Data Fields
di_digest256_map_t Struct Reference

Data Fields

struct di_digest256_map_tnext
uint8_t key [32]
void * val

Detailed Description

A type for a map from DIGEST256_LEN-byte blobs to void*, such that data lookups take an amount of time proportional only to the size of the map, and not to the position or presence of the item in the map.

Not efficient for large maps!

Definition at line 147 of file di_ops.c.

Field Documentation

◆ key

uint8_t key[32]

Key for this entry.

Definition at line 151 of file di_ops.c.

Referenced by dimap_add_entry(), and dimap_search().

◆ next

struct di_digest256_map_t* next

Pointer to the next entry in the list.

Definition at line 149 of file di_ops.c.

Referenced by dimap_free_(), and dimap_search().

◆ val

void* val

Value for this entry.

Definition at line 153 of file di_ops.c.

Referenced by dimap_free_(), and dimap_search().

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