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//! Types and code for mapping StreamIDs to streams on a circuit.
use crate::circuit::halfstream::HalfStream;
use crate::circuit::sendme;
use crate::{Error, Result};
/// Mapping from stream ID to streams.
// NOTE: This is a work in progress and I bet I'll refactor it a lot;
// it needs to stay opaque!
use tor_cell::relaycell::{msg::RelayMsg, StreamId};
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use tor_error::internal;
use rand::Rng;
use crate::circuit::reactor::RECV_WINDOW_INIT;
use crate::circuit::sendme::StreamRecvWindow;
use tracing::info;
/// The entry for a stream.
pub(super) enum StreamEnt {
/// An open stream.
Open {
/// Sink to send relay cells tagged for this stream into.
sink: mpsc::Sender<RelayMsg>,
/// Stream for cells that should be sent down this stream.
rx: mpsc::Receiver<RelayMsg>,
/// Send window, for congestion control purposes.
send_window: sendme::StreamSendWindow,
/// Number of cells dropped due to the stream disappearing before we can
/// transform this into an `EndSent`.
dropped: u16,
/// True iff we've received a CONNECTED cell on this stream.
/// (This is redundant with `DataStreamReader::connected`.)
received_connected: bool,
/// A stream for which we have received an END cell, but not yet
/// had the stream object get dropped.
/// A stream for which we have sent an END cell but not yet received an END
/// cell.
/// TODO(arti#264) Can we ever throw this out? Do we really get END cells for
/// these?
impl StreamEnt {
/// Retrieve the send window for this stream, if it is open.
pub(super) fn send_window(&mut self) -> Option<&mut sendme::StreamSendWindow> {
match self {
StreamEnt::Open {
ref mut send_window,
} => Some(send_window),
_ => None,
/// Return value to indicate whether or not we send an END cell upon
/// terminating a given stream.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(super) enum ShouldSendEnd {
/// An END cell should be sent.
/// An END cell should not be sent.
/// A map from stream IDs to stream entries. Each circuit has one for each
/// hop.
pub(super) struct StreamMap {
/// Map from StreamId to StreamEnt. If there is no entry for a
/// StreamId, that stream doesn't exist.
m: HashMap<StreamId, StreamEnt>,
/// The next StreamId that we should use for a newly allocated
/// circuit. (0 is not a valid streamID).
next_stream_id: u16,
impl StreamMap {
/// Make a new empty StreamMap.
pub(super) fn new() -> Self {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let next_stream_id: u16 = loop {
let v: u16 = rng.gen();
if v != 0 {
break v;
StreamMap {
m: HashMap::new(),
/// Get the `HashMap` inside this stream map.
pub(super) fn inner(&mut self) -> &mut HashMap<StreamId, StreamEnt> {
&mut self.m
/// Add an entry to this map; return the newly allocated StreamId.
pub(super) fn add_ent(
&mut self,
) -> Result<StreamId> {
let stream_ent = StreamEnt::Open {
dropped: 0,
received_connected: false,
// This "65536" seems too aggressive, but it's what tor does.
// Also, going around in a loop here is (sadly) needed in order
// to look like Tor clients.
for _ in 1..=65536 {
let id: StreamId = self.next_stream_id.into();
self.next_stream_id = self.next_stream_id.wrapping_add(1);
if id.is_zero() {
let ent = self.m.entry(id);
if let Entry::Vacant(_) = ent {
return Ok(id);
/// Return the entry for `id` in this map, if any.
pub(super) fn get_mut(&mut self, id: StreamId) -> Option<&mut StreamEnt> {
/// Note that we received an END cell on the stream with `id`.
/// Returns true if there was really a stream there.
pub(super) fn end_received(&mut self, id: StreamId) -> Result<()> {
// Check the hashmap for the right stream. Bail if not found.
// Also keep the hashmap handle so that we can do more efficient inserts/removals
let mut stream_entry = match self.m.entry(id) {
Entry::Vacant(_) => {
return Err(Error::CircProto(
"Received END cell on nonexistent stream".into(),
Entry::Occupied(o) => o,
// Progress the stream's state machine accordingly
match stream_entry.get() {
StreamEnt::EndReceived => Err(Error::CircProto(
"Received two END cells on same stream".into(),
StreamEnt::EndSent(_) => {
info!("Actually got an end cell on a half-closed stream!");
// We got an END, and we already sent an END. Great!
// we can forget about this stream.
StreamEnt::Open { .. } => {
/// Handle a termination of the stream with `id` from this side of
/// the circuit. Return true if the stream was open and an END
/// ought to be sent.
pub(super) fn terminate(&mut self, id: StreamId) -> Result<ShouldSendEnd> {
match self
.ok_or_else(|| Error::from(internal!("Somehow we terminated a nonexistent stream?")))?
StreamEnt::EndReceived => Ok(ShouldSendEnd::DontSend),
// notably absent: the channels for sink and stream, which will get dropped and
// closed (meaning reads/writes from/to this stream will now fail)
} => {
// FIXME(eta): we don't copy the receive window, instead just creating a new one,
// so a malicious peer can send us slightly more data than they should
// be able to; see arti#230.
let mut recv_window = StreamRecvWindow::new(RECV_WINDOW_INIT);
// TODO: would be nice to avoid new_ref.
// If we haven't gotten a CONNECTED already, we accept one on the half-stream.
let connected_ok = !received_connected;
let halfstream = HalfStream::new(send_window, recv_window, connected_ok);
self.m.insert(id, StreamEnt::EndSent(halfstream));
panic!("Hang on! We're sending an END on a stream where we already sent an END‽");
// TODO: Eventually if we want relay support, we'll need to support
// stream IDs chosen by somebody else. But for now, we don't need those.
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::circuit::sendme::StreamSendWindow;
fn streammap_basics() -> Result<()> {
let mut map = StreamMap::new();
let mut next_id = map.next_stream_id;
let mut ids = Vec::new();
// Try add_ent
for _ in 0..128 {
let (sink, _) = mpsc::channel(128);
let (_, rx) = mpsc::channel(2);
let id = map.add_ent(sink, rx, StreamSendWindow::new(500))?;
let expect_id: StreamId = next_id.into();
assert_eq!(expect_id, id);
next_id = next_id.wrapping_add(1);
if next_id == 0 {
next_id = 1;
// Test get_mut.
let nonesuch_id = next_id.into();
assert!(matches!(map.get_mut(ids[0]), Some(StreamEnt::Open { .. })));
// Test end_received
assert!(matches!(map.get_mut(ids[1]), Some(StreamEnt::EndReceived)));
// Test terminate
assert_eq!(map.terminate(ids[2]).unwrap(), ShouldSendEnd::Send);
assert!(matches!(map.get_mut(ids[2]), Some(StreamEnt::EndSent(_))));
assert_eq!(map.terminate(ids[1]).unwrap(), ShouldSendEnd::DontSend);
assert!(matches!(map.get_mut(ids[1]), None));
// Try receiving an end after a terminate.
assert!(matches!(map.get_mut(ids[2]), None));