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//! Re-exports of the async_std runtime for use with arti.
//! This crate helps define a slim API around our async runtime so that we
//! can easily swap it out.
//! We'll probably want to support tokio as well in the future.
/// Types used for networking (async_std implementation)
mod net {
use crate::traits;
use async_std_crate::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use futures::future::Future;
use futures::stream::Stream;
use std::io::Result as IoResult;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
/// A `Stream` of incoming TCP streams.
/// Differs from the output of [`TcpListener::incoming`] in that this
/// struct is a real type, and that it returns a TCP stream and an address
/// for each input.
pub struct IncomingStreams {
/// A state object, stored in an Option so we can take ownership of it
/// while poll is being called.
// TODO(nickm): I hate using this trick. At some point in the
// future, once Rust has nice support for async traits, maybe
// we can refactor it.
state: Option<IncomingStreamsState>,
/// The result type returned by [`take_and_poll`].
/// It has to include the TcpListener, since take_and_poll() has
/// ownership of the listener.
type FResult = (IoResult<(TcpStream, SocketAddr)>, TcpListener);
/// Helper to implement [`IncomingStreams`]
/// This function calls [`TcpListener::accept`] while owning the
/// listener. Thus, it returns a future that itself owns the listener,
/// and we don't have lifetime troubles.
async fn take_and_poll(lis: TcpListener) -> FResult {
let result = lis.accept().await;
(result, lis)
/// The possible states for an [`IncomingStreams`].
enum IncomingStreamsState {
/// We're ready to call `accept` on the listener again.
/// We've called `accept` on the listener, and we're waiting
/// for a future to complete.
Accepting(Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = FResult>>>),
impl IncomingStreams {
/// Create a new IncomingStreams from a TcpListener.
pub fn from_listener(lis: TcpListener) -> IncomingStreams {
IncomingStreams {
state: Some(IncomingStreamsState::Ready(lis)),
impl Stream for IncomingStreams {
type Item = IoResult<(TcpStream, SocketAddr)>;
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
use IncomingStreamsState as St;
let state = self.state.take().expect("No valid state!");
let mut future = match state {
St::Ready(lis) => Box::pin(take_and_poll(lis)),
St::Accepting(fut) => fut,
match future.as_mut().poll(cx) {
Poll::Ready((val, lis)) => {
self.state = Some(St::Ready(lis));
Poll::Pending => {
self.state = Some(St::Accepting(future));
impl traits::TcpListener for TcpListener {
type TcpStream = TcpStream;
type Incoming = IncomingStreams;
async fn accept(&self) -> IoResult<(Self::TcpStream, SocketAddr)> {
fn incoming(self) -> IncomingStreams {
fn local_addr(&self) -> IoResult<SocketAddr> {
impl traits::TcpProvider for async_executors::AsyncStd {
type TcpListener = TcpListener;
async fn connect(&self, addr: &SocketAddr) -> IoResult<Self::TcpStream> {
async fn listen(&self, addr: &SocketAddr) -> IoResult<Self::TcpListener> {
// ==============================
use futures::{Future, FutureExt};
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::traits::*;
/// Create and return a new `async_std` runtime.
pub fn create_runtime() -> async_executors::AsyncStd {
impl SleepProvider for async_executors::AsyncStd {
type SleepFuture = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static>>;
fn sleep(&self, duration: Duration) -> Self::SleepFuture {
Box::pin(async_io::Timer::after(duration).map(|_| ()))
impl BlockOn for async_executors::AsyncStd {
fn block_on<F: Future>(&self, f: F) -> F::Output {