Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (c) 2017-2021, The Tor Project, Inc. */
2 /* See LICENSE for licensing information */
4 /** \file hs_ntor.c
5  * \brief Implements the ntor variant used in Tor hidden services.
6  *
7  * \details
8  * This module handles the variant of the ntor handshake that is documented in
9  * section [NTOR-WITH-EXTRA-DATA] of rend-spec-ng.txt .
10  *
11  * The functions in this file provide an API that should be used when sending
12  * or receiving INTRODUCE1/RENDEZVOUS1 cells to generate the various key
13  * material required to create and handle those cells.
14  *
15  * In the case of INTRODUCE1 it provides encryption and MAC keys to
16  * encode/decode the encrypted blob (see hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_t). The
17  * relevant pub functions are hs_ntor_{client,service}_get_introduce1_keys().
18  *
19  * In the case of RENDEZVOUS1 it calculates the MAC required to authenticate
20  * the cell, and also provides the key seed that is used to derive the crypto
21  * material for rendezvous encryption (see hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_t). The
22  * relevant pub functions are hs_ntor_{client,service}_get_rendezvous1_keys().
23  * It also provides a function (hs_ntor_circuit_key_expansion()) that does the
24  * rendezvous key expansion to setup end-to-end rend circuit keys.
25  */
27 #include "core/or/or.h"
31 #include "core/crypto/hs_ntor.h"
33 /* String constants used by the ntor HS protocol */
34 #define PROTOID "tor-hs-ntor-curve25519-sha3-256-1"
35 #define PROTOID_LEN (sizeof(PROTOID) - 1)
36 #define SERVER_STR "Server"
37 #define SERVER_STR_LEN (sizeof(SERVER_STR) - 1)
39 /* Protocol-specific tweaks to our crypto inputs */
40 #define T_HSENC PROTOID ":hs_key_extract"
41 #define T_HSENC_LEN (sizeof(T_HSENC) - 1)
42 #define T_HSVERIFY PROTOID ":hs_verify"
43 #define T_HSMAC PROTOID ":hs_mac"
44 #define M_HSEXPAND PROTOID ":hs_key_expand"
45 #define M_HSEXPAND_LEN (sizeof(M_HSEXPAND) - 1)
47 /************************* Helper functions: *******************************/
49 /** Helper macro: copy <b>len</b> bytes from <b>inp</b> to <b>ptr</b> and
50  *advance <b>ptr</b> by the number of bytes copied. Stolen from onion_ntor.c */
51 #define APPEND(ptr, inp, len) \
52  STMT_BEGIN { \
53  memcpy(ptr, (inp), (len)); \
54  ptr += len; \
55  } STMT_END
57 /* Length of EXP(X,y) | EXP(X,b) | AUTH_KEY | B | X | Y | PROTOID */
60 /* Length of auth_input = verify | AUTH_KEY | B | Y | X | PROTOID | "Server" */
64 /** Helper function: Compute the last part of the HS ntor handshake which
65  * derives key material necessary to create and handle RENDEZVOUS1
66  * cells. Function used by both client and service. The actual calculations is
67  * as follows:
68  *
69  * NTOR_KEY_SEED = MAC(rend_secret_hs_input, t_hsenc)
70  * verify = MAC(rend_secret_hs_input, t_hsverify)
71  * auth_input = verify | AUTH_KEY | B | Y | X | PROTOID | "Server"
72  * auth_input_mac = MAC(auth_input, t_hsmac)
73  *
74  * where in the above, AUTH_KEY is <b>intro_auth_pubkey</b>, B is
75  * <b>intro_enc_pubkey</b>, Y is <b>service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey</b>, and X
76  * is <b>client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey</b>. The provided
77  * <b>rend_secret_hs_input</b> is of size REND_SECRET_HS_INPUT_LEN.
78  *
79  * The final results of NTOR_KEY_SEED and auth_input_mac are placed in
80  * <b>hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out</b>. Return 0 if everything went fine. */
81 static int
82 get_rendezvous1_key_material(const uint8_t *rend_secret_hs_input,
83  const ed25519_public_key_t *intro_auth_pubkey,
84  const curve25519_public_key_t *intro_enc_pubkey,
85  const curve25519_public_key_t *service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey,
86  const curve25519_public_key_t *client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey,
87  hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_t *hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out)
88 {
89  int bad = 0;
90  uint8_t ntor_key_seed[DIGEST256_LEN];
91  uint8_t ntor_verify[DIGEST256_LEN];
92  uint8_t rend_auth_input[REND_AUTH_INPUT_LEN];
93  uint8_t rend_cell_auth[DIGEST256_LEN];
94  uint8_t *ptr;
96  /* Let's build NTOR_KEY_SEED */
97  crypto_mac_sha3_256(ntor_key_seed, sizeof(ntor_key_seed),
98  rend_secret_hs_input, REND_SECRET_HS_INPUT_LEN,
99  (const uint8_t *)T_HSENC, strlen(T_HSENC));
100  bad |= safe_mem_is_zero(ntor_key_seed, DIGEST256_LEN);
102  /* Let's build ntor_verify */
103  crypto_mac_sha3_256(ntor_verify, sizeof(ntor_verify),
104  rend_secret_hs_input, REND_SECRET_HS_INPUT_LEN,
105  (const uint8_t *)T_HSVERIFY, strlen(T_HSVERIFY));
106  bad |= safe_mem_is_zero(ntor_verify, DIGEST256_LEN);
108  /* Let's build auth_input: */
109  ptr = rend_auth_input;
110  /* Append ntor_verify */
111  APPEND(ptr, ntor_verify, sizeof(ntor_verify));
112  /* Append AUTH_KEY */
113  APPEND(ptr, intro_auth_pubkey->pubkey, ED25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
114  /* Append B */
115  APPEND(ptr, intro_enc_pubkey->public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
116  /* Append Y */
117  APPEND(ptr,
118  service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey->public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
119  /* Append X */
120  APPEND(ptr,
121  client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey->public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
122  /* Append PROTOID */
123  APPEND(ptr, PROTOID, strlen(PROTOID));
124  /* Append "Server" */
125  APPEND(ptr, SERVER_STR, strlen(SERVER_STR));
126  tor_assert(ptr == rend_auth_input + sizeof(rend_auth_input));
128  /* Let's build auth_input_mac that goes in RENDEZVOUS1 cell */
129  crypto_mac_sha3_256(rend_cell_auth, sizeof(rend_cell_auth),
130  rend_auth_input, sizeof(rend_auth_input),
131  (const uint8_t *)T_HSMAC, strlen(T_HSMAC));
132  bad |= safe_mem_is_zero(ntor_verify, DIGEST256_LEN);
134  { /* Get the computed RENDEZVOUS1 material! */
135  memcpy(&hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out->rend_cell_auth_mac,
136  rend_cell_auth, DIGEST256_LEN);
137  memcpy(&hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out->ntor_key_seed,
138  ntor_key_seed, DIGEST256_LEN);
139  }
141  memwipe(rend_cell_auth, 0, sizeof(rend_cell_auth));
142  memwipe(rend_auth_input, 0, sizeof(rend_auth_input));
143  memwipe(ntor_key_seed, 0, sizeof(ntor_key_seed));
145  return bad;
146 }
148 /** Length of secret_input = EXP(B,x) | AUTH_KEY | X | B | PROTOID */
151 /* Length of info = m_hsexpand | subcredential */
153 /* Length of KDF input = intro_secret_hs_input | t_hsenc | info */
156 /** Helper function: Compute the part of the HS ntor handshake that generates
157  * key material for creating and handling INTRODUCE1 cells. Function used
158  * by both client and service. Specifically, calculate the following:
159  *
160  * info = m_hsexpand | subcredential
161  * hs_keys = KDF(intro_secret_hs_input | t_hsenc | info, S_KEY_LEN+MAC_LEN)
162  * ENC_KEY = hs_keys[0:S_KEY_LEN]
164  *
165  * where intro_secret_hs_input is <b>secret_input</b> (of size
166  * INTRO_SECRET_HS_INPUT_LEN), and <b>subcredential</b> is of size
167  * DIGEST256_LEN.
168  *
169  * If everything went well, fill <b>hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out</b> with the
170  * necessary key material, and return 0. */
171 static void
172 get_introduce1_key_material(const uint8_t *secret_input,
173  const hs_subcredential_t *subcredential,
174  hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_t *hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out)
175 {
176  uint8_t keystream[CIPHER256_KEY_LEN + DIGEST256_LEN];
177  uint8_t info_blob[INFO_BLOB_LEN];
178  uint8_t kdf_input[KDF_INPUT_LEN];
179  uint8_t *ptr;
181  /* Let's build info */
182  ptr = info_blob;
183  APPEND(ptr, M_HSEXPAND, strlen(M_HSEXPAND));
184  APPEND(ptr, subcredential->subcred, SUBCRED_LEN);
185  tor_assert(ptr == info_blob + sizeof(info_blob));
187  /* Let's build the input to the KDF */
188  ptr = kdf_input;
189  APPEND(ptr, secret_input, INTRO_SECRET_HS_INPUT_LEN);
190  APPEND(ptr, T_HSENC, strlen(T_HSENC));
191  APPEND(ptr, info_blob, sizeof(info_blob));
192  tor_assert(ptr == kdf_input + sizeof(kdf_input));
194  /* Now we need to run kdf_input over SHAKE-256 */
195  crypto_xof(keystream, sizeof(keystream),
196  kdf_input, sizeof(kdf_input));
198  { /* Get the keys */
199  memcpy(&hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out->enc_key, keystream,CIPHER256_KEY_LEN);
200  memcpy(&hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out->mac_key,
201  keystream+CIPHER256_KEY_LEN, DIGEST256_LEN);
202  }
204  memwipe(keystream, 0, sizeof(keystream));
205  memwipe(kdf_input, 0, sizeof(kdf_input));
206 }
208 /** Helper function: Calculate the 'intro_secret_hs_input' element used by the
209  * HS ntor handshake and place it in <b>secret_input_out</b>. This function is
210  * used by both client and service code.
211  *
212  * For the client-side it looks like this:
213  *
214  * intro_secret_hs_input = EXP(B,x) | AUTH_KEY | X | B | PROTOID
215  *
216  * whereas for the service-side it looks like this:
217  *
218  * intro_secret_hs_input = EXP(X,b) | AUTH_KEY | X | B | PROTOID
219  *
220  * In this function, <b>dh_result</b> carries the EXP() result (and has size
221  * CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN) <b>intro_auth_pubkey</b> is AUTH_KEY,
222  * <b>client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey</b> is X, and <b>intro_enc_pubkey</b> is B.
223  */
224 static void
225 get_intro_secret_hs_input(const uint8_t *dh_result,
226  const ed25519_public_key_t *intro_auth_pubkey,
227  const curve25519_public_key_t *client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey,
228  const curve25519_public_key_t *intro_enc_pubkey,
229  uint8_t *secret_input_out)
230 {
231  uint8_t *ptr;
233  /* Append EXP() */
234  ptr = secret_input_out;
235  APPEND(ptr, dh_result, CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN);
236  /* Append AUTH_KEY */
237  APPEND(ptr, intro_auth_pubkey->pubkey, ED25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
238  /* Append X */
239  APPEND(ptr, client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey->public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
240  /* Append B */
241  APPEND(ptr, intro_enc_pubkey->public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
242  /* Append PROTOID */
243  APPEND(ptr, PROTOID, strlen(PROTOID));
244  tor_assert(ptr == secret_input_out + INTRO_SECRET_HS_INPUT_LEN);
245 }
247 /** Calculate the 'rend_secret_hs_input' element used by the HS ntor handshake
248  * and place it in <b>rend_secret_hs_input_out</b>. This function is used by
249  * both client and service code.
250  *
251  * The computation on the client side is:
252  * rend_secret_hs_input = EXP(X,y) | EXP(X,b) | AUTH_KEY | B | X | Y | PROTOID
253  * whereas on the service side it is:
254  * rend_secret_hs_input = EXP(Y,x) | EXP(B,x) | AUTH_KEY | B | X | Y | PROTOID
255  *
256  * where:
257  * <b>dh_result1</b> and <b>dh_result2</b> carry the two EXP() results (of size
258  * CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN)
259  * <b>intro_auth_pubkey</b> is AUTH_KEY,
260  * <b>intro_enc_pubkey</b> is B,
261  * <b>client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey</b> is X, and
262  * <b>service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey</b> is Y.
263  */
264 static void
265 get_rend_secret_hs_input(const uint8_t *dh_result1, const uint8_t *dh_result2,
266  const ed25519_public_key_t *intro_auth_pubkey,
267  const curve25519_public_key_t *intro_enc_pubkey,
268  const curve25519_public_key_t *client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey,
269  const curve25519_public_key_t *service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey,
270  uint8_t *rend_secret_hs_input_out)
271 {
272  uint8_t *ptr;
274  ptr = rend_secret_hs_input_out;
275  /* Append the first EXP() */
276  APPEND(ptr, dh_result1, CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN);
277  /* Append the other EXP() */
278  APPEND(ptr, dh_result2, CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN);
279  /* Append AUTH_KEY */
280  APPEND(ptr, intro_auth_pubkey->pubkey, ED25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
281  /* Append B */
282  APPEND(ptr, intro_enc_pubkey->public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
283  /* Append X */
284  APPEND(ptr,
285  client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey->public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
286  /* Append Y */
287  APPEND(ptr,
288  service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey->public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
289  /* Append PROTOID */
290  APPEND(ptr, PROTOID, strlen(PROTOID));
291  tor_assert(ptr == rend_secret_hs_input_out + REND_SECRET_HS_INPUT_LEN);
292 }
294 /************************* Public functions: *******************************/
296 /* Public function: Do the appropriate ntor calculations and derive the keys
297  * needed to encrypt and authenticate INTRODUCE1 cells. Return 0 and place the
298  * final key material in <b>hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out</b> if everything went
299  * well, otherwise return -1;
300  *
301  * The relevant calculations are as follows:
302  *
303  * intro_secret_hs_input = EXP(B,x) | AUTH_KEY | X | B | PROTOID
304  * info = m_hsexpand | subcredential
305  * hs_keys = KDF(intro_secret_hs_input | t_hsenc | info, S_KEY_LEN+MAC_LEN)
306  * ENC_KEY = hs_keys[0:S_KEY_LEN]
308  *
309  * where:
310  * <b>intro_auth_pubkey</b> is AUTH_KEY (found in HS descriptor),
311  * <b>intro_enc_pubkey</b> is B (also found in HS descriptor),
312  * <b>client_ephemeral_enc_keypair</b> is freshly generated keypair (x,X)
313  * <b>subcredential</b> is the hidden service subcredential (of size
314  * DIGEST256_LEN). */
315 int
316 hs_ntor_client_get_introduce1_keys(
317  const ed25519_public_key_t *intro_auth_pubkey,
318  const curve25519_public_key_t *intro_enc_pubkey,
319  const curve25519_keypair_t *client_ephemeral_enc_keypair,
320  const hs_subcredential_t *subcredential,
321  hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_t *hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out)
322 {
323  int bad = 0;
324  uint8_t secret_input[INTRO_SECRET_HS_INPUT_LEN];
325  uint8_t dh_result[CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN];
327  tor_assert(intro_auth_pubkey);
328  tor_assert(intro_enc_pubkey);
329  tor_assert(client_ephemeral_enc_keypair);
330  tor_assert(subcredential);
331  tor_assert(hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out);
333  /* Calculate EXP(B,x) */
334  curve25519_handshake(dh_result,
335  &client_ephemeral_enc_keypair->seckey,
336  intro_enc_pubkey);
337  bad |= safe_mem_is_zero(dh_result, CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN);
339  /* Get intro_secret_hs_input */
340  get_intro_secret_hs_input(dh_result, intro_auth_pubkey,
341  &client_ephemeral_enc_keypair->pubkey,
342  intro_enc_pubkey, secret_input);
343  bad |= safe_mem_is_zero(secret_input, CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN);
345  /* Get ENC_KEY and MAC_KEY! */
346  get_introduce1_key_material(secret_input, subcredential,
347  hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out);
349  /* Cleanup */
350  memwipe(secret_input, 0, sizeof(secret_input));
351  if (bad) {
352  memwipe(hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out, 0, sizeof(hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_t));
353  }
355  return bad ? -1 : 0;
356 }
358 /* Public function: Do the appropriate ntor calculations and derive the keys
359  * needed to verify RENDEZVOUS1 cells and encrypt further rendezvous
360  * traffic. Return 0 and place the final key material in
361  * <b>hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out</b> if everything went well, else return -1.
362  *
363  * The relevant calculations are as follows:
364  *
365  * rend_secret_hs_input = EXP(Y,x) | EXP(B,x) | AUTH_KEY | B | X | Y | PROTOID
366  * NTOR_KEY_SEED = MAC(rend_secret_hs_input, t_hsenc)
367  * verify = MAC(rend_secret_hs_input, t_hsverify)
368  * auth_input = verify | AUTH_KEY | B | Y | X | PROTOID | "Server"
369  * auth_input_mac = MAC(auth_input, t_hsmac)
370  *
371  * where:
372  * <b>intro_auth_pubkey</b> is AUTH_KEY (found in HS descriptor),
373  * <b>client_ephemeral_enc_keypair</b> is freshly generated keypair (x,X)
374  * <b>intro_enc_pubkey</b> is B (also found in HS descriptor),
375  * <b>service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey</b> is Y (SERVER_PK in RENDEZVOUS1 cell) */
376 int
377 hs_ntor_client_get_rendezvous1_keys(
378  const ed25519_public_key_t *intro_auth_pubkey,
379  const curve25519_keypair_t *client_ephemeral_enc_keypair,
380  const curve25519_public_key_t *intro_enc_pubkey,
381  const curve25519_public_key_t *service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey,
382  hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_t *hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out)
383 {
384  int bad = 0;
385  uint8_t rend_secret_hs_input[REND_SECRET_HS_INPUT_LEN];
386  uint8_t dh_result1[CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN];
387  uint8_t dh_result2[CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN];
389  tor_assert(intro_auth_pubkey);
390  tor_assert(client_ephemeral_enc_keypair);
391  tor_assert(intro_enc_pubkey);
392  tor_assert(service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey);
393  tor_assert(hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out);
395  /* Compute EXP(Y, x) */
396  curve25519_handshake(dh_result1,
397  &client_ephemeral_enc_keypair->seckey,
398  service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey);
399  bad |= safe_mem_is_zero(dh_result1, CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN);
401  /* Compute EXP(B, x) */
402  curve25519_handshake(dh_result2,
403  &client_ephemeral_enc_keypair->seckey,
404  intro_enc_pubkey);
405  bad |= safe_mem_is_zero(dh_result2, CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN);
407  /* Get rend_secret_hs_input */
408  get_rend_secret_hs_input(dh_result1, dh_result2,
409  intro_auth_pubkey, intro_enc_pubkey,
410  &client_ephemeral_enc_keypair->pubkey,
411  service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey,
412  rend_secret_hs_input);
414  /* Get NTOR_KEY_SEED and the auth_input MAC */
415  bad |= get_rendezvous1_key_material(rend_secret_hs_input,
416  intro_auth_pubkey,
417  intro_enc_pubkey,
418  service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey,
419  &client_ephemeral_enc_keypair->pubkey,
420  hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out);
422  memwipe(rend_secret_hs_input, 0, sizeof(rend_secret_hs_input));
423  if (bad) {
424  memwipe(hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out, 0, sizeof(hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_t));
425  }
427  return bad ? -1 : 0;
428 }
430 /* Public function: Do the appropriate ntor calculations and derive the keys
431  * needed to decrypt and verify INTRODUCE1 cells. Return 0 and place the final
432  * key material in <b>hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out</b> if everything went well,
433  * otherwise return -1;
434  *
435  * The relevant calculations are as follows:
436  *
437  * intro_secret_hs_input = EXP(X,b) | AUTH_KEY | X | B | PROTOID
438  * info = m_hsexpand | subcredential
439  * hs_keys = KDF(intro_secret_hs_input | t_hsenc | info, S_KEY_LEN+MAC_LEN)
440  * HS_DEC_KEY = hs_keys[0:S_KEY_LEN]
442  *
443  * where:
444  * <b>intro_auth_pubkey</b> is AUTH_KEY (introduction point auth key),
445  * <b>intro_enc_keypair</b> is (b,B) (introduction point encryption keypair),
446  * <b>client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey</b> is X (CLIENT_PK in INTRODUCE2 cell),
447  * <b>subcredential</b> is the HS subcredential (of size DIGEST256_LEN) */
448 int
449 hs_ntor_service_get_introduce1_keys(
450  const ed25519_public_key_t *intro_auth_pubkey,
451  const curve25519_keypair_t *intro_enc_keypair,
452  const curve25519_public_key_t *client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey,
453  const hs_subcredential_t *subcredential,
454  hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_t *hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out)
455 {
457  intro_auth_pubkey,
458  intro_enc_keypair,
459  client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey,
460  1,
461  subcredential,
462  hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out);
463 }
465 /**
466  * As hs_ntor_service_get_introduce1_keys(), but take multiple subcredentials
467  * as input, and yield multiple sets of keys as output.
468  **/
469 int
471  const struct ed25519_public_key_t *intro_auth_pubkey,
472  const struct curve25519_keypair_t *intro_enc_keypair,
473  const struct curve25519_public_key_t *client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey,
474  size_t n_subcredentials,
475  const hs_subcredential_t *subcredentials,
476  hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_t *hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out)
477 {
478  int bad = 0;
479  uint8_t secret_input[INTRO_SECRET_HS_INPUT_LEN];
480  uint8_t dh_result[CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN];
482  tor_assert(intro_auth_pubkey);
483  tor_assert(intro_enc_keypair);
484  tor_assert(client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey);
485  tor_assert(n_subcredentials >= 1);
486  tor_assert(subcredentials);
487  tor_assert(hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out);
489  /* Compute EXP(X, b) */
490  curve25519_handshake(dh_result,
491  &intro_enc_keypair->seckey,
492  client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey);
493  bad |= safe_mem_is_zero(dh_result, CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN);
495  /* Get intro_secret_hs_input */
496  get_intro_secret_hs_input(dh_result, intro_auth_pubkey,
497  client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey,
498  &intro_enc_keypair->pubkey,
499  secret_input);
500  bad |= safe_mem_is_zero(secret_input, CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN);
502  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_subcredentials; ++i) {
503  /* Get ENC_KEY and MAC_KEY! */
504  get_introduce1_key_material(secret_input, &subcredentials[i],
505  &hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out[i]);
506  }
508  memwipe(secret_input, 0, sizeof(secret_input));
509  if (bad) {
510  memwipe(hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out, 0,
511  sizeof(hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_t) * n_subcredentials);
512  }
514  return bad ? -1 : 0;
515 }
517 /* Public function: Do the appropriate ntor calculations and derive the keys
518  * needed to create and authenticate RENDEZVOUS1 cells. Return 0 and place the
519  * final key material in <b>hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out</b> if all went fine,
520  * return -1 if error happened.
521  *
522  * The relevant calculations are as follows:
523  *
524  * rend_secret_hs_input = EXP(X,y) | EXP(X,b) | AUTH_KEY | B | X | Y | PROTOID
525  * NTOR_KEY_SEED = MAC(rend_secret_hs_input, t_hsenc)
526  * verify = MAC(rend_secret_hs_input, t_hsverify)
527  * auth_input = verify | AUTH_KEY | B | Y | X | PROTOID | "Server"
528  * auth_input_mac = MAC(auth_input, t_hsmac)
529  *
530  * where:
531  * <b>intro_auth_pubkey</b> is AUTH_KEY (intro point auth key),
532  * <b>intro_enc_keypair</b> is (b,B) (intro point enc keypair)
533  * <b>service_ephemeral_rend_keypair</b> is a fresh (y,Y) keypair
534  * <b>client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey</b> is X (CLIENT_PK in INTRODUCE2 cell) */
535 int
536 hs_ntor_service_get_rendezvous1_keys(
537  const ed25519_public_key_t *intro_auth_pubkey,
538  const curve25519_keypair_t *intro_enc_keypair,
539  const curve25519_keypair_t *service_ephemeral_rend_keypair,
540  const curve25519_public_key_t *client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey,
541  hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_t *hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out)
542 {
543  int bad = 0;
544  uint8_t rend_secret_hs_input[REND_SECRET_HS_INPUT_LEN];
545  uint8_t dh_result1[CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN];
546  uint8_t dh_result2[CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN];
548  tor_assert(intro_auth_pubkey);
549  tor_assert(intro_enc_keypair);
550  tor_assert(service_ephemeral_rend_keypair);
551  tor_assert(client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey);
552  tor_assert(hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out);
554  /* Compute EXP(X, y) */
555  curve25519_handshake(dh_result1,
556  &service_ephemeral_rend_keypair->seckey,
557  client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey);
558  bad |= safe_mem_is_zero(dh_result1, CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN);
560  /* Compute EXP(X, b) */
561  curve25519_handshake(dh_result2,
562  &intro_enc_keypair->seckey,
563  client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey);
564  bad |= safe_mem_is_zero(dh_result2, CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN);
566  /* Get rend_secret_hs_input */
567  get_rend_secret_hs_input(dh_result1, dh_result2,
568  intro_auth_pubkey,
569  &intro_enc_keypair->pubkey,
570  client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey,
571  &service_ephemeral_rend_keypair->pubkey,
572  rend_secret_hs_input);
574  /* Get NTOR_KEY_SEED and AUTH_INPUT_MAC! */
575  bad |= get_rendezvous1_key_material(rend_secret_hs_input,
576  intro_auth_pubkey,
577  &intro_enc_keypair->pubkey,
578  &service_ephemeral_rend_keypair->pubkey,
579  client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey,
580  hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out);
582  memwipe(rend_secret_hs_input, 0, sizeof(rend_secret_hs_input));
583  if (bad) {
584  memwipe(hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out, 0, sizeof(hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_t));
585  }
587  return bad ? -1 : 0;
588 }
590 /** Given a received RENDEZVOUS2 MAC in <b>mac</b> (of length DIGEST256_LEN),
591  * and the RENDEZVOUS1 key material in <b>hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys</b>, return 1
592  * if the MAC is good, otherwise return 0. */
593 int
595  const hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_t *hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys,
596  const uint8_t *rcvd_mac)
597 {
598  tor_assert(rcvd_mac);
599  tor_assert(hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys);
601  return tor_memeq(hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys->rend_cell_auth_mac,
602  rcvd_mac, DIGEST256_LEN);
603 }
605 /* Input length to KDF for key expansion */
608 /** Given the rendezvous key seed in <b>ntor_key_seed</b> (of size
609  * DIGEST256_LEN), do the circuit key expansion as specified by section
610  * '4.2.1. Key expansion' and place the keys in <b>keys_out</b> (which must be
612  *
613  * Return 0 if things went well, else return -1. */
614 int
615 hs_ntor_circuit_key_expansion(const uint8_t *ntor_key_seed, size_t seed_len,
616  uint8_t *keys_out, size_t keys_out_len)
617 {
618  uint8_t *ptr;
619  uint8_t kdf_input[NTOR_KEY_EXPANSION_KDF_INPUT_LEN];
621  /* Sanity checks on lengths to make sure we are good */
622  if (BUG(seed_len != DIGEST256_LEN)) {
623  return -1;
624  }
625  if (BUG(keys_out_len != HS_NTOR_KEY_EXPANSION_KDF_OUT_LEN)) {
626  return -1;
627  }
629  /* Let's build the input to the KDF */
630  ptr = kdf_input;
631  APPEND(ptr, ntor_key_seed, DIGEST256_LEN);
632  APPEND(ptr, M_HSEXPAND, strlen(M_HSEXPAND));
633  tor_assert(ptr == kdf_input + sizeof(kdf_input));
635  /* Generate the keys */
636  crypto_xof(keys_out, HS_NTOR_KEY_EXPANSION_KDF_OUT_LEN,
637  kdf_input, sizeof(kdf_input));
639  return 0;
640 }
#define CIPHER256_KEY_LEN
Definition: crypto_cipher.h:26
void curve25519_handshake(uint8_t *output, const curve25519_secret_key_t *skey, const curve25519_public_key_t *pkey)
Header for crypto_curve25519.c.
void crypto_mac_sha3_256(uint8_t *mac_out, size_t len_out, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, const uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_len)
void crypto_xof(uint8_t *output, size_t output_len, const uint8_t *input, size_t input_len)
Header for crypto_ed25519.c.
void memwipe(void *mem, uint8_t byte, size_t sz)
Definition: crypto_util.c:55
Common functions for cryptographic routines.
int tor_memeq(const void *a, const void *b, size_t sz)
Definition: di_ops.c:107
int safe_mem_is_zero(const void *mem, size_t sz)
Definition: di_ops.c:224
#define DIGEST256_LEN
Definition: digest_sizes.h:23
int hs_ntor_circuit_key_expansion(const uint8_t *ntor_key_seed, size_t seed_len, uint8_t *keys_out, size_t keys_out_len)
Definition: hs_ntor.c:615
Definition: hs_ntor.c:149
static void get_rend_secret_hs_input(const uint8_t *dh_result1, const uint8_t *dh_result2, const ed25519_public_key_t *intro_auth_pubkey, const curve25519_public_key_t *intro_enc_pubkey, const curve25519_public_key_t *client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey, const curve25519_public_key_t *service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey, uint8_t *rend_secret_hs_input_out)
Definition: hs_ntor.c:265
static void get_introduce1_key_material(const uint8_t *secret_input, const hs_subcredential_t *subcredential, hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_t *hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out)
Definition: hs_ntor.c:172
#define APPEND(ptr, inp, len)
Definition: hs_ntor.c:51
int hs_ntor_service_get_introduce1_keys_multi(const struct ed25519_public_key_t *intro_auth_pubkey, const struct curve25519_keypair_t *intro_enc_keypair, const struct curve25519_public_key_t *client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey, size_t n_subcredentials, const hs_subcredential_t *subcredentials, hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_t *hs_ntor_intro_cell_keys_out)
Definition: hs_ntor.c:470
int hs_ntor_client_rendezvous2_mac_is_good(const hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_t *hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys, const uint8_t *rcvd_mac)
Definition: hs_ntor.c:594
static void get_intro_secret_hs_input(const uint8_t *dh_result, const ed25519_public_key_t *intro_auth_pubkey, const curve25519_public_key_t *client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey, const curve25519_public_key_t *intro_enc_pubkey, uint8_t *secret_input_out)
Definition: hs_ntor.c:225
static int get_rendezvous1_key_material(const uint8_t *rend_secret_hs_input, const ed25519_public_key_t *intro_auth_pubkey, const curve25519_public_key_t *intro_enc_pubkey, const curve25519_public_key_t *service_ephemeral_rend_pubkey, const curve25519_public_key_t *client_ephemeral_enc_pubkey, hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_t *hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_out)
Definition: hs_ntor.c:82
Header for hs_ntor.c.
Master header file for Tor-specific functionality.
#define tor_assert(expr)
Definition: util_bug.h:102
#define CURVE25519_OUTPUT_LEN
Definition: x25519_sizes.h:24
#define ED25519_PUBKEY_LEN
Definition: x25519_sizes.h:27
#define CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN
Definition: x25519_sizes.h:20