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//! Parsing implementation for Tor authority certificates
//! An "authority certificate" is a short signed document that binds a
//! directory authority's permanent "identity key" to its medium-term
//! "signing key". Using separate keys here enables the authorities
//! to keep their identity keys securely offline, while using the
//! signing keys to sign votes and consensuses.
use crate::parse::keyword::Keyword;
use crate::parse::parser::SectionRules;
use crate::parse::tokenize::{ItemResult, NetDocReader};
use crate::types::misc::{Fingerprint, Iso8601TimeSp, RsaPublic};
use crate::util::str::Extent;
use crate::{ParseErrorKind as EK, Result};
use tor_checkable::{signed, timed};
use tor_llcrypto::pk::rsa;
use tor_llcrypto::{d, pk, pk::rsa::RsaIdentity};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use std::{net, time};
use digest::Digest;
#[cfg(feature = "build_docs")]
mod build;
pub use build::AuthCertBuilder;
decl_keyword! {
AuthCertKwd {
"dir-key-certificate-version" => DIR_KEY_CERTIFICATE_VERSION,
"dir-address" => DIR_ADDRESS,
"fingerprint" => FINGERPRINT,
"dir-identity-key" => DIR_IDENTITY_KEY,
"dir-key-published" => DIR_KEY_PUBLISHED,
"dir-key-expires" => DIR_KEY_EXPIRES,
"dir-signing-key" => DIR_SIGNING_KEY,
"dir-key-crosscert" => DIR_KEY_CROSSCERT,
"dir-key-certification" => DIR_KEY_CERTIFICATION,
/// Rules about entries that must appear in an AuthCert, and how they must
/// be formed.
static AUTHCERT_RULES: Lazy<SectionRules<AuthCertKwd>> = Lazy::new(|| {
use AuthCertKwd::*;
let mut rules = SectionRules::new();
/// A single authority certificate.
/// Authority certificates bind a long-term RSA identity key from a
/// directory authority to a medium-term signing key. The signing
/// keys are the ones used to sign votes and consensuses; the identity
/// keys can be kept offline.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct AuthCert {
/// An IPv4 address for this authority.
address: Option<net::SocketAddrV4>,
/// The long-term RSA identity key for this authority
identity_key: rsa::PublicKey,
/// The medium-term RSA signing key for this authority
signing_key: rsa::PublicKey,
/// Declared time when this certificate was published
published: time::SystemTime,
/// Declared time when this certificate expires.
expires: time::SystemTime,
/// Derived field: fingerprints of the certificate's keys
key_ids: AuthCertKeyIds,
/// A pair of key identities that identifies a certificate.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct AuthCertKeyIds {
/// Fingerprint of identity key
pub id_fingerprint: rsa::RsaIdentity,
/// Fingerprint of signing key
pub sk_fingerprint: rsa::RsaIdentity,
/// An authority certificate whose signature and validity time we
/// haven't checked.
pub struct UncheckedAuthCert {
/// Where we found this AuthCert within the string containing it.
location: Option<Extent>,
/// The actual unchecked certificate.
c: signed::SignatureGated<timed::TimerangeBound<AuthCert>>,
impl UncheckedAuthCert {
/// If this AuthCert was originally parsed from `haystack`, return its
/// text.
/// TODO: This is a pretty bogus interface; there should be a
/// better way to remember where to look for this thing if we want
/// it without keeping the input alive forever. We should
/// refactor.
pub fn within<'a>(&self, haystack: &'a str) -> Option<&'a str> {
.and_then(|ext| ext.reconstruct(haystack))
impl AuthCert {
/// Make an [`AuthCertBuilder`] object that can be used to
/// construct authority certificates for testing.
pub fn builder() -> AuthCertBuilder {
/// Parse an authority certificate from a string.
/// This function verifies the certificate's signatures, but doesn't
/// check its expiration dates.
pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<UncheckedAuthCert> {
let mut reader = NetDocReader::new(s);
let result = AuthCert::take_from_reader(&mut reader).map_err(|e| e.within(s));
/// Return an iterator yielding authority certificates from a string.
pub fn parse_multiple(s: &str) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<UncheckedAuthCert>> + '_ {
/// Return true if this certificate is expired at a given time, or
/// not yet valid at that time.
pub fn is_expired_at(&self, when: time::SystemTime) -> bool {
when < self.published || when > self.expires
/// Return the signing key certified by this certificate.
pub fn signing_key(&self) -> &rsa::PublicKey {
/// Return an AuthCertKeyIds object describing the keys in this
/// certificate.
pub fn key_ids(&self) -> &AuthCertKeyIds {
/// Return an RsaIdentity for this certificate's identity key.
pub fn id_fingerprint(&self) -> &rsa::RsaIdentity {
/// Return an RsaIdentity for this certificate's signing key.
pub fn sk_fingerprint(&self) -> &rsa::RsaIdentity {
/// Return the time when this certificate says it was published.
pub fn published(&self) -> time::SystemTime {
/// Return the time when this certificate says it should expire.
pub fn expires(&self) -> time::SystemTime {
/// Parse an authority certificate from a reader.
fn take_from_reader(reader: &mut NetDocReader<'_, AuthCertKwd>) -> Result<UncheckedAuthCert> {
let mut start_found = false;
let mut iter = reader.pause_at(|item| {
let is_start = item.is_ok_with_kwd(DIR_KEY_CERTIFICATE_VERSION);
let pause = is_start && start_found;
if is_start {
start_found = true;
let body = AUTHCERT_RULES.parse(&mut iter)?;
// Make sure first and last element are correct types. We can
// safely call unwrap() on first and last, since there are required
// tokens in the rules, so we know that at least one token will have
// been parsed.
let start_pos = {
// Unwrap should be safe because `.parse()` would have already
// returned an Error
let first_item = body.first_item().unwrap();
if first_item.kwd() != DIR_KEY_CERTIFICATE_VERSION {
return Err(EK::WrongStartingToken
let end_pos = {
let last_item = body.last_item().unwrap();
if last_item.kwd() != DIR_KEY_CERTIFICATION {
return Err(EK::WrongEndingToken
let version = body
if version != 3 {
return Err(EK::BadDocumentVersion.with_msg(format!("unexpected version {}", version)));
let signing_key: rsa::PublicKey = body
.parse_obj::<RsaPublic>("RSA PUBLIC KEY")?
let identity_key: rsa::PublicKey = body
let published = body
let expires = body
// Check fingerprint for consistency with key.
let fp_tok = body.required(FINGERPRINT)?;
let fingerprint: RsaIdentity = fp_tok.args_as_str().parse::<Fingerprint>()?.into();
if fingerprint != identity_key.to_rsa_identity() {
return Err(EK::BadArgument
.with_msg("fingerprint does not match RSA identity"));
let address = body
// check crosscert
let v_crosscert = {
let crosscert = body.required(DIR_KEY_CROSSCERT)?;
// Unwrap should be safe because `.parse()` and `required()` would
// have already returned an Error
let mut tag = crosscert.obj_tag().unwrap();
// we are required to support both.
if tag != "ID SIGNATURE" && tag != "SIGNATURE" {
let sig = crosscert.obj(tag)?;
let signed = identity_key.to_rsa_identity();
// TODO: we need to accept prefixes here. COMPAT BLOCKER.
rsa::ValidatableRsaSignature::new(&signing_key, &sig, signed.as_bytes())
// check the signature
let v_sig = {
let signature = body.required(DIR_KEY_CERTIFICATION)?;
let sig = signature.obj("SIGNATURE")?;
let mut sha1 = d::Sha1::new();
let s = reader.str();
let start_offset = body.first_item().unwrap().offset_in(s).unwrap();
let end_offset = body.last_item().unwrap().offset_in(s).unwrap();
let end_offset = end_offset + "dir-key-certification\n".len();
let sha1 = sha1.finalize();
rsa::ValidatableRsaSignature::new(&identity_key, &sig, &sha1)
let id_fingerprint = identity_key.to_rsa_identity();
let sk_fingerprint = signing_key.to_rsa_identity();
let key_ids = AuthCertKeyIds {
let location = {
let start_idx = start_pos.offset_within(s);
let end_idx = end_pos.offset_within(s);
match (start_idx, end_idx) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => Extent::new(s, &s[a..b + 1]),
_ => None,
let authcert = AuthCert {
let signatures: Vec<Box<dyn pk::ValidatableSignature>> =
vec![Box::new(v_crosscert), Box::new(v_sig)];
let timed = timed::TimerangeBound::new(authcert, published..expires);
let signed = signed::SignatureGated::new(timed, signatures);
let unchecked = UncheckedAuthCert {
c: signed,
/// Skip tokens from the reader until the next token (if any) is
/// the start of cert.
fn advance_reader_to_next(reader: &mut NetDocReader<'_, AuthCertKwd>) {
let iter = reader.iter();
while let Some(Ok(item)) = iter.peek() {
/// Iterator type to read a series of concatenated certificates from a
/// string.
struct AuthCertIterator<'a>(NetDocReader<'a, AuthCertKwd>);
impl tor_checkable::SelfSigned<timed::TimerangeBound<AuthCert>> for UncheckedAuthCert {
type Error = signature::Error;
fn dangerously_assume_wellsigned(self) -> timed::TimerangeBound<AuthCert> {
fn is_well_signed(&self) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Error> {
impl<'a> Iterator for AuthCertIterator<'a> {
type Item = Result<UncheckedAuthCert>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<UncheckedAuthCert>> {
if self.0.is_exhausted() {
return None;
let pos_orig = self.0.pos();
let result = AuthCert::take_from_reader(&mut self.0);
if result.is_err() {
if self.0.pos() == pos_orig {
// No tokens were consumed from the reader. We need
// to drop at least one token to ensure we aren't in
// an infinite loop.
// (This might not be able to happen, but it's easier to
// explicitly catch this case than it is to prove that
// it's impossible.)
let _ = self.0.iter().next();
AuthCert::advance_reader_to_next(&mut self.0);
Some(result.map_err(|e| e.within(self.0.str())))
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::{Error, Pos};
const TESTDATA: &str = include_str!("../../testdata/authcert1.txt");
fn bad_data(fname: &str) -> String {
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
let mut path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
fn parse_one() -> Result<()> {
use tor_checkable::{SelfSigned, Timebound};
let _rd = AuthCert::parse(TESTDATA)?
fn parse_bad() {
fn check(fname: &str, err: &Error) {
let contents = bad_data(fname);
let cert = AuthCert::parse(&contents);
assert_eq!(&cert.err().unwrap(), err);
&EK::WrongObject.at_pos(Pos::from_line(27, 12)),
.at_pos(Pos::from_line(2, 1))
.with_msg("fingerprint does not match RSA identity"),
&EK::BadDocumentVersion.with_msg("unexpected version 4"),
.at_pos(Pos::from_line(37, 1)),
.at_pos(Pos::from_line(1, 1)),
fn test_recovery_1() {
let mut data = "<><><<><>\nfingerprint ABC\n".to_string();
data += TESTDATA;
let res: Vec<Result<_>> = AuthCert::parse_multiple(&data).collect();
// We should recover from the failed case and read the next data fine.
assert_eq!(res.len(), 2);
fn test_recovery_2() {
let mut data = bad_data("bad-version");