Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (c) 2001, Matej Pfajfar.
2  * Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Roger Dingledine.
3  * Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson.
4  * Copyright (c) 2007-2021, The Tor Project, Inc. */
5 /* See LICENSE for licensing information */
7 /**
8  * \file crypto_rsa.c
9  * \brief Block of functions related with RSA utilities and operations.
10  **/
16 #include "lib/crypt_ops/compat_openssl.h"
20 #include "lib/ctime/di_ops.h"
21 #include "lib/log/util_bug.h"
22 #include "lib/fs/files.h"
24 #include "lib/log/escape.h"
25 #include "lib/log/log.h"
26 #include "lib/encoding/binascii.h"
27 #include "lib/encoding/pem.h"
29 #include <string.h>
30 #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H
31 #include <sys/stat.h>
32 #endif
35 #include <openssl/rsa.h>
36 #endif
38 /** Return the number of bytes added by padding method <b>padding</b>.
39  */
40 int
42 {
43  switch (padding)
44  {
46  default: tor_assert(0); return -1; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
47  }
48 }
51 /** Given a padding method <b>padding</b>, return the correct OpenSSL constant.
52  */
53 int
54 crypto_get_rsa_padding(int padding)
55 {
56  switch (padding)
57  {
59  default: tor_assert(0); return -1; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
60  }
61 }
62 #endif /* defined(ENABLE_OPENSSL) */
64 /** Compare the public-key components of a and b. Return non-zero iff
65  * a==b. A NULL key is considered to be distinct from all non-NULL
66  * keys, and equal to itself.
67  *
68  * Note that this may leak information about the keys through timing.
69  */
70 int
72 {
73  return (crypto_pk_cmp_keys(a, b) == 0);
74 }
76 /** Perform a hybrid (public/secret) encryption on <b>fromlen</b>
77  * bytes of data from <b>from</b>, with padding type 'padding',
78  * storing the results on <b>to</b>.
79  *
80  * Returns the number of bytes written on success, -1 on failure.
81  *
82  * The encrypted data consists of:
83  * - The source data, padded and encrypted with the public key, if the
84  * padded source data is no longer than the public key, and <b>force</b>
85  * is false, OR
86  * - The beginning of the source data prefixed with a 16-byte symmetric key,
87  * padded and encrypted with the public key; followed by the rest of
88  * the source data encrypted in AES-CTR mode with the symmetric key.
89  *
90  * NOTE that this format does not authenticate the symmetrically encrypted
91  * part of the data, and SHOULD NOT BE USED for new protocols.
92  */
93 int
95  char *to, size_t tolen,
96  const char *from,
97  size_t fromlen,
98  int padding, int force)
99 {
100  int overhead, outlen, r;
101  size_t pkeylen, symlen;
102  crypto_cipher_t *cipher = NULL;
103  char *buf = NULL;
105  tor_assert(env);
106  tor_assert(from);
107  tor_assert(to);
108  tor_assert(fromlen < SIZE_T_CEILING);
110  overhead = crypto_get_rsa_padding_overhead(padding);
111  pkeylen = crypto_pk_keysize(env);
113  if (!force && fromlen+overhead <= pkeylen) {
114  /* It all fits in a single encrypt. */
115  return crypto_pk_public_encrypt(env,to,
116  tolen,
117  from,fromlen,padding);
118  }
119  tor_assert(tolen >= fromlen + overhead + CIPHER_KEY_LEN);
120  tor_assert(tolen >= pkeylen);
122  char key[CIPHER_KEY_LEN];
123  crypto_rand(key, sizeof(key)); /* generate a new key. */
124  cipher = crypto_cipher_new(key);
126  buf = tor_malloc(pkeylen+1);
127  memcpy(buf, key, CIPHER_KEY_LEN);
128  memcpy(buf+CIPHER_KEY_LEN, from, pkeylen-overhead-CIPHER_KEY_LEN);
130  /* Length of symmetrically encrypted data. */
131  symlen = fromlen-(pkeylen-overhead-CIPHER_KEY_LEN);
133  outlen = crypto_pk_public_encrypt(env,to,tolen,buf,pkeylen-overhead,padding);
134  if (outlen!=(int)pkeylen) {
135  goto err;
136  }
137  r = crypto_cipher_encrypt(cipher, to+outlen,
138  from+pkeylen-overhead-CIPHER_KEY_LEN, symlen);
140  if (r<0) goto err;
141  memwipe(buf, 0, pkeylen);
142  memwipe(key, 0, sizeof(key));
143  tor_free(buf);
144  crypto_cipher_free(cipher);
145  tor_assert(outlen+symlen < INT_MAX);
146  return (int)(outlen + symlen);
147  err:
149  memwipe(buf, 0, pkeylen);
150  memwipe(key, 0, sizeof(key));
151  tor_free(buf);
152  crypto_cipher_free(cipher);
153  return -1;
154 }
156 /** Invert crypto_pk_obsolete_public_hybrid_encrypt. Returns the number of
157  * bytes written on success, -1 on failure.
158  *
159  * NOTE that this format does not authenticate the symmetrically encrypted
160  * part of the data, and SHOULD NOT BE USED for new protocols.
161  */
162 int
164  char *to,
165  size_t tolen,
166  const char *from,
167  size_t fromlen,
168  int padding, int warnOnFailure)
169 {
170  int outlen, r;
171  size_t pkeylen;
172  crypto_cipher_t *cipher = NULL;
173  char *buf = NULL;
175  tor_assert(fromlen < SIZE_T_CEILING);
176  pkeylen = crypto_pk_keysize(env);
178  if (fromlen <= pkeylen) {
179  return crypto_pk_private_decrypt(env,to,tolen,from,fromlen,padding,
180  warnOnFailure);
181  }
183  buf = tor_malloc(pkeylen);
184  outlen = crypto_pk_private_decrypt(env,buf,pkeylen,from,pkeylen,padding,
185  warnOnFailure);
186  if (outlen<0) {
187  log_fn(warnOnFailure?LOG_WARN:LOG_DEBUG, LD_CRYPTO,
188  "Error decrypting public-key data");
189  goto err;
190  }
191  if (outlen < CIPHER_KEY_LEN) {
192  log_fn(warnOnFailure?LOG_WARN:LOG_INFO, LD_CRYPTO,
193  "No room for a symmetric key");
194  goto err;
195  }
196  cipher = crypto_cipher_new(buf);
197  if (!cipher) {
198  goto err;
199  }
200  memcpy(to,buf+CIPHER_KEY_LEN,outlen-CIPHER_KEY_LEN);
201  outlen -= CIPHER_KEY_LEN;
202  tor_assert(tolen - outlen >= fromlen - pkeylen);
203  r = crypto_cipher_decrypt(cipher, to+outlen, from+pkeylen, fromlen-pkeylen);
204  if (r<0)
205  goto err;
206  memwipe(buf,0,pkeylen);
207  tor_free(buf);
208  crypto_cipher_free(cipher);
209  tor_assert(outlen + fromlen < INT_MAX);
210  return (int)(outlen + (fromlen-pkeylen));
211  err:
212  memwipe(buf,0,pkeylen);
213  tor_free(buf);
214  crypto_cipher_free(cipher);
215  return -1;
216 }
218 /** Given a private or public key <b>pk</b>, put a fingerprint of the
219  * public key into <b>fp_out</b> (must have at least FINGERPRINT_LEN+1 bytes of
220  * space). Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
221  *
222  * Fingerprints are computed as the SHA1 digest of the ASN.1 encoding
223  * of the public key, converted to hexadecimal, in upper case, with a
224  * space after every four digits.
225  *
226  * If <b>add_space</b> is false, omit the spaces.
227  */
228 int
229 crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(crypto_pk_t *pk, char *fp_out, int add_space)
230 {
231  char digest[DIGEST_LEN];
232  char hexdigest[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1];
233  if (crypto_pk_get_digest(pk, digest)) {
234  return -1;
235  }
236  base16_encode(hexdigest,sizeof(hexdigest),digest,DIGEST_LEN);
237  if (add_space) {
238  crypto_add_spaces_to_fp(fp_out, FINGERPRINT_LEN+1, hexdigest);
239  } else {
240  strncpy(fp_out, hexdigest, HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1);
241  }
242  return 0;
243 }
245 /** Given a private or public key <b>pk</b>, put a hashed fingerprint of
246  * the public key into <b>fp_out</b> (must have at least FINGERPRINT_LEN+1
247  * bytes of space). Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
248  *
249  * Hashed fingerprints are computed as the SHA1 digest of the SHA1 digest
250  * of the ASN.1 encoding of the public key, converted to hexadecimal, in
251  * upper case.
252  */
253 int
255 {
256  char digest[DIGEST_LEN], hashed_digest[DIGEST_LEN];
257  if (crypto_pk_get_digest(pk, digest)) {
258  return -1;
259  }
260  if (crypto_digest(hashed_digest, digest, DIGEST_LEN) < 0) {
261  return -1;
262  }
263  base16_encode(fp_out, FINGERPRINT_LEN + 1, hashed_digest, DIGEST_LEN);
264  return 0;
265 }
267 /** Copy <b>in</b> to the <b>outlen</b>-byte buffer <b>out</b>, adding spaces
268  * every four characters. */
269 void
270 crypto_add_spaces_to_fp(char *out, size_t outlen, const char *in)
271 {
272  int n = 0;
273  char *end = out+outlen;
274  tor_assert(outlen < SIZE_T_CEILING);
276  while (*in && out<end) {
277  *out++ = *in++;
278  if (++n == 4 && *in && out<end) {
279  n = 0;
280  *out++ = ' ';
281  }
282  }
283  tor_assert(out<end);
284  *out = '\0';
285 }
287 /** Check a siglen-byte long signature at <b>sig</b> against
288  * <b>datalen</b> bytes of data at <b>data</b>, using the public key
289  * in <b>env</b>. Return 0 if <b>sig</b> is a correct signature for
290  * SHA1(data). Else return -1.
291  */
292 MOCK_IMPL(int,
293 crypto_pk_public_checksig_digest,(crypto_pk_t *env, const char *data,
294  size_t datalen, const char *sig,
295  size_t siglen))
296 {
297  char digest[DIGEST_LEN];
298  char *buf;
299  size_t buflen;
300  int r;
302  tor_assert(env);
303  tor_assert(data);
304  tor_assert(sig);
305  tor_assert(datalen < SIZE_T_CEILING);
306  tor_assert(siglen < SIZE_T_CEILING);
308  if (crypto_digest(digest,data,datalen)<0) {
309  log_warn(LD_BUG, "couldn't compute digest");
310  return -1;
311  }
312  buflen = crypto_pk_keysize(env);
313  buf = tor_malloc(buflen);
314  r = crypto_pk_public_checksig(env,buf,buflen,sig,siglen);
315  if (r != DIGEST_LEN) {
316  log_warn(LD_CRYPTO, "Invalid signature");
317  tor_free(buf);
318  return -1;
319  }
320  if (tor_memneq(buf, digest, DIGEST_LEN)) {
321  log_warn(LD_CRYPTO, "Signature mismatched with digest.");
322  tor_free(buf);
323  return -1;
324  }
325  tor_free(buf);
327  return 0;
328 }
330 /** Compute a SHA1 digest of <b>fromlen</b> bytes of data stored at
331  * <b>from</b>; sign the data with the private key in <b>env</b>, and
332  * store it in <b>to</b>. Return the number of bytes written on
333  * success, and -1 on failure.
334  *
335  * <b>tolen</b> is the number of writable bytes in <b>to</b>, and must be
336  * at least the length of the modulus of <b>env</b>.
337  */
338 int
339 crypto_pk_private_sign_digest(crypto_pk_t *env, char *to, size_t tolen,
340  const char *from, size_t fromlen)
341 {
342  int r;
343  char digest[DIGEST_LEN];
344  if (crypto_digest(digest,from,fromlen)<0)
345  return -1;
346  r = crypto_pk_private_sign(env,to,tolen,digest,DIGEST_LEN);
347  memwipe(digest, 0, sizeof(digest));
348  return r;
349 }
351 /** Given a private or public key <b>pk</b>, put a SHA1 hash of the
352  * public key into <b>digest_out</b> (must have DIGEST_LEN bytes of space).
353  * Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
354  */
355 int
356 crypto_pk_get_digest(const crypto_pk_t *pk, char *digest_out)
357 {
358  char *buf;
359  size_t buflen;
360  int len;
361  int rv = -1;
363  buflen = crypto_pk_keysize(pk)*2;
364  buf = tor_malloc(buflen);
365  len = crypto_pk_asn1_encode(pk, buf, buflen);
366  if (len < 0)
367  goto done;
369  if (crypto_digest(digest_out, buf, len) < 0)
370  goto done;
372  rv = 0;
373  done:
374  tor_free(buf);
375  return rv;
376 }
378 /** Compute all digests of the DER encoding of <b>pk</b>, and store them
379  * in <b>digests_out</b>. Return 0 on success, -1 on failure. */
380 int
382 {
383  char *buf;
384  size_t buflen;
385  int len;
386  int rv = -1;
388  buflen = crypto_pk_keysize(pk)*2;
389  buf = tor_malloc(buflen);
390  len = crypto_pk_asn1_encode(pk, buf, buflen);
391  if (len < 0)
392  goto done;
394  if (crypto_common_digests(digests_out, (char*)buf, len) < 0)
395  goto done;
397  rv = 0;
398  done:
399  tor_free(buf);
400  return rv;
401 }
403 static const char RSA_PUBLIC_TAG[] = "RSA PUBLIC KEY";
404 static const char RSA_PRIVATE_TAG[] = "RSA PRIVATE KEY";
406 /* These are overestimates for how many extra bytes we might need to encode
407  * a key in DER */
411 /** Helper: PEM-encode <b>env</b> and write it to a newly allocated string.
412  * If <b>private_key</b>, write the private part of <b>env</b>; otherwise
413  * write only the public portion. On success, set *<b>dest</b> to the new
414  * string, *<b>len</b> to the string's length, and return 0. On failure,
415  * return -1.
416  */
417 static int
419  char **dest, size_t *len,
420  bool private_key)
421 {
422  const int factor =
425  size_t buflen = crypto_pk_keysize(env) * factor;
426  const char *tag =
427  private_key ? RSA_PRIVATE_TAG : RSA_PUBLIC_TAG;
428  char *buf = tor_malloc(buflen);
429  char *result = NULL;
430  size_t resultlen = 0;
431  int rv = -1;
433  int n = private_key
434  ? crypto_pk_asn1_encode_private(env, buf, buflen)
435  : crypto_pk_asn1_encode(env, buf, buflen);
436  if (n < 0)
437  goto done;
439  resultlen = pem_encoded_size(n, tag);
440  result = tor_malloc(resultlen);
441  if (pem_encode(result, resultlen,
442  (const unsigned char *)buf, n, tag) < 0) {
443  goto done;
444  }
446  *dest = result;
447  *len = resultlen;
448  rv = 0;
450  done:
451  if (rv < 0 && result) {
452  memwipe(result, 0, resultlen);
453  tor_free(result);
454  }
455  memwipe(buf, 0, buflen);
456  tor_free(buf);
457  return rv;
458 }
460 /** PEM-encode the public key portion of <b>env</b> and write it to a
461  * newly allocated string. On success, set *<b>dest</b> to the new
462  * string, *<b>len</b> to the string's length, and return 0. On
463  * failure, return -1.
464  */
465 int
467  char **dest, size_t *len)
468 {
469  return crypto_pk_write_to_string_generic(env, dest, len, false);
470 }
472 /** PEM-encode the private key portion of <b>env</b> and write it to a
473  * newly allocated string. On success, set *<b>dest</b> to the new
474  * string, *<b>len</b> to the string's length, and return 0. On
475  * failure, return -1.
476  */
477 int
479  char **dest, size_t *len)
480 {
481  return crypto_pk_write_to_string_generic(env, dest, len, true);
482 }
484 /**
485  * Helper. Read a PEM-encoded RSA from the first <b>len</b> characters of
486  * <b>src</b>, and store the result in <b>env</b>. If <b>private_key</b>,
487  * expect a private key; otherwise expect a public key. Return 0 on success,
488  * -1 on failure. If len is -1, the string is nul-terminated.
489  */
490 static int
492  size_t len, int severity,
493  bool private_key, int max_bits)
494 {
495  if (len == (size_t)-1) // "-1" indicates "use the length of the string."
496  len = strlen(src);
498  const char *ktype = private_key ? "private key" : "public key";
499  const char *tag =
500  private_key ? RSA_PRIVATE_TAG : RSA_PUBLIC_TAG;
501  size_t buflen = len;
502  uint8_t *buf = tor_malloc(buflen);
503  int rv = -1;
505  int n = pem_decode(buf, buflen, src, len, tag);
506  if (n < 0) {
507  log_fn(severity, LD_CRYPTO,
508  "Error decoding PEM wrapper while reading %s", ktype);
509  goto done;
510  }
512  crypto_pk_t *pk = private_key
513  ? crypto_pk_asn1_decode_private((const char*)buf, n, max_bits)
514  : crypto_pk_asn1_decode((const char*)buf, n);
515  if (! pk) {
516  log_fn(severity, LD_CRYPTO,
517  "Error decoding ASN.1 while reading %s", ktype);
518  goto done;
519  }
521  if (private_key)
522  crypto_pk_assign_private(env, pk);
523  else
524  crypto_pk_assign_public(env, pk);
525  crypto_pk_free(pk);
526  rv = 0;
528  done:
529  memwipe(buf, 0, buflen);
530  tor_free(buf);
531  return rv;
532 }
534 /** Read a PEM-encoded public key from the first <b>len</b> characters of
535  * <b>src</b>, and store the result in <b>env</b>. Return 0 on success, -1 on
536  * failure. If len is -1, the string is nul-terminated.
537  */
538 int
540  const char *src, size_t len)
541 {
542  return crypto_pk_read_from_string_generic(env, src, len, LOG_INFO, false,
543  -1);
544 }
546 /** Read a PEM-encoded private key from the <b>len</b>-byte string <b>src</b>
547  * into <b>env</b>. Return 0 on success, -1 on failure. If len is -1,
548  * the string is nul-terminated.
549  */
550 int
552  const char *src, ssize_t len)
553 {
554  return crypto_pk_read_from_string_generic(env, src, len, LOG_INFO, true,
555  -1);
556 }
558 /**
559  * As crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_string(), but reject any key
560  * with a modulus longer than 1024 bits before doing any expensive
561  * validation on it.
562  */
563 int
565  const char *src, ssize_t len)
566 {
567  return crypto_pk_read_from_string_generic(env, src, len, LOG_INFO, true,
568  1024);
569 }
571 /** If a file is longer than this, we won't try to decode its private key */
572 #define MAX_PRIVKEY_FILE_LEN (16*1024*1024)
574 /** Read a PEM-encoded private key from the file named by
575  * <b>keyfile</b> into <b>env</b>. Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
576  */
577 int
579  const char *keyfile)
580 {
581  struct stat st;
582  char *buf = read_file_to_str(keyfile, 0, &st);
583  if (!buf) {
584  log_warn(LD_CRYPTO, "Unable to read file for private key in %s",
585  escaped(keyfile));
586  return -1;
587  }
588  if (st.st_size > MAX_PRIVKEY_FILE_LEN) {
589  log_warn(LD_CRYPTO, "Private key file %s was far too large.",
590  escaped(keyfile));
591  tor_free(buf);
592  return -1;
593  }
595  int rv = crypto_pk_read_from_string_generic(env, buf, (ssize_t)st.st_size,
596  LOG_WARN, true, -1);
597  if (rv < 0) {
598  log_warn(LD_CRYPTO, "Unable to decode private key from file %s",
599  escaped(keyfile));
600  }
601  memwipe(buf, 0, (size_t)st.st_size);
602  tor_free(buf);
603  return rv;
604 }
606 /** Write the private key from <b>env</b> into the file named by <b>fname</b>,
607  * PEM-encoded. Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
608  */
609 int
611  const char *fname)
612 {
613  char *s = NULL;
614  size_t n = 0;
616  if (crypto_pk_write_private_key_to_string(env, &s, &n) < 0)
617  return -1;
619  int rv = write_bytes_to_file(fname, s, n, 0);
620  memwipe(s, 0, n);
621  tor_free(s);
622  return rv;
623 }
625 /** Given a crypto_pk_t <b>pk</b>, allocate a new buffer containing the
626  * Base64 encoding of the DER representation of the private key as a NUL
627  * terminated string, and return it via <b>priv_out</b>. Return 0 on
628  * success, -1 on failure.
629  *
630  * It is the caller's responsibility to sanitize and free the resulting buffer.
631  */
632 int
633 crypto_pk_base64_encode_private(const crypto_pk_t *pk, char **priv_out)
634 {
635  size_t buflen = crypto_pk_keysize(pk)*16;
636  char *buf = tor_malloc(buflen);
637  char *result = NULL;
638  size_t reslen = 0;
639  bool ok = false;
641  int n = crypto_pk_asn1_encode_private(pk, buf, buflen);
643  if (n < 0)
644  goto done;
646  reslen = base64_encode_size(n, 0)+1;
647  result = tor_malloc(reslen);
648  if (base64_encode(result, reslen, buf, n, 0) < 0)
649  goto done;
651  ok = true;
653  done:
654  memwipe(buf, 0, buflen);
655  tor_free(buf);
656  if (result && ! ok) {
657  memwipe(result, 0, reslen);
658  tor_free(result);
659  }
660  *priv_out = result;
661  return ok ? 0 : -1;
662 }
664 /** Given a string containing the Base64 encoded DER representation of the
665  * private key <b>str</b>, decode and return the result on success, or NULL
666  * on failure.
667  */
668 crypto_pk_t *
669 crypto_pk_base64_decode_private(const char *str, size_t len)
670 {
671  crypto_pk_t *pk = NULL;
673  char *der = tor_malloc_zero(len + 1);
674  int der_len = base64_decode(der, len, str, len);
675  if (der_len <= 0) {
676  log_warn(LD_CRYPTO, "Stored RSA private key seems corrupted (base64).");
677  goto out;
678  }
680  pk = crypto_pk_asn1_decode_private(der, der_len, -1);
682  out:
683  memwipe(der, 0, len+1);
684  tor_free(der);
686  return pk;
687 }
int base64_decode(char *dest, size_t destlen, const char *src, size_t srclen)
Definition: binascii.c:396
int base64_encode(char *dest, size_t destlen, const char *src, size_t srclen, int flags)
Definition: binascii.c:215
size_t base64_encode_size(size_t srclen, int flags)
Definition: binascii.c:166
void base16_encode(char *dest, size_t destlen, const char *src, size_t srclen)
Definition: binascii.c:478
Header for binascii.c.
crypto_cipher_t * crypto_cipher_new(const char *key)
Definition: crypto_cipher.c:65
int crypto_cipher_decrypt(crypto_cipher_t *env, char *to, const char *from, size_t fromlen)
int crypto_cipher_encrypt(crypto_cipher_t *env, char *to, const char *from, size_t fromlen)
Definition: crypto_cipher.c:88
Headers for crypto_cipher.c.
Definition: crypto_cipher.h:22
Header for crypto_curve25519.c.
int crypto_common_digests(common_digests_t *ds_out, const char *m, size_t len)
Definition: crypto_digest.c:30
Headers for crypto_digest.c.
Definition: crypto_digest.h:35
int crypto_digest(char *digest, const char *m, size_t len)
Header for crypto_format.c.
void crypto_rand(char *to, size_t n)
Definition: crypto_rand.c:477
Common functions for using (pseudo-)random number generators.
int crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_string(crypto_pk_t *env, const char *src, ssize_t len)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:551
int crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(crypto_pk_t *pk, char *fp_out, int add_space)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:229
int crypto_pk_obsolete_public_hybrid_encrypt(crypto_pk_t *env, char *to, size_t tolen, const char *from, size_t fromlen, int padding, int force)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:94
int crypto_pk_eq_keys(const crypto_pk_t *a, const crypto_pk_t *b)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:71
int crypto_pk_obsolete_private_hybrid_decrypt(crypto_pk_t *env, char *to, size_t tolen, const char *from, size_t fromlen, int padding, int warnOnFailure)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:163
int crypto_pk_write_public_key_to_string(crypto_pk_t *env, char **dest, size_t *len)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:466
int crypto_pk_write_private_key_to_filename(crypto_pk_t *env, const char *fname)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:610
static int crypto_pk_read_from_string_generic(crypto_pk_t *env, const char *src, size_t len, int severity, bool private_key, int max_bits)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:491
int crypto_pk_get_common_digests(crypto_pk_t *pk, common_digests_t *digests_out)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:381
int crypto_pk_read_private_key1024_from_string(crypto_pk_t *env, const char *src, ssize_t len)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:564
int crypto_pk_base64_encode_private(const crypto_pk_t *pk, char **priv_out)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:633
int crypto_pk_get_hashed_fingerprint(crypto_pk_t *pk, char *fp_out)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:254
int crypto_pk_get_digest(const crypto_pk_t *pk, char *digest_out)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:356
crypto_pk_t * crypto_pk_base64_decode_private(const char *str, size_t len)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:669
int crypto_get_rsa_padding_overhead(int padding)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:41
void crypto_add_spaces_to_fp(char *out, size_t outlen, const char *in)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:270
static int crypto_pk_write_to_string_generic(crypto_pk_t *env, char **dest, size_t *len, bool private_key)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:418
int crypto_pk_private_sign_digest(crypto_pk_t *env, char *to, size_t tolen, const char *from, size_t fromlen)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:339
int crypto_pk_public_checksig_digest(crypto_pk_t *env, const char *data, size_t datalen, const char *sig, size_t siglen)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:295
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:572
int crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_filename(crypto_pk_t *env, const char *keyfile)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:578
int crypto_pk_read_public_key_from_string(crypto_pk_t *env, const char *src, size_t len)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:539
int crypto_pk_write_private_key_to_string(crypto_pk_t *env, char **dest, size_t *len)
Definition: crypto_rsa.c:478
Headers for crypto_rsa.c.
Definition: crypto_rsa.h:30
void crypto_pk_assign_private(crypto_pk_t *dest, const crypto_pk_t *src)
crypto_pk_t * crypto_pk_asn1_decode_private(const char *str, size_t len, int max_bits)
int crypto_pk_cmp_keys(const crypto_pk_t *a, const crypto_pk_t *b)
size_t crypto_pk_keysize(const crypto_pk_t *env)
int crypto_pk_private_sign(const crypto_pk_t *env, char *to, size_t tolen, const char *from, size_t fromlen)
crypto_pk_t * crypto_pk_asn1_decode(const char *str, size_t len)
int crypto_pk_private_decrypt(crypto_pk_t *env, char *to, size_t tolen, const char *from, size_t fromlen, int padding, int warnOnFailure)
Definition: crypto_rsa.h:27
int crypto_pk_asn1_encode(const crypto_pk_t *pk, char *dest, size_t dest_len)
int crypto_pk_public_encrypt(crypto_pk_t *env, char *to, size_t tolen, const char *from, size_t fromlen, int padding)
void crypto_pk_assign_public(crypto_pk_t *dest, const crypto_pk_t *src)
int crypto_pk_asn1_encode_private(const crypto_pk_t *pk, char *dest, size_t dest_len)
Definition: crypto_rsa.h:34
int crypto_pk_public_checksig(const crypto_pk_t *env, char *to, size_t tolen, const char *from, size_t fromlen)
void memwipe(void *mem, uint8_t byte, size_t sz)
Definition: crypto_util.c:55
Common functions for cryptographic routines.
Headers for di_ops.c.
#define tor_memneq(a, b, sz)
Definition: di_ops.h:21
#define DIGEST_LEN
Definition: digest_sizes.h:20
const char * escaped(const char *s)
Definition: escape.c:126
Header for escape.c.
Wrappers for reading and writing data to files on disk.
int write_bytes_to_file(const char *fname, const char *str, size_t len, int bin)
Definition: files.c:545
Headers for log.c.
#define log_fn(severity, domain, args,...)
Definition: log.h:283
#define LD_CRYPTO
Definition: log.h:64
#define LOG_DEBUG
Definition: log.h:42
#define LD_BUG
Definition: log.h:86
#define LOG_WARN
Definition: log.h:53
#define LOG_INFO
Definition: log.h:45
#define tor_free(p)
Definition: malloc.h:52
int pem_decode(uint8_t *dest, size_t destlen, const char *src, size_t srclen, const char *objtype)
Definition: pem.c:80
size_t pem_encoded_size(size_t src_len, const char *objtype)
Definition: pem.c:33
int pem_encode(char *dest, size_t destlen, const uint8_t *src, size_t srclen, const char *objtype)
Definition: pem.c:49
Header for pem.c.
#define MOCK_IMPL(rv, funcname, arglist)
Definition: testsupport.h:133
Definition: torint.h:126
Macros to manage assertions, fatal and non-fatal.
#define tor_assert(expr)
Definition: util_bug.h:102