85.78 %
65.88 %
100 %
//! Parsing implementation for Tor microdescriptors.
//! A "microdescriptor" is an incomplete, infrequently-changing
//! summary of a relay's information that is generated by
//! the directory authorities.
//! Microdescriptors are much smaller than router descriptors, and
//! change less frequently. For this reason, they're currently used
//! for building circuits by all relays and clients.
//! Microdescriptors can't be used on their own: you need to know
//! which relay they are for, which requires a valid consensus
//! directory.
use crate::parse::keyword::Keyword;
use crate::parse::parser::SectionRules;
use crate::parse::tokenize::{ItemResult, NetDocReader};
use crate::types::family::RelayFamily;
use crate::types::misc::*;
use crate::types::policy::PortPolicy;
use crate::util;
use crate::util::str::Extent;
use crate::{AllowAnnotations, Error, ParseErrorKind as EK, Result};
use tor_error::internal;
use tor_llcrypto::d;
use tor_llcrypto::pk::{curve25519, ed25519, rsa};
use digest::Digest;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time;
#[cfg(feature = "build_docs")]
mod build;
pub use build::MicrodescBuilder;
/// Annotations prepended to a microdescriptor that has been stored to
/// disk.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct MicrodescAnnotation {
/// A time at which this microdescriptor was last listed in some
/// consensus document.
last_listed: Option<time::SystemTime>,
/// The digest of a microdescriptor as used in microdesc consensuses
pub type MdDigest = [u8; 32];
/// A single microdescriptor.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Microdesc {
/// The SHA256 digest of the text of this microdescriptor. This
/// value is used to identify the microdescriptor when downloading
/// it, and when listing it in a consensus document.
// TODO: maybe this belongs somewhere else. Once it's used to store
// correlate the microdesc to a consensus, it's never used again.
sha256: MdDigest,
/// Public key used for the ntor circuit extension protocol.
ntor_onion_key: curve25519::PublicKey,
/// Declared family for this relay.
family: RelayFamily,
/// List of IPv4 ports to which this relay will exit
ipv4_policy: Arc<PortPolicy>,
/// List of IPv6 ports to which this relay will exit
ipv6_policy: Arc<PortPolicy>,
/// Ed25519 identity for this relay
ed25519_id: ed25519::Ed25519Identity,
// addr is obsolete and doesn't go here any more
// pr is obsolete and doesn't go here any more.
// The legacy "tap" onion-key is obsolete, and though we parse it, we don't
// save it.
impl Microdesc {
/// Create a new MicrodescBuilder that can be used to construct
/// microdescriptors.
/// This function is only available when the crate is built with the
/// `build_docs` feature.
/// # Limitations
/// The generated microdescriptors cannot yet be encoded, and do
/// not yet have correct sha256 digests. As such they are only
/// useful for testing.
pub fn builder() -> MicrodescBuilder {
/// Return the sha256 digest of this microdesc.
pub fn digest(&self) -> &MdDigest {
/// Return the ntor onion key for this microdesc
pub fn ntor_key(&self) -> &curve25519::PublicKey {
/// Return the ipv4 exit policy for this microdesc
pub fn ipv4_policy(&self) -> &Arc<PortPolicy> {
/// Return the ipv6 exit policy for this microdesc
pub fn ipv6_policy(&self) -> &Arc<PortPolicy> {
/// Return the relay family for this microdesc
pub fn family(&self) -> &RelayFamily {
/// Return the ed25519 identity for this microdesc, if its
/// Ed25519 identity is well-formed.
pub fn ed25519_id(&self) -> &ed25519::Ed25519Identity {
/// A microdescriptor annotated with additional data
/// TODO: rename this.
pub struct AnnotatedMicrodesc {
/// The microdescriptor
md: Microdesc,
/// The annotations for the microdescriptor
ann: MicrodescAnnotation,
/// Where did we find the microdescriptor with the originally parsed
/// string?
location: Option<Extent>,
impl AnnotatedMicrodesc {
/// Consume this annotated microdesc and discard its annotations.
pub fn into_microdesc(self) -> Microdesc {
/// Return a reference to the microdescriptor within this annotated
/// microdescriptor.
pub fn md(&self) -> &Microdesc {
/// If this Microdesc was parsed from `s`, return its original text.
pub fn within<'a>(&self, s: &'a str) -> Option<&'a str> {
self.location.as_ref().and_then(|ext| ext.reconstruct(s))
decl_keyword! {
/// Keyword type for recognized objects in microdescriptors.
MicrodescKwd {
annotation "@last-listed" => ANN_LAST_LISTED,
"onion-key" => ONION_KEY,
"ntor-onion-key" => NTOR_ONION_KEY,
"family" => FAMILY,
"p" => P,
"p6" => P6,
"id" => ID,
/// Rules about annotations that can appear before a Microdescriptor
static MICRODESC_ANNOTATIONS: Lazy<SectionRules<MicrodescKwd>> = Lazy::new(|| {
use MicrodescKwd::*;
let mut rules = SectionRules::new();
/// Rules about entries that must appear in an Microdesc, and how they must
/// be formed.
static MICRODESC_RULES: Lazy<SectionRules<MicrodescKwd>> = Lazy::new(|| {
impl MicrodescAnnotation {
/// Extract a (possibly empty) microdescriptor annotation from a
/// reader.
fn parse_from_reader(
reader: &mut NetDocReader<'_, MicrodescKwd>,
) -> Result<MicrodescAnnotation> {
let mut items = reader.pause_at(|item| item.is_ok_with_non_annotation());
let body = MICRODESC_ANNOTATIONS.parse(&mut items)?;
let last_listed = match body.get(ANN_LAST_LISTED) {
None => None,
Some(item) => Some(item.args_as_str().parse::<Iso8601TimeSp>()?.into()),
Ok(MicrodescAnnotation { last_listed })
/// Parse a string into a new microdescriptor.
pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<Microdesc> {
let mut items = crate::parse::tokenize::NetDocReader::new(s);
let (result, _) = Self::parse_from_reader(&mut items).map_err(|e| e.within(s))?;
/// Extract a single microdescriptor from a NetDocReader.
) -> Result<(Microdesc, Option<Extent>)> {
let s = reader.str();
let mut first_onion_key = true;
// We'll pause at the next annotation, or at the _second_ onion key.
let mut items = reader.pause_at(|item| match item {
Err(_) => false,
Ok(item) => {
|| if item.kwd() == ONION_KEY {
let was_first = first_onion_key;
first_onion_key = false;
} else {
let body = MICRODESC_RULES.parse(&mut items)?;
// We have to start with onion-key
let start_pos = {
// unwrap here is safe because parsing would have failed
// had there not been at least one item.
let first = body.first_item().unwrap();
if first.kwd() != ONION_KEY {
return Err(EK::WrongStartingToken
// Unwrap is safe here because we are parsing these strings from s
util::str::str_offset(s, first.kwd_str()).unwrap()
// Legacy (tap) onion key. We parse this to make sure it's well-formed,
// but then we discard it immediately, since we never want to use it.
let _: rsa::PublicKey = body
.parse_obj::<RsaPublic>("RSA PUBLIC KEY")?
// Ntor onion key
let ntor_onion_key = body
// family
let family = body
// exit policies.
let ipv4_policy = body
let ipv6_policy = body
// ed25519 identity
let ed25519_id = {
let id_tok = body
.find(|item| item.arg(0) == Some("ed25519"));
match id_tok {
None => {
return Err(EK::MissingToken.with_msg("id ed25519"));
Some(tok) => tok.parse_arg::<Ed25519Public>(1)?.into(),
let end_pos = {
let last_item = body.last_item().unwrap();
last_item.offset_after(s).ok_or_else(|| {
Error::from(internal!("last item was not within source string"))
let text = &s[start_pos..end_pos];
let sha256 = d::Sha256::digest(text.as_bytes()).into();
let location = Extent::new(s, text);
let md = Microdesc {
ipv4_policy: ipv4_policy.intern(),
ipv6_policy: ipv6_policy.intern(),
Ok((md, location))
/// Consume tokens from 'reader' until the next token is the beginning
/// of a microdescriptor: an annotation or an ONION_KEY. If no such
/// token exists, advance to the end of the reader.
fn advance_to_next_microdesc(reader: &mut NetDocReader<'_, MicrodescKwd>, annotated: bool) {
let iter = reader.iter();
loop {
let item = iter.peek();
match item {
Some(Ok(t)) => {
let kwd = t.kwd();
if (annotated && kwd.is_annotation()) || kwd == ONION_KEY {
Some(Err(_)) => {
// We skip over broken tokens here.
let _ =;
/// An iterator that parses one or more (possibly annotated)
/// microdescriptors from a string.
pub struct MicrodescReader<'a> {
/// True if we accept annotations; false otherwise.
annotated: bool,
/// An underlying reader to give us Items for the microdescriptors
reader: NetDocReader<'a, MicrodescKwd>,
impl<'a> MicrodescReader<'a> {
/// Construct a MicrodescReader to take microdescriptors from a string
/// 's'.
pub fn new(s: &'a str, allow: &AllowAnnotations) -> Self {
let reader = NetDocReader::new(s);
let annotated = allow == &AllowAnnotations::AnnotationsAllowed;
MicrodescReader { annotated, reader }
/// If we're annotated, parse an annotation from the reader. Otherwise
/// return a default annotation.
fn take_annotation(&mut self) -> Result<MicrodescAnnotation> {
if self.annotated {
MicrodescAnnotation::parse_from_reader(&mut self.reader)
/// Parse a (possibly annotated) microdescriptor from the reader.
/// On error, parsing stops after the first failure.
fn take_annotated_microdesc_raw(&mut self) -> Result<AnnotatedMicrodesc> {
let ann = self.take_annotation()?;
let (md, location) = Microdesc::parse_from_reader(&mut self.reader)?;
Ok(AnnotatedMicrodesc { md, ann, location })
/// On error, advance the reader to the start of the next microdescriptor.
fn take_annotated_microdesc(&mut self) -> Result<AnnotatedMicrodesc> {
let pos_orig = self.reader.pos();
let result = self.take_annotated_microdesc_raw();
if result.is_err() {
if self.reader.pos() == pos_orig {
// No tokens were consumed from the reader. We need to
// drop at least one token to ensure we aren't looping.
// (This might not be able to happen, but it's easier to
// explicitly catch this case than it is to prove that
// it's impossible.)
let _ = self.reader.iter().next();
advance_to_next_microdesc(&mut self.reader, self.annotated);
impl<'a> Iterator for MicrodescReader<'a> {
type Item = Result<AnnotatedMicrodesc>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// If there is no next token, we're at the end.
.map_err(|e| e.within(self.reader.str())),
mod test {
use super::*;
use hex_literal::hex;
const TESTDATA: &str = include_str!("../../testdata/microdesc1.txt");
const TESTDATA2: &str = include_str!("../../testdata/microdesc2.txt");
fn read_bad(fname: &str) -> String {
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
let mut path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
fn parse_single() -> Result<()> {
let _md = Microdesc::parse(TESTDATA)?;
fn parse_multi() -> Result<()> {
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
let mds: Result<Vec<_>> =
MicrodescReader::new(TESTDATA2, &AllowAnnotations::AnnotationsAllowed).collect();
let mds = mds?;
assert_eq!(mds.len(), 4);
SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(1580151129, 0)
fn test_bad() {
use crate::types::policy::PolicyError;
use crate::Pos;
fn check(fname: &str, e: &Error) {
let content = read_bad(fname);
let res = Microdesc::parse(&content);
assert_eq!(&res.err().unwrap(), e);
.at_pos(Pos::from_line(1, 1)),
.at_pos(Pos::from_line(9, 1))
fn test_recover() {
let mut data = read_bad("wrong-start");
data += TESTDATA;
let res: Vec<Result<_>> =
MicrodescReader::new(&data, &AllowAnnotations::AnnotationsAllowed).collect();
assert_eq!(res.len(), 2);