Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- a -
- abbreviated
: config_abbrev_t
- abbrevs
: config_format_t
- AccelDir
: crypto_options_t
- AccelName
: crypto_options_t
- accept_keywords
: control_cmd_syntax_t
- AccountingIntervalStart
: or_state_t
- AccountingMax
: or_options_t
- AccountingRule_option
: or_options_t
- AccountingStart
: or_options_t
- active_on_link
: connection_t
- add_pubsub
: subsys_fns_t
- addr
: addr_policy_t
, bridge_info_t
, connection_t
, port_cfg_t
, transport_t
- addr_according_to_peer
: channel_t
- addr_current_at
: dir_server_t
- addr_ipv4
: cached_resolve_t
- addr_ipv6
: cached_resolve_t
- address
: cached_resolve_t
, connection_t
, dir_server_t
, networkstatus_voter_info_t
- Address
: or_options_t
- address
: socks_request_t
, tor_tls_t
- address_ttl
: edge_connection_t
- AddressDisableIPv6
: or_options_t
- AddressMap
: or_options_t
- addrport_configured
: bridge_info_t
- after_firsthop_idx
: network_liveness_t
- age_tmp
: circuit_t
- alert_fn
: alert_sockets_t
- alg
: document_signature_t
, sr_commit_t
- algorithm
: crypto_digest_t
- all_abbrevs
: config_mgr_t
- all_deprecations
: config_mgr_t
- all_vars
: config_mgr_t
- AllDirActionsPrivate
: or_options_t
- allocation
: tor_lzma_compress_state_t
, tor_zlib_compress_state_t
, tor_zstd_compress_state_t
- allow_single_hop_exits
: routerinfo_t
- allow_unknown_ports
: hs_service_config_t
- allowed_keywords
: control_cmd_syntax_t
- allowed_padding_count
: circpad_machine_spec_t
- AllowNonRFC953Hostnames
: or_options_t
- alpha
: circuit_build_times_t
- AlternateBridgeAuthority
: or_options_t
- AlternateDirAuthority
: or_options_t
- always_rate_limit_as_remote
: connection_t
- annotations_len
: signed_descriptor_t
- apply_purpose_mask
: circpad_machine_conditions_t
- apply_state_mask
: circpad_machine_conditions_t
- argc
: tor_main_configuration_t
- argc_owned
: tor_main_configuration_t
- args
: control_cmd_args_t
, directory_token_t
- arguments
: process_t
- argv
: tor_main_configuration_t
- argv_owned
: tor_main_configuration_t
- associated_isolated_stream_global_id
: origin_circuit_t
- AssumeReachable
: or_options_t
- AssumeReachableIPv6
: or_options_t
- auth_cert
: or_handshake_certs_t
- auth_dirports
: dir_server_t
- auth_ephemeral_kp
: hs_service_descriptor_t
- auth_ephemeral_pubkey
: hs_desc_superencrypted_data_t
- auth_key_cert
: hs_desc_intro_point_t
, hs_intropoint_t
- auth_key_kp
: hs_service_intro_point_t
- auth_pk
: hs_cell_introduce1_data_t
, hs_cell_introduce2_data_t
- auth_type
: socks_request_t
- AuthDirBadExit
: or_options_t
- AuthDirFastGuarantee
: dirauth_options_t
- AuthDirGuardBWGuarantee
: dirauth_options_t
- AuthDirHasIPv6Connectivity
: dirauth_options_t
- AuthDirInvalid
: or_options_t
- AuthDirListBadExits
: dirauth_options_t
- AuthDirMaxServersPerAddr
: dirauth_options_t
- AuthDirPinKeys
: dirauth_options_t
- AuthDirReject
: or_options_t
- AuthDirRejectRequestsUnderLoad
: dirauth_options_t
- AuthDirSharedRandomness
: dirauth_options_t
- AuthDirTestEd25519LinkKeys
: dirauth_options_t
- AuthDirTestReachability
: dirauth_options_t
- authenticated_ed25519_peer_id
: or_handshake_state_t
- authenticated_rsa_peer_id
: or_handshake_state_t
- AuthoritativeDir
: or_options_t
- AutomapHostsOnResolve
: or_options_t
- AutomapHostsSuffixes
: or_options_t
- aux_data__
: msg_t
- AvoidDiskWrites
: or_options_t