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//! Routerstatus-specific parts of networkstatus parsing.
//! This is a private module; relevant pieces are re-exported by its
//! parent.
#[cfg(feature = "build_docs")]
pub(crate) mod build;
mod md;
#[cfg(feature = "ns_consensus")]
mod ns;
use super::{NetstatusKwd, RelayFlags, RelayWeight};
use crate::parse::parser::Section;
use crate::types::misc::*;
use crate::types::version::TorVersion;
use crate::util::intern::InternCache;
use crate::{Error, ParseErrorKind as EK, Result};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{net, time};
use tor_llcrypto::pk::rsa::RsaIdentity;
use tor_protover::Protocols;
pub use md::MdConsensusRouterStatus;
pub use ns::NsConsensusRouterStatus;
/// Shared implementation of MdConsensusRouterStatus and NsConsensusRouterStatus.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct GenericRouterStatus<D> {
/// The nickname for this relay.
/// Nicknames can be used for convenience purpose, but no more:
/// there is no mechanism to enforce their uniqueness.
nickname: String,
/// Fingerprint of the old-style RSA identity for this relay.
identity: RsaIdentity,
/// A list of address:port values where this relay can be reached.
addrs: Vec<net::SocketAddr>,
/// Digest of the document for this relay.
doc_digest: D,
/// Flags applied by the authorities to this relay.
flags: RelayFlags,
/// Version of the software that this relay is running.
version: Option<Version>,
/// List of subprotocol versions supported by this relay.
protos: Protocols,
/// Information about how to weight this relay when choosing a
/// relay at random.
weight: RelayWeight,
/// A version as presented in a router status.
/// This can either be a parsed Tor version, or an unparsed string.
// TODO: This might want to merge, at some point, with routerdesc::RelayPlatform.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, derive_more::Display)]
pub enum Version {
/// A Tor version
/// A string we couldn't parse.
/// A cache of unparsable version strings.
/// We use this because we expect there not to be very many distinct versions of
/// relay software in existence.
static OTHER_VERSION_CACHE: InternCache<str> = InternCache::new();
impl std::str::FromStr for Version {
type Err = Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self> {
let mut elts = s.splitn(3, ' ');
if == Some("Tor") {
if let Some(Ok(v)) = {
return Ok(Version::Tor(v));
/// Implement a set of accessor functions on a given routerstatus type.
// TODO: These methods should probably become, in whole or in part,
// methods on the RouterStatus trait.
macro_rules! implement_accessors {
($name:ident) => {
impl $name {
/// Return an iterator of ORPort addresses for this routerstatus
pub fn orport_addrs(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &net::SocketAddr> {
/// Return the declared weight of this routerstatus in the directory.
pub fn weight(&self) -> &RelayWeight {
/// Return the ORPort addresses of this routerstatus
pub fn addrs(&self) -> &[net::SocketAddr] {
/// Return the protovers that this routerstatus says it implements.
pub fn protovers(&self) -> &Protocols {
/// Return the nickname of this routerstatus.
pub fn nickname(&self) -> &String {
/// Return the relay flags of this routerstatus.
pub fn flags(&self) -> &RelayFlags {
/// Return the version of this routerstatus.
pub fn version(&self) -> Option<&crate::doc::netstatus::rs::Version> {
/// Return true if the ed25519 identity on this relay reflects a
/// true consensus among the authorities.
pub fn ed25519_id_is_usable(&self) -> bool {
/// Return true if this routerstatus is listed with the BadExit flag.
pub fn is_flagged_bad_exit(&self) -> bool {
/// Return true if this routerstatus is listed with the v2dir flag.
pub fn is_flagged_v2dir(&self) -> bool {
/// Return true if this routerstatus is listed with the Exit flag.
pub fn is_flagged_exit(&self) -> bool {
/// Return true if this routerstatus is listed with the Guard flag.
pub fn is_flagged_guard(&self) -> bool {
// Make the macro public in the crate.
pub(crate) use implement_accessors;
/// Helper to decode a document digest in the format in which it
/// appears in a given kind of routerstatus.
trait FromRsString: Sized {
/// Try to decode the given object.
fn decode(s: &str) -> Result<Self>;
impl<D> GenericRouterStatus<D>
D: FromRsString,
/// Parse a generic routerstatus from a section.
/// Requires that the section obeys the right SectionRules,
/// matching microdesc_format.
fn from_section(
sec: &Section<'_, NetstatusKwd>,
microdesc_format: bool,
) -> Result<GenericRouterStatus<D>> {
use NetstatusKwd::*;
// R line
let r_item = sec.required(RS_R)?;
let nickname = r_item.required_arg(0)?.to_string();
let ident = r_item.required_arg(1)?.parse::<B64>()?;
let identity = RsaIdentity::from_bytes(ident.as_bytes()).ok_or_else(|| {
.with_msg("Wrong identity length")
let skip = if microdesc_format { 0 } else { 1 };
// We check that the published time is well-formed, but we never use it
// for anything in a consensus document.
let _ignore_published: time::SystemTime = {
// TODO: It's annoying to have to do this allocation, since we
// already have a slice that contains both of these arguments.
// Instead, we could get a slice of arguments: we'd have to add
// a feature for that.
let mut p = r_item.required_arg(2 + skip)?.to_string();
p.push(' ');
p.push_str(r_item.required_arg(3 + skip)?);
let ipv4addr = r_item.required_arg(4 + skip)?.parse::<net::Ipv4Addr>()?;
let or_port = r_item.required_arg(5 + skip)?.parse::<u16>()?;
let _ = r_item.required_arg(6 + skip)?.parse::<u16>()?;
// main address and A lines.
let a_items = sec.slice(RS_A);
let mut addrs = Vec::with_capacity(1 + a_items.len());
ipv4addr, or_port,
for a_item in a_items {
// S line
let flags = RelayFlags::from_item(sec.required(RS_S)?)?;
// V line
let version = sec.maybe(RS_V).args_as_str().map(str::parse).transpose()?;
// PR line
let protos = {
let tok = sec.required(RS_PR)?;
.map_err(|e| EK::BadArgument.at_pos(tok.pos()).with_source(e))?
// W line
let weight = sec
// No p line
// no ID line
// Try to find the document digest. This is in different
// places depending on the kind of consensus we're in.
let doc_digest: D = if microdesc_format {
// M line
let m_item = sec.required(RS_M)?;
} else {
Ok(GenericRouterStatus {