {
/// We don't have any information yet.
NoConsensus {
/// If present, we are fetching a consensus whose valid-after time
/// postdates this time.
after: Option<SystemTime>,
/// We've downloaded a consensus, but we haven't validated it yet.
FetchingCerts {
/// The lifetime of the consensus.
lifetime: netstatus::Lifetime,
/// A fraction (in (numerator,denominator) format) of the certificates
/// we have for this consensus.
n_certs: (u16, u16),
/// We've validated a consensus and we're fetching (or have fetched) its
/// microdescriptors.
Validated {
/// A fraction (in (numerator,denominator) form) of the microdescriptors
/// that we have for this consensus.
n_mds: (u32, u32),
/// True iff we've decided that the consensus is usable.
usable: bool,
// TODO(nickm) Someday we could add a field about whether any primary
// guards are missing microdescriptors, to give a better explanation for
// the case where we won't switch our consensus because of that.
impl From<DirStatusInner> for DirStatus {
fn from(inner: DirStatusInner) -> DirStatus {
impl fmt::Display for DirStatus {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
/// Format this time in a format useful for displaying
/// lifetime boundaries.
fn fmt_time(t: SystemTime) -> String {
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
/// Formatter object for lifetime boundaries.
/// We use "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC" here, since we never have
/// sub-second times here, and using non-UTC offsets is confusing
/// in this context.
static FORMAT: Lazy<Vec<time::format_description::FormatItem>> = Lazy::new(|| {
time::format_description::parse("[year]-[month]-[day] [hour]:[minute]:[second] UTC")
.expect("Invalid time format")
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "(could not format)".into())
match &self.0 {
DirStatusInner::NoConsensus { .. } => write!(f, "fetching a consensus"),
DirStatusInner::FetchingCerts { n_certs, .. } => write!(
"fetching authority certificates ({}/{})",
n_certs.0, n_certs.1
DirStatusInner::Validated {
usable: false,
} => write!(f, "fetching microdescriptors ({}/{})", n_mds.0, n_mds.1),
usable: true,
} => write!(
"usable, fresh until {}, and valid until {}",
impl fmt::Display for DirBootstrapStatus {
write!(f, "directory is {}", self.current)?;
if let Some(ref next) = {
write!(f, "; next directory is {}", next)?;
impl DirBootstrapStatus {
/// Return the fraction of completion for directory download, in a form
/// suitable for a progress bar at some particular time.
/// This value is not monotonic, and can go down as one directory is
/// replaced with another.
/// Callers _should not_ depend on the specific meaning of any particular
/// fraction; we may change these fractions in the future.
pub fn frac_at(&self, when: SystemTime) -> f32 {
.or_else(|||next| next.frac_at(when)))
/// Return true if this status indicates that we have a current usable
pub fn usable_at(&self, now: SystemTime) -> bool {
self.current.usable() && self.current.valid_at(now)
/// Update this status by replacing its current status (or its next status)
/// with `new_status`, as appropriate.
pub(crate) fn update(&mut self, new_status: DirStatus) {
if new_status.usable() {
// This is a usable directory, but it might be a stale one still
// getting updated. Make sure that it is at least as new as the one
// in `current` before we set `current`.
if new_status.at_least_as_new_as(&self.current) {
// This one will be `current`. Should we clear `next`? Only if
// this one is at least as recent as `next` too.
if new_status.at_least_as_new_as(next) { = None;
self.current = new_status;
} else if !self.current.usable() {
// Not a usable directory, but we don't _have_ a usable directory. This is therefore current.
// This is _not_ a usable directory, so it can only be `next`. = Some(new_status);
impl DirStatus {
/// Return the consensus lifetime for this directory, if we have one.
fn lifetime(&self) -> Option<&netstatus::Lifetime> {
DirStatusInner::NoConsensus { .. } => None,
DirStatusInner::FetchingCerts { lifetime, .. } => Some(lifetime),
DirStatusInner::Validated { lifetime, .. } => Some(lifetime),
/// Return true if the directory is valid at the given time.
fn valid_at(&self, when: SystemTime) -> bool {
if let Some(lifetime) = self.lifetime() {
lifetime.valid_after() <= when && when < lifetime.valid_until()
/// As frac_at, but return None if this consensus is not valid at the given time.
fn frac_at(&self, when: SystemTime) -> Option<f32> {
if self.valid_at(when) {
/// Return true if this status indicates a usable directory.
fn usable(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.0, DirStatusInner::Validated { usable: true, .. })
/// suitable for a progress bar.
/// This is monotonically increasing for a single directory, but can go down
/// as one directory is replaced with another.
fn frac(&self) -> f32 {
// We arbitrarily decide that 25% is downloading the consensus, 10% is
// downloading the certificates, and the remaining 65% is downloading
// the microdescriptors until we become usable. We may want to re-tune that in the future, but
// the documentation of this function should allow us to do so.
DirStatusInner::NoConsensus { .. } => 0.0,
DirStatusInner::FetchingCerts { n_certs, .. } => {
0.25 + f32::from(n_certs.0) / f32::from(n_certs.1) * 0.10
} => 0.35 + (n_mds.0 as f32) / (n_mds.1 as f32) * 0.65,
DirStatusInner::Validated { usable: true, .. } => 1.0,
/// Return true if the consensus in this DirStatus (if any) is at least as
/// new as the one in `other`.
fn at_least_as_new_as(&self, other: &DirStatus) -> bool {
/// return a candidate "valid after" time for a DirStatus, for comparison purposes.
fn start_time(st: &DirStatus) -> Option<SystemTime> {
match &st.0 {
DirStatusInner::NoConsensus { after: Some(t) } => {
Some(*t + std::time::Duration::new(1, 0)) // Make sure this sorts _after_ t.
DirStatusInner::FetchingCerts { lifetime, .. } => Some(lifetime.valid_after()),
DirStatusInner::Validated { lifetime, .. } => Some(lifetime.valid_after()),
match (start_time(self), start_time(other)) {
// If both have a lifetime, compare their valid_after times.
(Some(l1), Some(l2)) => l1 >= l2,
// Any consensus is newer than none.
(Some(_), None) => true,
// No consensus is never newer than anything.
(None, _) => false,
/// A stream of [`DirBootstrapStatus`] events.
#[derive(Clone, Educe)]
pub struct DirBootstrapEvents {
/// The `postage::watch::Receiver` that we're wrapping.
/// We wrap this type so that we don't expose its entire API, and so that we
/// can migrate to some other implementation in the future if we want.
#[educe(Debug(method = "skip_fmt"))]
pub(crate) inner: postage::watch::Receiver<DirBootstrapStatus>,
impl Stream for DirBootstrapEvents {
type Item = DirBootstrapStatus;
mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
mod test {
use std::time::Duration;
use super::*;
use float_eq::assert_float_eq;
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use tor_rtcompat::test_with_all_runtimes;
fn subscribe_and_publish() {
test_with_all_runtimes!(|_rt| async {
let publish: FlagPublisher<DirEvent> = FlagPublisher::new();
let mut sub1 = publish.subscribe();
let mut sub2 = publish.subscribe();
let ev = event_listener::Event::new();
let lis = ev.listen();
async {
// sub1 was created in time to see this event...
let val1 =;
assert_eq!(val1, Some(DirEvent::NewConsensus));
ev.notify(1); // Tell the third task below to drop the publisher.
let val2 =;
assert_eq!(val2, None);
let val =;
assert_eq!(val, None);
fn receive_two() {
let mut sub = publish.subscribe();
let ev_lis = ev.listen();
let val1 =;
assert_eq!(val1, Some(DirEvent::NewDescriptors));
let val2 =;
assert_eq!(val2, Some(DirEvent::NewConsensus));
fn two_publishers() {
let publish1: FlagPublisher<DirEvent> = FlagPublisher::new();
let publish2 = publish1.clone();
let mut sub = publish1.subscribe();
let ev1 = event_listener::Event::new();
let ev2 = event_listener::Event::new();
let ev1_lis = ev1.listen();
let ev2_lis = ev2.listen();
let mut count = [0_usize; 2];
// These awaits guarantee that we will see at least one event flag of each
// type, before the stream is dropped.
while let Some(e) = {
count[e.to_index() as usize] += 1;
assert!(count[0] > 0);
assert!(count[1] > 0);
assert!(count[0] <= 100);
assert!(count[1] <= 100);
for _ in 0..100 {
fn receive_after_publishers_are_gone() {
let v =;
assert_eq!(v, Some(DirEvent::NewConsensus));
fn failed_conversion() {
assert_eq!(DirEvent::from_index(999), None);
fn dir_status_basics() {
let now = SystemTime::now();
let hour = Duration::new(3600, 0);
let nothing = DirStatus(DirStatusInner::NoConsensus { after: None });
let unval = DirStatus(DirStatusInner::FetchingCerts {
lifetime: netstatus::Lifetime::new(now, now + hour, now + hour * 2).unwrap(),
n_certs: (3, 5),
let with_c = DirStatus(DirStatusInner::Validated {
lifetime: netstatus::Lifetime::new(now + hour, now + hour * 2, now + hour * 3).unwrap(),
n_mds: (30, 40),
// lifetime()
assert_eq!(unval.lifetime().unwrap().valid_after(), now);
assert_eq!(with_c.lifetime().unwrap().valid_until(), now + hour * 3);
// at_least_as_new_as()
// frac() (It's okay if we change the actual numbers here later; the
// current ones are more or less arbitrary.)
const TOL: f32 = 0.00001;
assert_float_eq!(nothing.frac(), 0.0, abs <= TOL);
assert_float_eq!(unval.frac(), 0.25 + 0.06, abs <= TOL);
assert_float_eq!(with_c.frac(), 0.35 + 0.65 * 0.75, abs <= TOL);
// frac_at()
let t1 = now + hour / 2;
let t2 = t1 + hour * 2;
assert_float_eq!(unval.frac_at(t1).unwrap(), 0.25 + 0.06, abs <= TOL);
assert_float_eq!(with_c.frac_at(t2).unwrap(), 0.35 + 0.65 * 0.75, abs <= TOL);
fn dir_status_display() {
use time::macros::datetime;
let t1: SystemTime = datetime!(2022-01-17 11:00:00 UTC).into();
let lifetime = netstatus::Lifetime::new(t1, t1 + hour, t1 + hour * 3).unwrap();
let ds = DirStatus(DirStatusInner::NoConsensus { after: None });
assert_eq!(ds.to_string(), "fetching a consensus");
let ds = DirStatus(DirStatusInner::FetchingCerts {
lifetime: lifetime.clone(),
assert_eq!(ds.to_string(), "fetching authority certificates (3/5)");
let ds = DirStatus(DirStatusInner::Validated {
assert_eq!(ds.to_string(), "fetching microdescriptors (30/40)");
"usable, fresh until 2022-01-17 12:00:00 UTC, and valid until 2022-01-17 14:00:00 UTC"
fn bootstrap_status() {
let lifetime2 = netstatus::Lifetime::new(t1 + hour, t1 + hour * 2, t1 + hour * 4).unwrap();
let ds1: DirStatus = DirStatusInner::Validated {
n_mds: (3, 40),
let ds2: DirStatus = DirStatusInner::Validated {
lifetime: lifetime2.clone(),
n_mds: (5, 40),
let bs = DirBootstrapStatus {
current: ds1.clone(),
next: Some(ds2.clone()),
"directory is usable, fresh until 2022-01-17 12:00:00 UTC, and valid until 2022-01-17 14:00:00 UTC; next directory is fetching microdescriptors (5/40)"
assert_float_eq!(bs.frac_at(t1 + hour / 2), 1.0, abs <= TOL);
bs.frac_at(t1 + hour * 3 + hour / 2),
0.35 + 0.65 * 0.125,
abs <= TOL
// Now try updating.
// Case 1: we have a usable directory and the updated status isn't usable.
let mut bs = bs;
let ds3 = DirStatus(DirStatusInner::Validated {
n_mds: (10, 40),
// Case 2: The new directory _is_ usable and newer. It will replace the old one.
let ds4 = DirStatus(DirStatusInner::Validated {
n_mds: (20, 40),
// Case 3: The new directory is usable but older. Nothing will happen.
// Case 4: starting with an unusable directory, we always replace.
let mut bs = DirBootstrapStatus::default();