99.25 %
48.48 %
100 %
//! Implements the HS ntor key exchange, as used in v3 onion services.
//! The Ntor protocol of this section is specified in section
//! [NTOR-WITH-EXTRA-DATA] of rend-spec-v3.txt.
//! The main difference between this HS Ntor handshake and the standard Ntor
//! handshake in ./ is that this one allows each party to encrypt data
//! (without forward secrecy) after it sends the first message. This
//! opportunistic encryption property is used by clients in the onion service
//! protocol to encrypt introduction data in the INTRODUCE1 cell, and by
//! services to encrypt data in the RENDEZVOUS1 cell.
//! # Status
//! This module is a work in progress, and is not actually used anywhere yet
//! or tested: please expect the API to change.
//! This module is available only when the `hs` feature is enabled.
// We want to use the exact variable names from the rend-spec-v3.txt proposal.
// This means that we allow variables to be named x (privkey) and X (pubkey).
// This module is still unused: so allow some dead code for now.
use crate::crypto::handshake::KeyGenerator;
use crate::crypto::ll::kdf::{Kdf, ShakeKdf};
use crate::{Error, Result, SecretBytes};
use tor_bytes::{Reader, Writer};
use tor_llcrypto::d::Sha3_256;
use tor_llcrypto::pk::{curve25519, ed25519};
use tor_llcrypto::util::rand_compat::RngCompatExt;
use cipher::{NewCipher, StreamCipher};
use digest::Digest;
use generic_array::GenericArray;
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use tor_error::into_internal;
use tor_llcrypto::cipher::aes::Aes256Ctr;
use zeroize::Zeroizing;
/// The ENC_KEY from the HS Ntor protocol
type EncKey = [u8; 32];
/// The MAC_KEY from the HS Ntor protocol
type MacKey = [u8; 32];
/// A generic 256-bit MAC tag
type MacTag = [u8; 32];
/// The AUTH_INPUT_MAC from the HS Ntor protocol
type AuthInputMac = MacTag;
/// The Service's subcredential
pub type Subcredential = [u8; 32];
/// The key generator used by the HS ntor handshake. Implements the simple key
/// expansion protocol specified in section "Key expansion" of rend-spec-v3.txt .
pub struct HsNtorHkdfKeyGenerator {
/// Secret data derived from the handshake, used as input to HKDF
seed: SecretBytes,
impl HsNtorHkdfKeyGenerator {
/// Create a new key generator to expand a given seed
pub fn new(seed: SecretBytes) -> Self {
HsNtorHkdfKeyGenerator { seed }
impl KeyGenerator for HsNtorHkdfKeyGenerator {
/// Expand the seed into a keystream of 'keylen' size
fn expand(self, keylen: usize) -> Result<SecretBytes> {
ShakeKdf::new().derive(&self.seed[..], keylen)
/*********************** Client Side Code ************************************/
/// The input to enter the HS Ntor protocol as a client
pub struct HsNtorClientInput {
/// Introduction point encryption key (aka B)
/// (found in the HS descriptor)
pub B: curve25519::PublicKey,
/// Introduction point authentication key (aka AUTH_KEY)
pub auth_key: ed25519::PublicKey,
/// Service subcredential
pub subcredential: Subcredential,
/// The plaintext that should be encrypted into ENCRYPTED_DATA It's
/// structure is irrelevant for this crate, but can be found in section
/// \[PROCESS_INTRO2\] of the spec
pub plaintext: Vec<u8>,
/// The data of the INTRODUCE1 cell from the beginning and up to the start
/// of the ENCRYPTED_DATA. It's used to compute the MAC at the end of the
/// INTRODUCE1 cell.
pub intro_cell_data: Vec<u8>,
impl HsNtorClientInput {
/// Create a new `HsNtorClientInput`
pub fn new(
B: curve25519::PublicKey,
auth_key: ed25519::PublicKey,
subcredential: Subcredential,
plaintext: Vec<u8>,
intro_cell_data: Vec<u8>,
) -> Self {
HsNtorClientInput {
/// Client state for an ntor handshake.
pub struct HsNtorClientState {
/// Keys received from our caller when we started the protocol. The rest of
/// the keys in this state structure have been created during the protocol.
proto_input: HsNtorClientInput,
/// The temporary curve25519 secret that we generated for this handshake.
x: curve25519::StaticSecret,
/// The corresponding private key
X: curve25519::PublicKey,
/// Encrypt the 'plaintext' using 'enc_key'. Then compute the intro cell MAC
/// using 'mac_key' and return (ciphertext, mac_tag).
fn encrypt_and_mac(
mut plaintext: Vec<u8>,
other_data: &[u8],
enc_key: EncKey,
mac_key: MacKey,
) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, MacTag)> {
// Encrypt the introduction data using 'enc_key'
let zero_iv = GenericArray::default();
let mut cipher = Aes256Ctr::new(&enc_key.into(), &zero_iv);
cipher.apply_keystream(&mut plaintext);
let ciphertext = plaintext; // it's now encrypted
// Now staple the other INTRODUCE1 data right before the ciphertext to
// create the body of the MAC tag
let mut mac_body: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mac_tag = hs_ntor_mac(&mac_body, &mac_key)?;
Ok((ciphertext, mac_tag))
/// The client is about to make an INTRODUCE1 cell. Perform the first part of
/// the client handshake.
/// Return a state object containing the current progress of the handshake, and
/// the data that should be written in the INTRODUCE1 cell. The data that is
/// written is:
/// ENCRYPTED_DATA [Padded to length of plaintext]
/// MAC [MAC_LEN bytes]
pub fn client_send_intro<R>(
rng: &mut R,
proto_input: &HsNtorClientInput,
) -> Result<(HsNtorClientState, Vec<u8>)>
R: RngCore + CryptoRng,
// Create client's ephemeral keys to be used for this handshake
let x = curve25519::StaticSecret::new(rng.rng_compat());
let X = curve25519::PublicKey::from(&x);
// Get EXP(B,x)
let bx = x.diffie_hellman(&proto_input.B);
// Compile our state structure
let state = HsNtorClientState {
proto_input: proto_input.clone(),
// Compute keys required to finish this part of the handshake
let (enc_key, mac_key) = get_introduce1_key_material(
let (ciphertext, mac_tag) = encrypt_and_mac(
// Create the relevant parts of INTRO1
let mut response: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
Ok((state, response))
/// The introduction has been completed and the service has replied with a
/// Handle it by computing and verifying the MAC, and if it's legit return a
/// key generator based on the result of the key exchange.
pub fn client_receive_rend<T>(state: &HsNtorClientState, msg: T) -> Result<HsNtorHkdfKeyGenerator>
T: AsRef<[u8]>,
// Extract the public key of the service from the message
let mut cur = Reader::from_slice(msg.as_ref());
let Y: curve25519::PublicKey = cur.extract()?;
let mac_tag: MacTag = cur.extract()?;
// Get EXP(Y,x) and EXP(B,x)
let xy = state.x.diffie_hellman(&Y);
let xb = state.x.diffie_hellman(&state.proto_input.B);
let (keygen, my_mac_tag) = get_rendezvous1_key_material(
// Validate the MAC!
if my_mac_tag != mac_tag {
return Err(Error::BadCircHandshake);
/*********************** Server Side Code ************************************/
/// The input required to enter the HS Ntor protocol as a service
pub struct HsNtorServiceInput {
/// Introduction point encryption privkey
pub b: curve25519::StaticSecret,
/// Introduction point encryption pubkey
/// Our subcredential
/// of the ENCRYPTED_DATA. Will be used to verify the MAC at the end of the
impl HsNtorServiceInput {
/// Create a new `HsNtorServiceInput`
b: curve25519::StaticSecret,
HsNtorServiceInput {
/// Conduct the HS Ntor handshake as the service.
/// Return a key generator which is the result of the key exchange, the
/// RENDEZVOUS1 response to the client, and the introduction plaintext that we decrypted.
/// The response to the client is:
pub fn server_receive_intro<R, T>(
proto_input: &HsNtorServiceInput,
msg: T,
) -> Result<(HsNtorHkdfKeyGenerator, Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>
// Extract all the useful pieces from the message
let X: curve25519::PublicKey = cur.extract()?;
let remaining_bytes = cur.remaining();
let ciphertext = &mut cur.take(remaining_bytes - 32)?.to_vec();
// Now derive keys needed for handling the INTRO1 cell
let bx = proto_input.b.diffie_hellman(&X);
// Now validate the MAC: Staple the previous INTRODUCE1 data along with the
// ciphertext to create the body of the MAC tag
let my_mac_tag = hs_ntor_mac(&mac_body, &mac_key)?;
// Decrypt the ENCRYPTED_DATA from the intro cell
let plaintext = ciphertext; // it's now decrypted
// Generate ephemeral keys for this handshake
let y = curve25519::EphemeralSecret::new(rng.rng_compat());
let Y = curve25519::PublicKey::from(&y);
// Compute EXP(X,y) and EXP(X,b)
let xy = y.diffie_hellman(&X);
let xb = proto_input.b.diffie_hellman(&X);
let (keygen, auth_input_mac) =
get_rendezvous1_key_material(&xy, &xb, &proto_input.auth_key, &proto_input.B, &X, &Y)?;
// Set up RENDEZVOUS1 reply to the client
let mut reply: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
Ok((keygen, reply, plaintext.clone()))
/*********************** Helper functions ************************************/
/// Implement the MAC function used as part of the HS ntor handshake:
/// MAC(k, m) is H(k_len | k | m) where k_len is htonll(len(k)).
fn hs_ntor_mac(key: &[u8], message: &[u8]) -> Result<MacTag> {
let k_len = key.len();
let mut d = Sha3_256::new();
d.update((k_len as u64).to_be_bytes());
let result = d.finalize();
.map_err(into_internal!("failed MAC computation"))
/// Helper function: Compute the part of the HS ntor handshake that generates
/// key material for creating and handling INTRODUCE1 cells. Function used
/// by both client and service. Specifically, calculate the following:
/// ```pseudocode
/// intro_secret_hs_input = EXP(B,x) | AUTH_KEY | X | B | PROTOID
/// info = m_hsexpand | subcredential
/// hs_keys = KDF(intro_secret_hs_input | t_hsenc | info, S_KEY_LEN+MAC_LEN)
/// ENC_KEY = hs_keys[0:S_KEY_LEN]
/// ```
/// Return (ENC_KEY, MAC_KEY).
fn get_introduce1_key_material(
bx: &curve25519::SharedSecret,
auth_key: &ed25519::PublicKey,
X: &curve25519::PublicKey,
B: &curve25519::PublicKey,
subcredential: &Subcredential,
) -> Result<(EncKey, MacKey)> {
let hs_ntor_protoid_constant = &b"tor-hs-ntor-curve25519-sha3-256-1"[..];
let hs_ntor_key_constant = &b"tor-hs-ntor-curve25519-sha3-256-1:hs_key_extract"[..];
let hs_ntor_expand_constant = &b"tor-hs-ntor-curve25519-sha3-256-1:hs_key_expand"[..];
// Construct hs_keys = KDF(intro_secret_hs_input | t_hsenc | info, S_KEY_LEN+MAC_LEN)
// Start by getting 'intro_secret_hs_input'
let mut secret_input = Zeroizing::new(Vec::new());
secret_input.write(bx); // EXP(B,x)
secret_input.write(auth_key); // AUTH_KEY
secret_input.write(X); // X
secret_input.write(B); // B
secret_input.write(hs_ntor_protoid_constant); // PROTOID
// Now fold in the t_hsenc
// and fold in the 'info'
let hs_keys = ShakeKdf::new().derive(&secret_input[..], 32 + 32)?;
// Extract the keys into arrays
let enc_key = hs_keys[0..32]
.map_err(into_internal!("converting enc_key"))
let mac_key = hs_keys[32..64]
.map_err(into_internal!("converting mac_key"))
Ok((enc_key, mac_key))
/// Helper function: Compute the last part of the HS ntor handshake which
/// derives key material necessary to create and handle RENDEZVOUS1
/// cells. Function used by both client and service. The actual calculations is
/// as follows:
/// rend_secret_hs_input = EXP(X,y) | EXP(X,b) | AUTH_KEY | B | X | Y | PROTOID
/// NTOR_KEY_SEED = MAC(rend_secret_hs_input, t_hsenc)
/// verify = MAC(rend_secret_hs_input, t_hsverify)
/// auth_input = verify | AUTH_KEY | B | Y | X | PROTOID | "Server"
/// AUTH_INPUT_MAC = MAC(auth_input, t_hsmac)
/// Return (keygen, AUTH_INPUT_MAC), where keygen is a key generator based on
fn get_rendezvous1_key_material(
xy: &curve25519::SharedSecret,
xb: &curve25519::SharedSecret,
Y: &curve25519::PublicKey,
) -> Result<(HsNtorHkdfKeyGenerator, AuthInputMac)> {
let hs_ntor_mac_constant = &b"tor-hs-ntor-curve25519-sha3-256-1:hs_mac"[..];
let hs_ntor_verify_constant = &b"tor-hs-ntor-curve25519-sha3-256-1:hs_verify"[..];
let server_string_constant = &b"Server"[..];
// Start with rend_secret_hs_input
secret_input.write(xy); // EXP(X,y)
secret_input.write(xb); // EXP(X,b)
secret_input.write(Y); // Y
// Build NTOR_KEY_SEED and verify
let ntor_key_seed = hs_ntor_mac(&secret_input, hs_ntor_key_constant)?;
let verify = hs_ntor_mac(&secret_input, hs_ntor_verify_constant)?;
// Start building 'auth_input'
let mut auth_input = Zeroizing::new(Vec::new());
auth_input.write(auth_key); // AUTH_KEY
auth_input.write(B); // B
auth_input.write(Y); // Y
auth_input.write(X); // X
auth_input.write(hs_ntor_protoid_constant); // PROTOID
auth_input.write(server_string_constant); // "Server"
let auth_input_mac = hs_ntor_mac(&auth_input, hs_ntor_mac_constant)?;
// Now finish up with the KDF construction
let mut kdf_seed = Zeroizing::new(Vec::new());
let keygen = HsNtorHkdfKeyGenerator::new(Zeroizing::new(kdf_seed.to_vec()));
Ok((keygen, auth_input_mac))
/*********************** Unit Tests ******************************************/
mod test {
use super::*;
use hex_literal::hex;
/// Basic HS Ntor test that does the handshake between client and service
/// and makes sure that the resulting keys and KDF is legit.
fn hs_ntor() -> Result<()> {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng().rng_compat();
// Let's initialize keys for the client (and the intro point)
let intro_b_privkey = curve25519::StaticSecret::new(&mut rng);
let intro_b_pubkey = curve25519::PublicKey::from(&intro_b_privkey);
let intro_auth_key_privkey = ed25519::SecretKey::generate(&mut rng);
let intro_auth_key_pubkey = ed25519::PublicKey::from(&intro_auth_key_privkey);
// Create keys for client and service
let client_keys = HsNtorClientInput::new(
[5; 32],
vec![66; 10],
vec![42; 60],
let service_keys = HsNtorServiceInput::new(
// Client: Sends an encrypted INTRODUCE1 cell
let (state, cmsg) = client_send_intro(&mut rng, &client_keys)?;
// Service: Decrypt INTRODUCE1 cell, and reply with RENDEZVOUS1 cell
let (skeygen, smsg, s_plaintext) = server_receive_intro(&mut rng, &service_keys, cmsg)?;
// Check that the plaintext received by the service is the one that the
// client sent
assert_eq!(s_plaintext, vec![66; 10]);
// Client: Receive RENDEZVOUS1 and create key material
let ckeygen = client_receive_rend(&state, smsg)?;
// Test that RENDEZVOUS1 key material match
let skeys = skeygen.expand(128)?;
let ckeys = ckeygen.expand(128)?;
assert_eq!(skeys, ckeys);
/// Test vectors generated with from little-t-tor.
fn ntor_mac() -> Result<()> {
let result = hs_ntor_mac("who".as_bytes(), b"knows?")?;
let result = hs_ntor_mac("gone".as_bytes(), b"by")?;