95.6 %
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//! Relay cell cryptography
//! The Tor protocol centers around "RELAY cells", which are
//! transmitted through the network along circuits. The client that
//! creates a circuit shares two different set of keys and state with
//! each of the relays on the circuit: one for "outbound" traffic, and
//! one for "inbound" traffic.
use crate::{Error, Result};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use tor_cell::chancell::RawCellBody;
use tor_error::internal;
use generic_array::GenericArray;
/// Type for the body of a relay cell.
pub(crate) struct RelayCellBody(RawCellBody);
impl From<RawCellBody> for RelayCellBody {
fn from(body: RawCellBody) -> Self {
impl From<RelayCellBody> for RawCellBody {
fn from(cell: RelayCellBody) -> Self {
impl AsRef<[u8]> for RelayCellBody {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl AsMut<[u8]> for RelayCellBody {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
&mut self.0[..]
/// Represents the ability for a circuit crypto state to be initialized
/// from a given seed.
pub(crate) trait CryptInit: Sized {
/// Return the number of bytes that this state will require.
fn seed_len() -> usize;
/// Construct this state from a seed of the appropriate length.
fn initialize(seed: &[u8]) -> Result<Self>;
/// Initialize this object from a key generator.
fn construct<K: super::handshake::KeyGenerator>(keygen: K) -> Result<Self> {
let seed = keygen.expand(Self::seed_len())?;
/// A paired object containing an inbound client layer and an outbound
/// client layer.
/// TODO: Maybe we should fold this into CryptInit.
pub(crate) trait ClientLayer<F, B>
F: OutboundClientLayer,
B: InboundClientLayer,
/// Consume this ClientLayer and return a paired forward and reverse
/// crypto layer.
fn split(self) -> (F, B);
/// Represents a relay's view of the crypto state on a given circuit.
pub(crate) trait RelayCrypt {
/// Prepare a RelayCellBody to be sent towards the client.
fn originate(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody);
/// Encrypt a RelayCellBody that is moving towards the client.
fn encrypt_inbound(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody);
/// Decrypt a RelayCellBody that is moving towards the client.
/// Return true if it is addressed to us.
fn decrypt_outbound(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody) -> bool;
/// A client's view of the crypto state shared with a single relay, as
/// used for outbound cells.
pub(crate) trait OutboundClientLayer {
/// Prepare a RelayCellBody to be sent to the relay at this layer, and
/// encrypt it.
/// Return the authentication tag.
fn originate_for(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody) -> &[u8];
/// Encrypt a RelayCellBody to be decrypted by this layer.
fn encrypt_outbound(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody);
/// used for inbound cells.
pub(crate) trait InboundClientLayer {
/// Decrypt a CellBody that passed through this layer.
/// Return an authentication tag if this layer is the originator.
fn decrypt_inbound(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody) -> Option<&[u8]>;
/// Type to store hop indices on a circuit.
/// Hop indices are zero-based: "0" denotes the first hop on the circuit.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct HopNum(u8);
impl From<HopNum> for u8 {
fn from(hop: HopNum) -> u8 {
impl From<u8> for HopNum {
fn from(v: u8) -> HopNum {
impl From<HopNum> for usize {
fn from(hop: HopNum) -> usize {
hop.0 as usize
impl std::fmt::Display for HopNum {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::result::Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
/// A client's view of the cryptographic state for an entire
/// constructed circuit, as used for sending cells.
pub(crate) struct OutboundClientCrypt {
/// Vector of layers, one for each hop on the circuit, ordered from the
/// closest hop to the farthest.
layers: Vec<Box<dyn OutboundClientLayer + Send>>,
/// constructed circuit, as used for receiving cells.
pub(crate) struct InboundClientCrypt {
layers: Vec<Box<dyn InboundClientLayer + Send>>,
impl OutboundClientCrypt {
/// Return a new (empty) OutboundClientCrypt.
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
OutboundClientCrypt { layers: Vec::new() }
/// Prepare a cell body to sent away from the client.
/// The cell is prepared for the `hop`th hop, and then encrypted with
/// the appropriate keys.
/// On success, returns a reference to tag that should be expected
/// for an authenticated SENDME sent in response to this cell.
pub(crate) fn encrypt(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody, hop: HopNum) -> Result<&[u8; 20]> {
let hop: usize = hop.into();
if hop >= self.layers.len() {
return Err(Error::NoSuchHop);
let mut layers = self.layers.iter_mut().take(hop + 1).rev();
let first_layer =;
let tag = first_layer.originate_for(cell);
for layer in layers {
Ok(tag.try_into().expect("wrong SENDME digest size"))
/// Add a new layer to this OutboundClientCrypt
pub(crate) fn add_layer(&mut self, layer: Box<dyn OutboundClientLayer + Send>) {
assert!(self.layers.len() < std::u8::MAX as usize);
/// Return the number of layers configured on this OutboundClientCrypt.
pub(crate) fn n_layers(&self) -> usize {
impl InboundClientCrypt {
/// Return a new (empty) InboundClientCrypt.
InboundClientCrypt { layers: Vec::new() }
/// Decrypt an incoming cell that is coming to the client.
/// On success, return which hop was the originator of the cell.
// TODO(nickm): Use a real type for the tag, not just `&[u8]`.
pub(crate) fn decrypt(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody) -> Result<(HopNum, &[u8])> {
for (hopnum, layer) in self.layers.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if let Some(tag) = layer.decrypt_inbound(cell) {
assert!(hopnum <= std::u8::MAX as usize);
return Ok(((hopnum as u8).into(), tag));
/// Add a new layer to this InboundClientCrypt
pub(crate) fn add_layer(&mut self, layer: Box<dyn InboundClientLayer + Send>) {
/// Return the number of layers configured on this InboundClientCrypt.
/// TODO: use HopNum
/// Standard Tor relay crypto, as instantiated for RELAY cells.
pub(crate) type Tor1RelayCrypto =
tor1::CryptStatePair<tor_llcrypto::cipher::aes::Aes128Ctr, tor_llcrypto::d::Sha1>;
/// Incomplete untested implementation of Tor's current cell crypto.
pub(crate) mod tor1 {
use super::*;
use cipher::{NewCipher, StreamCipher};
use digest::Digest;
use typenum::Unsigned;
/// A CryptState is part of a RelayCrypt or a ClientLayer.
/// It is parameterized on a stream cipher and a digest type: most
/// circuits will use AES-128-CTR and SHA1, but v3 onion services
/// use AES-256-CTR and SHA-3.
pub(crate) struct CryptState<SC: StreamCipher, D: Digest + Clone> {
/// Stream cipher for en/decrypting cell bodies.
cipher: SC,
/// Digest for authenticating cells to/from this hop.
digest: D,
/// Most recent digest value generated by this crypto.
last_digest_val: GenericArray<u8, D::OutputSize>,
/// A pair of CryptStates, one for the forward (away from client)
/// direction, and one for the reverse (towards client) direction.
pub(crate) struct CryptStatePair<SC: StreamCipher, D: Digest + Clone> {
/// State for en/decrypting cells sent away from the client.
fwd: CryptState<SC, D>,
/// State for en/decrypting cells sent towards the client.
back: CryptState<SC, D>,
impl<SC: StreamCipher + NewCipher, D: Digest + Clone> CryptInit for CryptStatePair<SC, D> {
fn seed_len() -> usize {
SC::KeySize::to_usize() * 2 + D::OutputSize::to_usize() * 2
fn initialize(seed: &[u8]) -> Result<Self> {
if seed.len() != Self::seed_len() {
return Err(Error::from(internal!(
"seed length {} was invalid",
let keylen = SC::KeySize::to_usize();
let dlen = D::OutputSize::to_usize();
let fdinit = &seed[0..dlen];
let bdinit = &seed[dlen..dlen * 2];
let fckey = &seed[dlen * 2..dlen * 2 + keylen];
let bckey = &seed[dlen * 2 + keylen..dlen * 2 + keylen * 2];
let fwd = CryptState {
cipher: SC::new(fckey.try_into().expect("Wrong length"), &Default::default()),
digest: D::new().chain_update(fdinit),
last_digest_val: GenericArray::default(),
let back = CryptState {
cipher: SC::new(bckey.try_into().expect("Wrong length"), &Default::default()),
digest: D::new().chain_update(bdinit),
Ok(CryptStatePair { fwd, back })
impl<SC, D> ClientLayer<CryptState<SC, D>, CryptState<SC, D>> for CryptStatePair<SC, D>
SC: StreamCipher,
D: Digest + Clone,
fn split(self) -> (CryptState<SC, D>, CryptState<SC, D>) {
(self.fwd, self.back)
impl<SC: StreamCipher, D: Digest + Clone> RelayCrypt for CryptStatePair<SC, D> {
fn originate(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody) {
let mut d_ignored = GenericArray::default();
cell.set_digest(&mut self.back.digest, &mut d_ignored);
fn encrypt_inbound(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody) {
fn decrypt_outbound(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody) -> bool {
cell.recognized(&mut self.fwd.digest, &mut d_ignored)
impl<SC: StreamCipher, D: Digest + Clone> OutboundClientLayer for CryptState<SC, D> {
fn originate_for(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody) -> &[u8] {
cell.set_digest(&mut self.digest, &mut self.last_digest_val);
fn encrypt_outbound(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody) {
self.cipher.apply_keystream(&mut cell.0[..]);
impl<SC: StreamCipher, D: Digest + Clone> InboundClientLayer for CryptState<SC, D> {
fn decrypt_inbound(&mut self, cell: &mut RelayCellBody) -> Option<&[u8]> {
if cell.recognized(&mut self.digest, &mut self.last_digest_val) {
} else {
impl RelayCellBody {
/// Prepare a cell body by setting its digest and recognized field.
fn set_digest<D: Digest + Clone>(
&mut self,
d: &mut D,
used_digest: &mut GenericArray<u8, D::OutputSize>,
) {
self.0[1] = 0;
self.0[2] = 0;
self.0[5] = 0;
self.0[6] = 0;
self.0[7] = 0;
self.0[8] = 0;
// TODO(nickm) can we avoid this clone? Probably not.
*used_digest = d.clone().finalize();
/// Check a cell to see whether its recognized field is set.
fn recognized<D: Digest + Clone>(
rcvd: &mut GenericArray<u8, D::OutputSize>,
) -> bool {
use crate::util::ct;
use arrayref::array_ref;
// Validate 'Recognized' field
let recognized = u16::from_be_bytes(*array_ref![self.0, 1, 2]);
if recognized != 0 {
return false;
// Now also validate the 'Digest' field:
let mut dtmp = d.clone();
// Add bytes up to the 'Digest' field
// Add zeroes where the 'Digest' field is
dtmp.update([0_u8; 4]);
// Add the rest of the bytes
// Clone the digest before finalize destroys it because we will use
// it in the future
let dtmp_clone = dtmp.clone();
let result = dtmp.finalize();
if ct::bytes_eq(&self.0[5..9], &result[0..4]) {
// Copy useful things out of this cell (we keep running digest)
*d = dtmp_clone;
*rcvd = result;
return true;
mod test {
use crate::SecretBytes;
use rand::RngCore;
fn add_layers(
cc_out: &mut OutboundClientCrypt,
cc_in: &mut InboundClientCrypt,
pair: Tor1RelayCrypto,
let (outbound, inbound) = pair.split();
fn roundtrip() {
// Take canned keys and make sure we can do crypto correctly.
use crate::crypto::handshake::ShakeKeyGenerator as KGen;
fn s(seed: &[u8]) -> SecretBytes {
let mut s: SecretBytes = SecretBytes::new(Vec::new());
let seed1 = s(b"hidden we are free");
let seed2 = s(b"free to speak, to free ourselves");
let seed3 = s(b"free to hide no more");
let mut cc_out = OutboundClientCrypt::new();
let mut cc_in = InboundClientCrypt::new();
let pair = Tor1RelayCrypto::construct(KGen::new(seed1.clone())).unwrap();
add_layers(&mut cc_out, &mut cc_in, pair);
let pair = Tor1RelayCrypto::construct(KGen::new(seed2.clone())).unwrap();
let pair = Tor1RelayCrypto::construct(KGen::new(seed3.clone())).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cc_in.n_layers(), 3);
assert_eq!(cc_out.n_layers(), 3);
let mut r1 = Tor1RelayCrypto::construct(KGen::new(seed1)).unwrap();
let mut r2 = Tor1RelayCrypto::construct(KGen::new(seed2)).unwrap();
let mut r3 = Tor1RelayCrypto::construct(KGen::new(seed3)).unwrap();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
for _ in 1..300 {
// outbound cell
let mut cell = [0_u8; 509];
let mut cell_orig = [0_u8; 509];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut cell_orig);
let mut cell = cell.into();
let _tag = cc_out.encrypt(&mut cell, 2.into()).unwrap();
assert_ne!(&cell.as_ref()[9..], &cell_orig.as_ref()[9..]);
assert!(!r1.decrypt_outbound(&mut cell));
assert!(!r2.decrypt_outbound(&mut cell));
assert!(r3.decrypt_outbound(&mut cell));
assert_eq!(&cell.as_ref()[9..], &cell_orig.as_ref()[9..]);
// inbound cell
r3.originate(&mut cell);
r3.encrypt_inbound(&mut cell);
r2.encrypt_inbound(&mut cell);
r1.encrypt_inbound(&mut cell);
let (layer, _tag) = cc_in.decrypt(&mut cell).unwrap();
assert_eq!(layer, 2.into());
// TODO: Test tag somehow.
// Try a failure: sending a cell to a nonexistent hop.
let mut cell = [0_u8; 509].into();
let err = cc_out.encrypt(&mut cell, 10.into());
assert!(matches!(err, Err(Error::NoSuchHop)));
// Try a failure: A junk cell with no correct auth from any layer.
let err = cc_in.decrypt(&mut cell);
assert!(matches!(err, Err(Error::BadCellAuth)));
// From tor's test_relaycrypt.c
fn testvec() {
use digest::XofReader;
use digest::{ExtendableOutput, Update};
const K1: &[u8; 72] =
b" 'My public key is in this signed x509 object', said Tom assertively.";
const K2: &[u8; 72] =
b"'Let's chart the pedal phlanges in the tomb', said Tom cryptographically";
const K3: &[u8; 72] =
b" 'Segmentation fault bugs don't _just happen_', said Tom seethingly.";
const SEED: &[u8;108] = b"'You mean to tell me that there's a version of Sha-3 with no limit on the output length?', said Tom shakily.";
// These test vectors were generated from Tor.
let data: &[(usize, &str)] = &include!("../../testdata/");
let pair = Tor1RelayCrypto::initialize(&K1[..]).unwrap();
let pair = Tor1RelayCrypto::initialize(&K2[..]).unwrap();
let pair = Tor1RelayCrypto::initialize(&K3[..]).unwrap();
let mut xof = tor_llcrypto::d::Shake256::default();
let mut stream = xof.finalize_xof();
let mut j = 0;
for cellno in 0..51 {
let mut body = [0_u8; 509];
body[0] = 2; // command: data.
body[4] = 1; // streamid: 1.
body[9] = 1; // length: 498
body[10] = 242; body[11..]);
let mut cell = body.into();
let _ = cc_out.encrypt(&mut cell, 2.into());
if cellno == data[j].0 {
let expected = hex::decode(data[j].1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cell.as_ref(), &expected[..]);
j += 1;