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//! Implement background tasks used by guard managers.
//! These background tasks keep a weak reference to the [`GuardMgrInner`]
//! and use that to notice when they should shut down.
use crate::pending::{GuardStatus, RequestId};
use crate::GuardMgrInner;
use futures::channel::oneshot;
use futures::{channel::mpsc, stream::StreamExt};
use std::sync::{Mutex, Weak};
/// A message sent by to the [`report_status_events()`] task.
pub(crate) enum Msg {
/// A message sent by a [`GuardMonitor`](crate::GuardMonitor) to
/// report the status of an attempt to use a guard.
Status(RequestId, GuardStatus),
/// Tells the task to reply on the provided oneshot::Sender once
/// it has seen this message. Used to indicate that the message
/// queue is flushed.
/// Background task: wait for messages about guard statuses, and
/// tell a guard manager about them. Runs indefinitely.
/// Takes the [`GuardMgrInner`] by weak reference; if the guard
/// manager goes away, then this task exits.
/// Requires a `mpsc::Receiver` that is used to tell the task about
/// new status events to wait for.
pub(crate) async fn report_status_events(
runtime: impl tor_rtcompat::SleepProvider,
inner: Weak<Mutex<GuardMgrInner>>,
mut events: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Msg>,
) {
loop {
match {
Some(Msg::Status(id, status)) => {
// We've got a report about a guard status.
if let Some(inner) = inner.upgrade() {
let mut inner = inner.lock().expect("Poisoned lock");
inner.handle_msg(id, status, &runtime);
} else {
// The guard manager has gone away.
Some(Msg::Ping(sender)) => {
let _ignore = sender.send(());
// The streams have all closed. (I think this is impossible?)
None => return,
// TODO: Is this task guaranteed to exit?
/// Background task to run periodic events on the guard manager.
/// The only role of this task is to invoke
/// [`GuardMgrInner::run_periodic_events`] from time to time, so that
/// it can perform housekeeping tasks.
pub(crate) async fn run_periodic<R: tor_rtcompat::SleepProvider>(
runtime: R,
let delay = if let Some(inner) = inner.upgrade() {
let wallclock = runtime.wallclock();
let now =;
inner.run_periodic_events(wallclock, now)