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//! Error type from parsing a document, and the position where it occurred
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::types::policy::PolicyError;
use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt, sync::Arc};
/// A position within a directory object. Used to tell where an error
/// occurred.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Pos {
/// The error did not occur at any particular position.
/// This can happen when the error is something like a missing entry:
/// the entry is supposed to go _somewhere_, but we can't say where.
/// The error occurred at an unknown position.
/// We should avoid using this case.
/// The error occurred at an invalid offset within the string, or
/// outside the string entirely.
/// This can only occur because of an internal error of some kind.
/// The error occurred at a particular byte within the string.
/// We try to convert these to a Pos before displaying them to the user.
Byte {
/// Byte offset within a string.
off: usize,
/// The error occurred at a particular line (and possibly at a
/// particular byte within the line.)
PosInLine {
/// Line offset within a string.
line: usize,
/// Byte offset within the line.
byte: usize,
/// The error occurred at a position in memory. This shouldn't be
/// exposed to the user, but rather should be mapped to a position
/// in the string.
Raw {
/// A raw pointer to the position where the error occurred.
ptr: *const u8,
// It's okay to send a Pos to another thread, even though its Raw
// variant contains a pointer. That's because we never dereference the
// pointer: we only compare it to another pointer representing a
// string.
// TODO: Find a better way to have Pos work.
unsafe impl Send for Pos {}
unsafe impl Sync for Pos {}
impl Pos {
/// Construct a Pos from an offset within a &str slice.
pub fn from_offset(s: &str, off: usize) -> Self {
if off > s.len() || !s.is_char_boundary(off) {
} else {
let s = &s[];
let last_nl = s.rfind('\n');
match last_nl {
Some(pos) => {
let newlines = s.bytes().filter(|b| *b == b'\n').count();
Pos::PosInLine {
line: newlines + 1,
byte: off - pos,
None => Pos::PosInLine {
line: 1,
byte: off + 1,
/// Construct a Pos from a slice of some other string. This
/// Pos won't be terribly helpful, but it may be converted
/// into a useful Pos with `within`.
pub fn at(s: &str) -> Self {
let ptr = s.as_ptr();
Pos::Raw { ptr }
/// Construct Pos from the end of some other string.
pub fn at_end_of(s: &str) -> Self {
let ending = &s[s.len()..];
/// Construct a position from a byte offset.
pub fn from_byte(off: usize) -> Self {
Pos::Byte { off }
/// Construct a position from a line and a byte offset within that line.
pub fn from_line(line: usize, byte: usize) -> Self {
Pos::PosInLine { line, byte }
/// If this position appears within `s`, and has not yet been mapped to
/// a line-and-byte position, return its offset.
pub(crate) fn offset_within(&self, s: &str) -> Option<usize> {
match self {
Pos::Byte { off } => Some(*off),
Pos::Raw { ptr } => offset_in(*ptr, s),
_ => None,
/// Given a position, if it was at a byte offset, convert it to a
/// line-and-byte position within `s`.
/// Requires that this position was actually generated from `s`.
/// If it was not, the results here may be nonsensical.
/// TODO: I wish I knew an efficient safe way to do this that
/// guaranteed that we we always talking about the right string.
pub fn within(self, s: &str) -> Self {
Pos::Byte { off } => Self::from_offset(s, off),
Pos::Raw { ptr } => {
if let Some(off) = offset_in(ptr, s) {
Self::from_offset(s, off)
_ => self,
/// If `ptr` is within `s`, return its byte offset.
fn offset_in(ptr: *const u8, s: &str) -> Option<usize> {
// We need to confirm that 'ptr' falls within 's' in order
// to subtract it meaningfully and find its offset.
// Otherwise, we'll get a bogus result.
// Fortunately, we _only_ get a bogus result: we don't
// hit unsafe behavior.
let ptr_u = ptr as usize;
let start_u = s.as_ptr() as usize;
let end_u = (s.as_ptr() as usize) + s.len();
if start_u <= ptr_u && ptr_u < end_u {
Some(ptr_u - start_u)
impl fmt::Display for Pos {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use Pos::*;
None => write!(f, ""),
Unknown => write!(f, " at unknown position"),
Invalid(off) => write!(f, " at invalid offset at index {}", off),
Byte { off } => write!(f, " at byte {}", off),
PosInLine { line, byte } => write!(f, " on line {}, byte {}", line, byte),
Raw { ptr } => write!(f, " at {:?}", ptr),
/// A variety of parsing error.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, derive_more::Display, PartialEq)]
pub enum ParseErrorKind {
/// An internal error in the parser: these should never happen.
#[display(fmt = "internal error")]
/// Invoked an API in an incorrect manner.
#[display(fmt = "bad API usage")]
/// An entry was found with no keyword.
#[display(fmt = "no keyword for entry")]
/// An entry was found with no newline at the end.
#[display(fmt = "line truncated before newline")]
/// A bad string was found in the keyword position.
#[display(fmt = "invalid keyword")]
/// We found an ill-formed "BEGIN FOO" tag.
#[display(fmt = "invalid PEM BEGIN tag")]
/// We found an ill-formed "END FOO" tag.
#[display(fmt = "invalid PEM END tag")]
/// We found a "BEGIN FOO" tag with an "END FOO" tag that didn't match.
#[display(fmt = "mismatched PEM tags")]
/// We found a base64 object with an invalid base64 encoding.
#[display(fmt = "invalid base64 in object")]
/// The document is not supposed to contain more than one of some
/// kind of entry, but we found one anyway.
#[display(fmt = "duplicate entry")]
/// The document is not supposed to contain any of some particular kind
/// of entry, but we found one anyway.
#[display(fmt = "unexpected entry")]
/// The document is supposed to contain any of some particular kind
/// of entry, but we didn't find one one anyway.
#[display(fmt = "didn't find required entry")]
/// The document was supposed to have one of these, but not where we
/// found it.
#[display(fmt = "entry out of place")]
/// We found more arguments on an entry than it is allowed to have.
#[display(fmt = "too many arguments")]
/// We didn't fine enough arguments for some entry.
#[display(fmt = "too few arguments")]
/// We found an object attached to an entry that isn't supposed to
/// have one.
#[display(fmt = "unexpected object")]
/// An entry was supposed to have an object, but it didn't.
#[display(fmt = "missing object")]
/// We found an object on an entry, but the type was wrong.
#[display(fmt = "wrong object type")]
/// We tried to find an argument that we were sure would be there,
/// but it wasn't!
/// This error should never occur in correct code; it should be
/// caught earlier by TooFewArguments.
#[display(fmt = "missing argument")]
/// We found an argument that couldn't be parsed.
#[display(fmt = "bad argument for entry")]
/// We found an object that couldn't be parsed after it was decoded.
#[display(fmt = "bad object for entry")]
/// There was some signature that we couldn't validate.
#[display(fmt = "couldn't validate signature")]
BadSignature, // TODO(nickm): say which kind of signature.
/// There was a tor version we couldn't parse.
#[display(fmt = "couldn't parse Tor version")]
/// There was an ipv4 or ipv6 policy entry that we couldn't parse.
#[display(fmt = "invalid policy entry")]
/// An underlying byte sequence couldn't be decoded.
#[display(fmt = "decoding error")]
/// Versioned document with an unrecognized version.
#[display(fmt = "unrecognized document version")]
/// Unexpected document type
#[display(fmt = "unexpected document type")]
/// Document or section started with wrong token
#[display(fmt = "Wrong starting token")]
/// Document or section ended with wrong token
#[display(fmt = "Wrong ending token")]
/// Items not sorted as expected
#[display(fmt = "Incorrect sort order")]
/// A consensus lifetime was ill-formed.
#[display(fmt = "Invalid consensus lifetime")]
/// The underlying source for an [`Error`](crate::Error).
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
pub(crate) enum ParseErrorSource {
/// An error when parsing a binary object.
#[error("Error parsing binary object")]
Bytes(#[from] tor_bytes::Error),
/// An error when parsing an exit policy.
#[error("Error parsing policy")]
Policy(#[from] PolicyError),
/// An error when parsing an integer.
#[error("Couldn't parse integer")]
Int(#[from] std::num::ParseIntError),
/// An error when parsing an IP or socket address.
#[error("Couldn't parse address")]
Address(#[from] std::net::AddrParseError),
/// An error when validating a signature.
#[error("Invalid signature")]
Signature(#[source] Arc<signature::Error>),
/// Invalid protocol versions.
#[error("Protocol versions")]
Protovers(#[from] tor_protover::ParseError),
/// A bug in our programming, or somebody else's.
#[error("Internal error or bug")]
Bug(#[from] tor_error::Bug),
impl ParseErrorKind {
/// Construct a new Error with this kind.
pub(crate) fn err(self) -> Error {
Error {
kind: self,
msg: None,
pos: None,
source: None,
/// Construct a new error with this kind at a given position.
pub(crate) fn at_pos(self, pos: Pos) -> Error {
/// Construct a new error with this kind and a given message.
pub(crate) fn with_msg<T>(self, msg: T) -> Error
T: Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
impl From<signature::Error> for ParseErrorSource {
fn from(err: signature::Error) -> Self {
/// An error that occurred while parsing a directory object of some kind.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Error {
/// What kind of error occurred?
kind: ParseErrorKind,
/// Do we have more information about the error?>
msg: Option<Cow<'static, str>>,
/// Where did the error occur?
pos: Option<Pos>,
/// Was this caused by another error?
source: Option<ParseErrorSource>,
impl PartialEq for Error {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.kind == other.kind && self.msg == other.msg && self.pos == other.pos
impl Error {
/// Helper: return a mutable reference to this error's position (if any)
fn pos_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Pos> {
/// Helper: return this error's position.
pub(crate) fn pos(&self) -> Pos {
/// Return a new error based on this one, with any byte-based
/// position mapped to some line within a string.
pub fn within(mut self, s: &str) -> Error {
if let Some(p) = self.pos_mut() {
*p = p.within(s);
/// Return a new error based on this one, with the position (if
/// any) replaced by 'p'.
pub fn at_pos(mut self, p: Pos) -> Error {
if let Some(mypos) = self.pos_mut() {
*mypos = p;
/// replaced by 'p' if it had no position before.
pub fn or_at_pos(mut self, p: Pos) -> Error {
if *mypos == Pos::None {
/// Return a new error based on this one, with the message
/// value set to a provided static string.
pub(crate) fn with_msg<T>(mut self, message: T) -> Error
self.msg = Some(message.into());
/// Return a new error based on this one, with the source-error
/// value set to the provided error.
pub(crate) fn with_source<T>(mut self, source: T) -> Error
T: Into<ParseErrorSource>,
self.source = Some(source.into());
impl fmt::Display for Error {
write!(f, "{}{}", self.kind, self.pos.unwrap_or(Pos::None))?;
if let Some(msg) = &self.msg {
write!(f, ": {}", msg)?;
impl std::error::Error for Error {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
match &self.source {
Some(e) => Some(e),
None => None,
/// Helper: declare an Into<> implementation to automatically convert a $source
/// into an Error with kind $kind.
macro_rules! declare_into {
{$source:ty => $kind:ident} => {
impl From<$source> for Error {
fn from(source: $source) -> Error {
kind: ParseErrorKind::$kind,
source: Some(source.into())
declare_into! { signature::Error => BadSignature }
declare_into! { tor_bytes::Error => Undecodable }
declare_into! { std::num::ParseIntError => BadArgument }
declare_into! { std::net::AddrParseError => BadArgument }
declare_into! { PolicyError => BadPolicy }
impl From<tor_error::Bug> for Error {
fn from(err: tor_error::Bug) -> Self {
use tor_error::HasKind;
let kind = match err.kind() {
tor_error::ErrorKind::BadApiUsage => ParseErrorKind::BadApiUsage,
_ => ParseErrorKind::Internal,
source: Some(err.into()),
/// An error that occurs while trying to construct a network document.
pub enum BuildError {
/// We were unable to build the document, probably due to an invalid
/// argument of some kind.
#[error("cannot build document: {0}")]
CannotBuild(&'static str),
/// An argument that was given as a string turned out to be unparsable.
#[error("unable to parse argument")]
Parse(#[from] crate::err::Error),