
Connections between two Tor relays, or between a client and a relay, use TLS/SSLv3 for link authentication and encryption. All implementations MUST support the SSLv3 ciphersuite "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" if it is available. They SHOULD support better ciphersuites if available.

There are three ways to perform TLS handshakes with a Tor server. In the first way, "certificates-up-front", both the initiator and responder send a two-certificate chain as part of their initial handshake. (This is supported in all Tor versions.) In the second way, "renegotiation", the responder provides a single certificate, and the initiator immediately performs a TLS renegotiation. (This is supported in Tor and later.) And in the third way, "in-protocol", the initial TLS negotiation completes, and the parties bootstrap themselves to mutual authentication via use of the Tor protocol without further TLS handshaking. (This is supported in and later.)

Each of these options provides a way for the parties to learn it is available: a client does not need to know the version of the Tor server in order to connect to it properly.

In "certificates up-front" (a.k.a "the v1 handshake"), the connection initiator always sends a two-certificate chain, consisting of an X.509 certificate using a short-term connection public key and a second, self-signed X.509 certificate containing its identity key. The other party sends a similar certificate chain. The initiator's ClientHello MUST NOT include any ciphersuites other than:


In "renegotiation" (a.k.a. "the v2 handshake"), the connection initiator sends no certificates, and the responder sends a single connection certificate. Once the TLS handshake is complete, the initiator renegotiates the handshake, with each party sending a two-certificate chain as in "certificates up-front". The initiator's ClientHello MUST include at least one ciphersuite not in the list above -- that's how the initiator indicates that it can handle this handshake. For other considerations on the initiator's ClientHello, see section 2.1 below.

In "in-protocol" (a.k.a. "the v3 handshake"), the initiator sends no certificates, and the responder sends a single connection certificate. The choice of ciphersuites must be as in a "renegotiation" handshake. There are additionally a set of constraints on the connection certificate, which the initiator can use to learn that the in-protocol handshake is in use. Specifically, at least one of these properties must be true of the certificate:

      * The certificate is self-signed
      * Some component other than "commonName" is set in the subject or
        issuer DN of the certificate.
      * The commonName of the subject or issuer of the certificate ends
        with a suffix other than ".net".
      * The certificate's public key modulus is longer than 1024 bits.

The initiator then sends a VERSIONS cell to the responder, which then replies with a VERSIONS cell; they have then negotiated a Tor protocol version. Assuming that the version they negotiate is 3 or higher (the only ones specified for use with this handshake right now), the responder sends a CERTS cell, an AUTH_CHALLENGE cell, and a NETINFO cell to the initiator, which may send either CERTS, AUTHENTICATE, NETINFO if it wants to authenticate, or just NETINFO if it does not.

For backward compatibility between later handshakes and "certificates up-front", the ClientHello of an initiator that supports a later handshake MUST include at least one ciphersuite other than those listed above. The connection responder examines the initiator's ciphersuite list to see whether it includes any ciphers other than those included in the list above. If extra ciphers are included, the responder proceeds as in "renegotiation" and "in-protocol": it sends a single certificate and does not request client certificates. Otherwise (in the case that no extra ciphersuites are included in the ClientHello) the responder proceeds as in "certificates up-front": it requests client certificates, and sends a two-certificate chain. In either case, once the responder has sent its certificate or certificates, the initiator counts them. If two certificates have been sent, it proceeds as in "certificates up-front"; otherwise, it proceeds as in "renegotiation" or "in-protocol".

To decide whether to do "renegotiation" or "in-protocol", the initiator checks whether the responder's initial certificate matches the criteria listed above.

All new relay implementations of the Tor protocol MUST support backwards-compatible renegotiation; clients SHOULD do this too. If this is not possible, new client implementations MUST support both "renegotiation" and "in-protocol" and use the router's published link protocols list (see dir-spec.txt on the "protocols" entry) to decide which to use.

In all of the above handshake variants, certificates sent in the clear SHOULD NOT include any strings to identify the host as a Tor relay. In the "renegotiation" and "backwards-compatible renegotiation" steps, the initiator SHOULD choose a list of ciphersuites and TLS extensions to mimic one used by a popular web browser.

Even though the connection protocol is identical, we will think of the initiator as either an onion router (OR) if it is willing to relay traffic for other Tor users, or an onion proxy (OP) if it only handles local requests. Onion proxies SHOULD NOT provide long-term-trackable identifiers in their handshakes.

In all handshake variants, once all certificates are exchanged, all parties receiving certificates must confirm that the identity key is as expected. If the key is not as expected, the party must close the connection.

(When initiating a connection, if a reasonably live consensus is available, then the expected identity key is taken from that consensus. But when initiating a connection otherwise, the expected identity key is the one given in the hard-coded authority or fallback list. Finally, when creating a connection because of an EXTEND/EXTEND2 cell, the expected identity key is the one given in the cell.)

When connecting to an OR, all parties SHOULD reject the connection if that OR has a malformed or missing certificate. When accepting an incoming connection, an OR SHOULD NOT reject incoming connections from parties with malformed or missing certificates. (However, an OR should not believe that an incoming connection is from another OR unless the certificates are present and well-formed.)

[Before version, ORs rejected incoming connections from ORs and OPs alike if their certificates were missing or malformed.]

Once a TLS connection is established, the two sides send cells (specified below) to one another. Cells are sent serially. Standard cells are CELL_LEN(link_proto) bytes long, but variable-length cells also exist; see Section 3. Cells may be sent embedded in TLS records of any size or divided across TLS records, but the framing of TLS records MUST NOT leak information about the type or contents of the cells.

TLS connections are not permanent. Either side MAY close a connection if there are no circuits running over it and an amount of time (KeepalivePeriod, defaults to 5 minutes) has passed since the last time any traffic was transmitted over the TLS connection. Clients SHOULD also hold a TLS connection with no circuits open, if it is likely that a circuit will be built soon using that connection.

Client-only Tor instances are encouraged to avoid using handshake variants that include certificates, if those certificates provide any persistent tags to the relays they contact. If clients do use certificates, they SHOULD NOT keep using the same certificates when their IP address changes. Clients MAY send certificates using any of the above handshake variants.

Picking TLS ciphersuites

Clients SHOULD send a ciphersuite list chosen to emulate some popular web browser or other program common on the internet. Clients may send the "Fixed Cipheruite List" below. If they do not, they MUST NOT advertise any ciphersuite that they cannot actually support, unless that cipher is one not supported by OpenSSL 1.0.1.

The fixed ciphersuite list is:

     [*] The "extended renegotiation is supported" ciphersuite, 0x00ff, is
         not counted when checking the list of ciphersuites.

If the client sends the Fixed Ciphersuite List, the responder MUST NOT select any ciphersuite besides TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, and SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA: such ciphers might not actually be supported by the client.

If the client sends a v2+ ClientHello with a list of ciphers other then the Fixed Ciphersuite List, the responder can trust that the client supports every cipher advertised in that list, so long as that ciphersuite is also supported by OpenSSL 1.0.1.

Responders MUST NOT select any TLS ciphersuite that lacks ephemeral keys, or whose symmetric keys are less then KEY_LEN bits, or whose digests are less than HASH_LEN bits. Responders SHOULD NOT select any SSLv3 ciphersuite other than the DHE+3DES suites listed above.

TLS security considerations

Implementations MUST NOT allow TLS session resumption -- it can exacerbate some attacks (e.g. the "Triple Handshake" attack from Feb 2013), and it plays havoc with forward secrecy guarantees.

Implementations SHOULD NOT allow TLS compression -- although we don't know a way to apply a CRIME-style attack to current Tor directly, it's a waste of resources.