83.85 %
19.71 %
100 %
//! Implementation for the primary directory state machine.
//! There are three (active) states that a download can be in: looking
//! for a consensus ([`GetConsensusState`]), looking for certificates
//! to validate that consensus ([`GetCertsState`]), and looking for
//! microdescriptors ([`GetMicrodescsState`]).
//! These states have no contact with the network, and are purely
//! reactive to other code that drives them. See the
//! [`bootstrap`](crate::bootstrap) module for functions that actually
//! load or download directory information.
use rand::Rng;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak};
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use time::OffsetDateTime;
use tor_error::internal;
use tor_netdir::{MdReceiver, NetDir, PartialNetDir};
use tor_netdoc::doc::netstatus::Lifetime;
use tracing::{info, warn};
use crate::event::{DirStatus, DirStatusInner};
use crate::storage::{DynStore, EXPIRATION_DEFAULTS};
use crate::{
docmeta::{AuthCertMeta, ConsensusMeta},
CacheUsage, ClientRequest, DirMgrConfig, DirState, DocId, DocumentText, Error, Readiness,
use crate::{DirEvent, DocSource};
use tor_checkable::{ExternallySigned, SelfSigned, Timebound};
use tor_llcrypto::pk::rsa::RsaIdentity;
use tor_netdoc::doc::{
microdesc::{MdDigest, Microdesc},
use tor_netdoc::{
authcert::{AuthCert, AuthCertKeyIds},
netstatus::{ConsensusFlavor, UnvalidatedMdConsensus},
use tor_rtcompat::Runtime;
/// An object where we can put a usable netdir.
/// Note that there's only one implementation for this trait: DirMgr.
/// We make this a trait anyway to make sure that the different states
/// in this module can _only_ interact with the DirMgr through
/// modifying the NetDir and looking at the configuration.
pub(crate) trait WriteNetDir: 'static + Sync + Send {
/// Return a DirMgrConfig to use when asked how to retry downloads,
/// or when we need to find a list of descriptors.
fn config(&self) -> Arc<DirMgrConfig>;
/// Return a reference where we can write or modify a NetDir.
fn netdir(&self) -> &SharedMutArc<NetDir>;
/// Called to note that the consensus stored in [`Self::netdir()`] has been
/// changed.
fn netdir_consensus_changed(&self);
/// Called to note that the descriptors stored in
/// [`Self::netdir()`] have been changed.
fn netdir_descriptors_changed(&self);
/// Checks whether the given `netdir` is ready to replace the previous
/// one.
/// This is in addition to checks used when upgrading from a PartialNetDir.
fn netdir_is_sufficient(&self, _netdir: &NetDir) -> bool {
/// Called to find the current time.
/// This is just `SystemTime::now()` in production, but for
/// testing it is helpful to be able to mock our our current view
/// of the time.
fn now(&self) -> SystemTime;
impl<R: Runtime> WriteNetDir for crate::DirMgr<R> {
fn config(&self) -> Arc<DirMgrConfig> {
fn netdir(&self) -> &SharedMutArc<NetDir> {
fn netdir_consensus_changed(&self) {;
fn netdir_descriptors_changed(&self) {;
fn netdir_is_sufficient(&self, netdir: &NetDir) -> bool {
match &self.circmgr {
Some(circmgr) => circmgr.netdir_is_sufficient(netdir),
None => true, // no circmgr? then we can use anything.
fn now(&self) -> SystemTime {
/// Initial state: fetching or loading a consensus directory.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct GetConsensusState<DM: WriteNetDir> {
/// How should we get the consensus from the cache, if at all?
cache_usage: CacheUsage,
/// If present, a time after which we want our consensus to have
/// been published.
// TODO: This is not yet used everywhere it could be. In the future maybe
// it should be inserted into the DocId::LatestConsensus alternative rather
// than being recalculated in make_consensus_request,
after: Option<SystemTime>,
/// If present, our next state.
/// (This is present once we have a consensus.)
next: Option<GetCertsState<DM>>,
/// A list of RsaIdentity for the authorities that we believe in.
/// No consensus can be valid unless it purports to be signed by
/// more than half of these authorities.
authority_ids: Vec<RsaIdentity>,
/// A weak reference to the directory manager that wants us to
/// fetch this information. When this references goes away, we exit.
writedir: Weak<DM>,
impl<DM: WriteNetDir> GetConsensusState<DM> {
/// Create a new GetConsensusState from a weak reference to a
/// directory manager and a `cache_usage` flag.
pub(crate) fn new(writedir: Weak<DM>, cache_usage: CacheUsage) -> Result<Self> {
let (authority_ids, after) = if let Some(writedir) = Weak::upgrade(&writedir) {
let ids: Vec<_> = writedir
.map(|auth| *auth.v3ident())
let after = writedir
.map(|nd| nd.lifetime().valid_after());
(ids, after)
} else {
return Err(Error::ManagerDropped);
Ok(GetConsensusState {
next: None,
impl<DM: WriteNetDir> DirState for GetConsensusState<DM> {
fn describe(&self) -> String {
if {
"About to fetch certificates."
match self.cache_usage {
CacheUsage::CacheOnly => "Looking for a cached consensus.",
CacheUsage::CacheOkay => "Looking for a consensus.",
CacheUsage::MustDownload => "Downloading a consensus.",
fn missing_docs(&self) -> Vec<DocId> {
if self.can_advance() {
return Vec::new();
let flavor = ConsensusFlavor::Microdesc;
vec![DocId::LatestConsensus {
cache_usage: self.cache_usage,
fn is_ready(&self, _ready: Readiness) -> bool {
fn can_advance(&self) -> bool {
fn bootstrap_status(&self) -> DirStatus {
if let Some(next) = & {
DirStatusInner::NoConsensus { after: self.after }.into()
fn dl_config(&self) -> Result<DownloadSchedule> {
if let Some(wd) = Weak::upgrade(&self.writedir) {
fn add_from_cache(
&mut self,
docs: HashMap<DocId, DocumentText>,
_storage: Option<&Mutex<DynStore>>,
) -> Result<bool> {
let text = match docs.into_iter().next() {
None => return Ok(false),
DocId::LatestConsensus {
flavor: ConsensusFlavor::Microdesc,
)) => text,
_ => return Err(Error::Unwanted("Not an md consensus")),
let source = DocSource::LocalCache;
self.add_consensus_text(source, text.as_str().map_err(Error::BadUtf8InCache)?)
.map(|meta| meta.is_some())
fn add_from_download(
text: &str,
_request: &ClientRequest,
storage: Option<&Mutex<DynStore>>,
let source = DocSource::DirServer {};
if let Some(meta) = self.add_consensus_text(source, text)? {
if let Some(store) = storage {
let mut w = store.lock().expect("Directory storage lock poisoned");
w.store_consensus(meta, ConsensusFlavor::Microdesc, true, text)?;
fn advance(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Box<dyn DirState>> {
Ok(match {
Some(next) => Box::new(next),
None => self,
fn reset_time(&self) -> Option<SystemTime> {
fn reset(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Box<dyn DirState>> {
/// Helper: try to set the current consensus text from an input
/// string `text`. Refuse it if the authorities could never be
/// correct, or if it is ill-formed.
fn add_consensus_text(
source: DocSource,
) -> Result<Option<&ConsensusMeta>> {
// Try to parse it and get its metadata.
let (consensus_meta, unvalidated) = {
let (signedval, remainder, parsed) =
MdConsensus::parse(text).map_err(|e| Error::from_netdoc(source.clone(), e))?;
let now = current_time(&self.writedir)?;
if let Ok(timely) = parsed.check_valid_at(&now) {
let meta = ConsensusMeta::from_unvalidated(signedval, remainder, &timely);
(meta, timely)
return Ok(None);
// Check out what authorities we believe in, and see if enough
// of them are purported to have signed this consensus.
let n_authorities = self.authority_ids.len() as u16;
let unvalidated = unvalidated.set_n_authorities(n_authorities);
let id_refs: Vec<_> = self.authority_ids.iter().collect();
if !unvalidated.authorities_are_correct(&id_refs[..]) {
return Err(Error::UnrecognizedAuthorities);
// Make a set of all the certificates we want -- the subset of
// those listed on the consensus that we would indeed accept as
// authoritative.
let desired_certs = unvalidated
.filter(|m| self.recognizes_authority(&m.id_fingerprint)) = Some(GetCertsState {
consensus_source: source,
missing_certs: desired_certs,
certs: Vec::new(),
writedir: Weak::clone(&self.writedir),
// Unwrap should be safe because `next` was just assigned
/// Return true if `id` is an authority identity we recognize
fn recognizes_authority(&self, id: &RsaIdentity) -> bool {
self.authority_ids.iter().any(|auth| auth == id)
/// Second state: fetching or loading authority certificates.
/// TODO: we should probably do what C tor does, and try to use the
/// same directory that gave us the consensus.
/// TODO SECURITY: This needs better handling for the DOS attack where
/// we are given a bad consensus signed with fictional certificates
/// that we can never find.
struct GetCertsState<DM: WriteNetDir> {
/// The cache usage we had in mind when we began. Used to reset.
/// Where did we get our consensus?
consensus_source: DocSource,
/// The consensus that we are trying to validate.
unvalidated: UnvalidatedMdConsensus,
/// Metadata for the consensus.
consensus_meta: ConsensusMeta,
/// A set of the certificate keypairs for the certificates we don't
/// have yet.
missing_certs: HashSet<AuthCertKeyIds>,
/// A list of the certificates we've been able to load or download.
certs: Vec<AuthCert>,
/// Reference to our directory manager.
impl<DM: WriteNetDir> DirState for GetCertsState<DM> {
let total = self.certs.len() + self.missing_certs.len();
"Downloading certificates for consensus (we are missing {}/{}).",
.map(|id| DocId::AuthCert(*id))
let n_certs = self.certs.len();
let n_missing_certs = self.missing_certs.len();
let total_certs = n_missing_certs + n_certs;
DirStatusInner::FetchingCerts {
lifetime: self.consensus_meta.lifetime().clone(),
n_certs: (n_certs as u16, total_certs as u16),
let mut changed = false;
// Here we iterate over the documents we want, taking them from
// our input and remembering them.
for id in &self.missing_docs() {
if let Some(cert) = docs.get(id) {
let text = cert.as_str().map_err(Error::BadUtf8InCache)?;
let parsed = AuthCert::parse(text)
.map_err(|e| Error::from_netdoc(DocSource::LocalCache, e))?
if let Ok(cert) = parsed.check_valid_at(&now) {
changed = true;
warn!("Got a cert from our cache that we couldn't parse");
request: &ClientRequest,
let asked_for: HashSet<_> = match request {
ClientRequest::AuthCert(a) => a.keys().collect(),
_ => return Err(internal!("expected an AuthCert request").into()),
let mut newcerts = Vec::new();
for cert in AuthCert::parse_multiple(text) {
if let Ok(parsed) = cert {
let s = parsed
.expect("Certificate was not in input as expected");
if let Ok(wellsigned) = parsed.check_signature() {
if let Ok(timely) = wellsigned.check_valid_at(&now) {
newcerts.push((timely, s));
// TODO: note the source.
warn!("Badly signed certificate received and discarded.");
warn!("Unparsable certificate received and discarded.");
// Now discard any certs we didn't ask for.
let len_orig = newcerts.len();
newcerts.retain(|(cert, _)| asked_for.contains(cert.key_ids()));
if newcerts.len() != len_orig {
warn!("Discarding certificates that we didn't ask for.");
// We want to exit early if we aren't saving any certificates.
if newcerts.is_empty() {
return Ok(false);
// Write the certificates to the store.
let v: Vec<_> = newcerts[..]
.map(|(cert, s)| (AuthCertMeta::from_authcert(cert), *s))
// Remember the certificates in this state, and remove them
// from our list of missing certs.
for (cert, _) in newcerts {
let ids = cert.key_ids();
if self.missing_certs.contains(ids) {
let consensus_source = self.consensus_source.clone();
let validated = self
.map_err(|e| Error::from_netdoc(consensus_source, e))?;
/// Final state: we're fetching or loading microdescriptors
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct GetMicrodescsState<DM: WriteNetDir> {
/// The digests of the microdescriptors we are missing.
missing: HashSet<MdDigest>,
/// Total number of microdescriptors listed in the consensus.
n_microdescs: usize,
/// The dirmgr to inform about a usable directory.
/// The current status of our netdir, if it is not yet ready to become the
/// main netdir in use for the TorClient.
partial: Option<PendingNetDir>,
/// Metadata for the current consensus.
meta: ConsensusMeta,
/// A pending list of microdescriptor digests whose
/// "last-listed-at" times we should update.
newly_listed: Vec<MdDigest>,
/// A time after which we should try to replace this directory and
/// find a new one. Since this is randomized, we only compute it
/// once.
reset_time: SystemTime,
/// If true, we should tell the storage to expire any outdated
/// information when we finish getting a usable consensus.
/// Only cleared for testing.
expire_when_complete: bool,
/// A network directory that is not yet ready to become _the_ current network directory.
enum PendingNetDir {
/// A NetDir for which we have a consensus, but not enough microdescriptors.
/// A NetDir that is "good enough to build circuits", but which we can't yet
/// use because our `writedir` says that it isn't yet sufficient. Probably
/// that is because we're waiting to download a microdescriptor for one or
/// more primary guards.
impl PendingNetDir {
/// Add the provided microdescriptor to this pending directory.
/// Return true if we indeed wanted (and added) this descriptor.
fn add_microdesc(&mut self, md: Microdesc) -> bool {
match self {
PendingNetDir::Partial(partial) => partial.add_microdesc(md),
PendingNetDir::WaitingForGuards(netdir) => netdir.add_microdesc(md),
/// Try to move `self` as far as possible towards a complete, netdir with
/// enough directory information (according to `writedir`).
/// On success, return `Ok(netdir)` with a new usable [`NetDir`]. On error,
/// return a [`PendingNetDir`] representing any progress we were able to
/// make.
fn upgrade<WD: WriteNetDir>(mut self, writedir: &WD) -> std::result::Result<NetDir, Self> {
loop {
PendingNetDir::Partial(partial) => match partial.unwrap_if_sufficient() {
Ok(netdir) => {
self = PendingNetDir::WaitingForGuards(netdir);
Err(partial) => return Err(PendingNetDir::Partial(partial)),
PendingNetDir::WaitingForGuards(netdir) => {
if writedir.netdir_is_sufficient(&netdir) {
return Ok(netdir);
return Err(PendingNetDir::WaitingForGuards(netdir));
impl<DM: WriteNetDir> GetMicrodescsState<DM> {
/// Create a new [`GetMicrodescsState`] from a provided
/// microdescriptor consensus.
fn new(
consensus: MdConsensus,
) -> Result<Self> {
let reset_time = consensus.lifetime().valid_until();
let n_microdescs = consensus.relays().len();
let partial_dir = match Weak::upgrade(&writedir) {
Some(wd) => {
let config = wd.config();
let params = config.override_net_params();
let mut dir = PartialNetDir::new(consensus, Some(params));
if let Some(old_dir) = wd.netdir().get() {
None => return Err(Error::ManagerDropped),
let missing = partial_dir.missing_microdescs().map(Clone::clone).collect();
let mut result = GetMicrodescsState {
partial: Some(PendingNetDir::Partial(partial_dir)),
newly_listed: Vec::new(),
expire_when_complete: true,
/// Add a bunch of microdescriptors to the in-progress netdir.
/// Return true if the netdir has just become usable.
fn register_microdescs<I>(&mut self, mds: I) -> bool
I: IntoIterator<Item = Microdesc>,
if let Some(p) = &mut self.partial {
for md in mds {
return self.consider_upgrade();
} else if let Some(wd) = Weak::upgrade(&self.writedir) {
let _ = wd.netdir().mutate(|netdir| {
/// Check whether this netdir we're building has _just_ become
/// usable when it was not previously usable. If so, tell the
/// dirmgr about it and return true; otherwise return false.
fn consider_upgrade(&mut self) -> bool {
if let Some(p) = self.partial.take() {
match p.upgrade(wd.as_ref()) {
Ok(mut netdir) => {
self.reset_time = pick_download_time(netdir.lifetime());
// We re-set the parameters here, in case they have been
// reconfigured.
return true;
Err(pending) => self.partial = Some(pending),
/// Mark the consensus that we're getting MDs for as non-pending in the
/// storage.
/// Called when a consensus is no longer pending.
fn mark_consensus_usable(&self, storage: Option<&Mutex<DynStore>>) -> Result<()> {
let mut store = store.lock().expect("Directory storage lock poisoned");
info!("Marked consensus usable.");
// Now that a consensus is usable, older consensuses may
// need to expire.
if self.expire_when_complete {
impl<DM: WriteNetDir> DirState for GetMicrodescsState<DM> {
"Downloading microdescriptors (we are missing {}).",
self.missing.iter().map(|d| DocId::Microdesc(*d)).collect()
fn is_ready(&self, ready: Readiness) -> bool {
match ready {
Readiness::Complete => self.missing.is_empty(),
Readiness::Usable => self.partial.is_none(),
let n_present = self.n_microdescs - self.missing.len();
DirStatusInner::Validated {
lifetime: self.meta.lifetime().clone(),
n_mds: (n_present as u32, self.n_microdescs as u32),
usable: self.is_ready(Readiness::Usable),
let mut microdescs = Vec::new();
for (id, text) in docs {
if let DocId::Microdesc(digest) = id {
if !self.missing.remove(&digest) {
warn!("Bug: loaded a microdesc that we didn't want from the cache.");
if let Ok(md) = Microdesc::parse(text.as_str().map_err(Error::BadUtf8InCache)?) {
if md.digest() == &digest {
warn!("Found a mismatched microdescriptor in cache; ignoring");
let changed = !microdescs.is_empty();
if self.register_microdescs(microdescs) {
// Just stopped being pending.
let requested: HashSet<_> = if let ClientRequest::Microdescs(req) = request {
return Err(internal!("expected a microdesc request").into());
let mut new_mds = Vec::new();
for anno in MicrodescReader::new(text, &AllowAnnotations::AnnotationsNotAllowed).flatten() {
let txt = anno
.expect("annotation not from within text as expected");
let md = anno.into_microdesc();
if !requested.contains(md.digest()) {
"Received microdescriptor we did not ask for: {:?}",
new_mds.push((txt, md));
let mark_listed = self.meta.lifetime().valid_after();
let mut s = store
.expect("Directory storage lock poisoned");
if !self.newly_listed.is_empty() {
s.update_microdescs_listed(&self.newly_listed, mark_listed)?;
if !new_mds.is_empty() {
.map(|(text, md)| (*text, md.digest()))
if self.register_microdescs(new_mds.into_iter().map(|(_, md)| md)) {
let cache_usage = if self.cache_usage == CacheUsage::CacheOnly {
// Cache only means we can't ever download.
} else if self.is_ready(Readiness::Usable) {
// If we managed to bootstrap a usable consensus, then we won't
// accept our next consensus from the cache.
// If we didn't manage to bootstrap a usable consensus, then we can
// indeed try again with the one in the cache.
// TODO(nickm) is this right?
/// Choose a random download time to replace a consensus whose lifetime
/// is `lifetime`.
fn pick_download_time(lifetime: &Lifetime) -> SystemTime {
let (lowbound, uncertainty) = client_download_range(lifetime);
let zero = Duration::new(0, 0);
let t = lowbound + rand::thread_rng().gen_range(zero..uncertainty);
info!("The current consensus is fresh until {}, and valid until {}. I've picked {} as the earliest time to replace it.",
/// Based on the lifetime for a consensus, return the time range during which
/// clients should fetch the next one.
fn client_download_range(lt: &Lifetime) -> (SystemTime, Duration) {
let valid_after = lt.valid_after();
let fresh_until = lt.fresh_until();
let valid_until = lt.valid_until();
let voting_interval = fresh_until
.expect("valid-after must precede fresh-until");
let whole_lifetime = valid_until
.expect("valid-after must precede valid-until");
// From dir-spec:
// "This time is chosen uniformly at random from the interval
// between the time 3/4 into the first interval after the
// consensus is no longer fresh, and 7/8 of the time remaining
// after that before the consensus is invalid."
let lowbound = voting_interval + (voting_interval * 3) / 4;
let remainder = whole_lifetime - lowbound;
let uncertainty = (remainder * 7) / 8;
(valid_after + lowbound, uncertainty)
/// Helper: call `now` on a Weak<WriteNetDir>.
fn current_time<DM: WriteNetDir>(writedir: &Weak<DM>) -> Result<SystemTime> {
if let Some(writedir) = Weak::upgrade(writedir) {
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::{Authority, DownloadScheduleConfig};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::sync::{
atomic::{self, AtomicBool},
use tempfile::TempDir;
use time::macros::datetime;
use tor_netdoc::doc::authcert::AuthCertKeyIds;
fn download_schedule() {
let va = datetime!(2008-08-02 20:00 UTC).into();
let fu = datetime!(2008-08-02 21:00 UTC).into();
let vu = datetime!(2008-08-02 23:00 UTC).into();
let lifetime = Lifetime::new(va, fu, vu).unwrap();
let expected_start: SystemTime = datetime!(2008-08-02 21:45 UTC).into();
let expected_range = Duration::from_millis((75 * 60 * 1000) * 7 / 8);
let (start, range) = client_download_range(&lifetime);
assert_eq!(start, expected_start);
assert_eq!(range, expected_range);
for _ in 0..100 {
let when = pick_download_time(&lifetime);
assert!(when > va);
assert!(when >= expected_start);
assert!(when < vu);
assert!(when <= expected_start + range);
/// Makes a memory-backed storage.
fn temp_store() -> (TempDir, Mutex<DynStore>) {
let tempdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let store = crate::storage::SqliteStore::from_path(tempdir.path(), false).unwrap();
(tempdir, Mutex::new(Box::new(store)))
struct DirRcv {
cfg: Arc<DirMgrConfig>,
netdir: SharedMutArc<NetDir>,
consensus_changed: AtomicBool,
descriptors_changed: AtomicBool,
now: SystemTime,
impl DirRcv {
fn new(now: SystemTime, authorities: Option<Vec<Authority>>) -> Self {
let mut netcfg = crate::NetworkConfig::builder();
if let Some(a) = authorities {
let cfg = DirMgrConfig::builder()
let cfg = Arc::new(cfg);
DirRcv {
netdir: Default::default(),
consensus_changed: false.into(),
descriptors_changed: false.into(),
impl WriteNetDir for DirRcv {
Arc::clone(&self.cfg), atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
.store(true, atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
// Test data
const CONSENSUS: &str = include_str!("../testdata/mdconsensus1.txt");
const CONSENSUS2: &str = include_str!("../testdata/mdconsensus2.txt");
const AUTHCERT_5696: &str = include_str!("../testdata/cert-5696.txt");
const AUTHCERT_5A23: &str = include_str!("../testdata/cert-5A23.txt");
const AUTHCERT_7C47: &str = include_str!("../testdata/cert-7C47.txt");
fn test_time() -> SystemTime {
datetime!(2020-08-07 12:42:45 UTC).into()
fn rsa(s: &str) -> RsaIdentity {
fn test_authorities() -> Vec<Authority> {
fn a(s: &str) -> Authority {
// This is an authority according to the consensus, but we'll
// pretend we don't recognize it, to make sure that we
// don't fetch or accept it.
// a("7C47DCB4A90E2C2B7C7AD27BD641D038CF5D7EBE"),
fn authcert_id_5696() -> AuthCertKeyIds {
AuthCertKeyIds {
id_fingerprint: rsa("5696ab38cb3852afa476a5c07b2d4788963d5567"),
sk_fingerprint: rsa("f6ed4aa64d83caede34e19693a7fcf331aae8a6a"),
fn authcert_id_5a23() -> AuthCertKeyIds {
id_fingerprint: rsa("5a23ba701776c9c1ab1c06e734e92ab3d5350d64"),
sk_fingerprint: rsa("d08e965cc6dcb6cb6ed776db43e616e93af61177"),
// remember, we're saying that we don't recognize this one as an authority.
fn authcert_id_7c47() -> AuthCertKeyIds {
id_fingerprint: rsa("7C47DCB4A90E2C2B7C7AD27BD641D038CF5D7EBE"),
sk_fingerprint: rsa("D3C013E0E6C82E246090D1C0798B75FCB7ACF120"),
fn microdescs() -> HashMap<MdDigest, String> {
const MICRODESCS: &str = include_str!("../testdata/microdescs.txt");
let text = MICRODESCS;
MicrodescReader::new(text, &AllowAnnotations::AnnotationsNotAllowed)
.map(|res| {
let anno = res.unwrap();
let text = anno.within(text).unwrap();
(*md.digest(), text.to_owned())
fn get_consensus_state() {
let rcv = Arc::new(DirRcv::new(test_time(), None));
let (_tempdir, store) = temp_store();
let mut state =
GetConsensusState::new(Arc::downgrade(&rcv), CacheUsage::CacheOkay).unwrap();
// Is description okay?
assert_eq!(&state.describe(), "Looking for a consensus.");
// Basic properties: without a consensus it is not ready to advance.
// Basic properties: it doesn't want to reset.
// Its starting DirStatus is "fetching a consensus".
assert_eq!(state.bootstrap_status().to_string(), "fetching a consensus");
// Download configuration is simple: only 1 request can be done in
// parallel. It uses a consensus retry schedule.
let retry = state.dl_config().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&retry, DownloadScheduleConfig::default().retry_consensus());
// Do we know what we want?
let docs = state.missing_docs();
assert_eq!(docs.len(), 1);
let docid = docs[0];
cache_usage: CacheUsage::CacheOkay,
// Now suppose that we get some complete junk from a download.
let req = tor_dirclient::request::ConsensusRequest::new(ConsensusFlavor::Microdesc);
let req = crate::docid::ClientRequest::Consensus(req);
let outcome = state.add_from_download("this isn't a consensus", &req, Some(&store));
assert!(matches!(outcome, Err(Error::NetDocError { .. })));
// make sure it wasn't stored...
.latest_consensus(ConsensusFlavor::Microdesc, None)
// Now try again, with a real consensus... but the wrong authorities.
let outcome = state.add_from_download(CONSENSUS, &req, Some(&store));
assert!(matches!(outcome, Err(Error::UnrecognizedAuthorities)));
// Great. Change the receiver to use a configuration where these test
// authorities are recognized.
let rcv = Arc::new(DirRcv::new(test_time(), Some(test_authorities())));
// And with that, we should be asking for certificates
assert_eq!(&state.describe(), "About to fetch certificates.");
assert_eq!(state.missing_docs(), Vec::new());
let next = Box::new(state).advance().unwrap();
"Downloading certificates for consensus (we are missing 2/2)."
// Try again, but this time get the state from the cache.
let text: crate::storage::InputString = CONSENSUS.to_owned().into();
let map = vec![(docid, text.into())].into_iter().collect();
let outcome = state.add_from_cache(map, None);
fn get_certs_state() {
/// Construct a GetCertsState with our test data
fn new_getcerts_state() -> (Arc<DirRcv>, Box<dyn DirState>) {
let outcome = state.add_from_download(CONSENSUS, &req, None);
(rcv, Box::new(state).advance().unwrap())
let (_rcv, mut state) = new_getcerts_state();
// Basic properties: description, status, reset time.
let consensus_expires = datetime!(2020-08-07 12:43:20 UTC).into();
assert_eq!(state.reset_time(), Some(consensus_expires));
assert_eq!(&retry, DownloadScheduleConfig::default().retry_certs());
// Bootstrap status okay?
"fetching authority certificates (0/2)"
// Check that we get the right list of missing docs.
let missing = state.missing_docs();
assert_eq!(missing.len(), 2); // We are missing two certificates.
// we don't ask for this one because we don't recognize its authority
// Add one from the cache; make sure the list is still right
let text1: crate::storage::InputString = AUTHCERT_5696.to_owned().into();
// let text2: crate::storage::InputString = AUTHCERT_5A23.to_owned().into();
let docs = vec![(DocId::AuthCert(authcert_id_5696()), text1.into())]
let outcome = state.add_from_cache(docs, None);
assert!(outcome.unwrap()); // no error, and something changed.
assert!(!state.can_advance()); // But we aren't done yet.
assert_eq!(missing.len(), 1); // Now we're only missing one!
"fetching authority certificates (1/2)"
// Now try to add the other from a download ... but fail
// because we didn't ask for it.
let mut req = tor_dirclient::request::AuthCertRequest::new();
req.push(authcert_id_5696()); // it's the wrong id.
let req = ClientRequest::AuthCert(req);
let outcome = state.add_from_download(AUTHCERT_5A23, &req, Some(&store));
assert!(!outcome.unwrap()); // no error, but nothing changed.
let missing2 = state.missing_docs();
assert_eq!(missing, missing2); // No change.
// Now try to add the other from a download ... for real!
req.push(authcert_id_5a23()); // Right idea this time!
assert!(outcome.unwrap()); // No error, _and_ something changed!
let missing3 = state.missing_docs();
let next = state.advance().unwrap();
"Downloading microdescriptors (we are missing 6)."
// If we start from scratch and reset, we're back in GetConsensus.
let (_rcv, state) = new_getcerts_state();
let state = state.reset().unwrap();
// TODO: I'd like even more tests to make sure that we never
// accept a certificate for an authority we don't believe in.
fn get_microdescs_state() {
fn new_getmicrodescs_state() -> (Arc<DirRcv>, GetMicrodescsState<DirRcv>) {
let (signed, rest, consensus) = MdConsensus::parse(CONSENSUS2).unwrap();
let consensus = consensus
let meta = ConsensusMeta::from_consensus(signed, rest, &consensus);
let state = GetMicrodescsState::new(
(rcv, state)
fn d64(s: &str) -> MdDigest {
let (_rcv, state) = new_getmicrodescs_state();
let state = Box::new(state).reset().unwrap();
// Check the basics.
let (_rcv, mut state) = new_getmicrodescs_state();
"Downloading microdescriptors (we are missing 4)."
let reset_time = state.reset_time().unwrap();
let fresh_until: SystemTime = datetime!(2021-10-27 21:27:00 UTC).into();
let valid_until: SystemTime = datetime!(2021-10-27 21:27:20 UTC).into();
assert!(reset_time >= fresh_until);
assert!(reset_time <= valid_until);
assert_eq!(&retry, DownloadScheduleConfig::default().retry_microdescs());
"fetching microdescriptors (0/4)"
// Now check whether we're missing all the right microdescs.
let md_text = microdescs();
assert_eq!(missing.len(), 4);
assert_eq!(md_text.len(), 4);
let md1 = d64("LOXRj8YZP0kwpEAsYOvBZWZWGoWv5b/Bp2Mz2Us8d8g");
let md2 = d64("iOhVp33NyZxMRDMHsVNq575rkpRViIJ9LN9yn++nPG0");
let md3 = d64("/Cd07b3Bl0K0jX2/1cAvsYXJJMi5d8UBU+oWKaLxoGo");
let md4 = d64("z+oOlR7Ga6cg9OoC/A3D3Ey9Rtc4OldhKlpQblMfQKo");
for md_digest in [md1, md2, md3, md4] {
// Try adding a microdesc from the cache.
let doc1: crate::storage::InputString = md_text.get(&md1).unwrap().clone().into();
let docs = vec![(DocId::Microdesc(md1), doc1.into())]
let outcome = state.add_from_cache(docs, Some(&store));
assert!(outcome.unwrap()); // successfully loaded one MD.
// Now we should be missing 3.
assert_eq!(missing.len(), 3);
"fetching microdescriptors (1/4)"
// Try adding the rest as if from a download.
let mut req = tor_dirclient::request::MicrodescRequest::new();
// Clear this flag so that the test consensus won't expire the moment
// we're done.
state.expire_when_complete = false;
let mut response = "".to_owned();
for md_digest in [md2, md3, md4] {
let req = ClientRequest::Microdescs(req);
let outcome = state.add_from_download(response.as_str(), &req, Some(&store));
assert!(outcome.unwrap()); // successfully loaded MDs
.microdescs(&[md2, md3, md4])