Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (c) 2003, Roger Dingledine
2  * Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson.
3  * Copyright (c) 2007-2021, The Tor Project, Inc. */
4 /* See LICENSE for licensing information */
6 /**
7  * \file malloc.c
8  * \brief Wrappers for C malloc code, and replacements for items that
9  * may be missing.
10  **/
12 #include "orconfig.h"
14 #include <stdlib.h>
15 #include <string.h>
19 #include "lib/malloc/malloc.h"
20 #include "lib/cc/torint.h"
21 #include "lib/err/torerr.h"
23 #ifdef __clang_analyzer__
25 #endif
27 /** Allocate a chunk of <b>size</b> bytes of memory, and return a pointer to
28  * result. On error, log and terminate the process. (Same as malloc(size),
29  * but never returns NULL.)
30  */
31 void *
32 tor_malloc_(size_t size)
33 {
34  void *result;
36  raw_assert(size < SIZE_T_CEILING);
39  /* Some libc mallocs don't work when size==0. Override them. */
40  if (size==0) {
41  size=1;
42  }
43 #endif /* !defined(MALLOC_ZERO_WORKS) */
45  result = raw_malloc(size);
47  if (PREDICT_UNLIKELY(result == NULL)) {
49  /* If these functions die within a worker process, they won't call
50  * spawn_exit, but that's ok, since the parent will run out of memory soon
51  * anyway. */
52  raw_assert_unreached_msg("Out of memory on malloc(). Dying.");
53  /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
54  }
55  return result;
56 }
58 /** Allocate a chunk of <b>size</b> bytes of memory, fill the memory with
59  * zero bytes, and return a pointer to the result. Log and terminate
60  * the process on error. (Same as calloc(size,1), but never returns NULL.)
61  */
62 void *
63 tor_malloc_zero_(size_t size)
64 {
65  /* You may ask yourself, "wouldn't it be smart to use calloc instead of
66  * malloc+memset? Perhaps libc's calloc knows some nifty optimization trick
67  * we don't!" Indeed it does, but its optimizations are only a big win when
68  * we're allocating something very big (it knows if it just got the memory
69  * from the OS in a pre-zeroed state). We don't want to use tor_malloc_zero
70  * for big stuff, so we don't bother with calloc. */
71  void *result = tor_malloc_(size);
72  memset(result, 0, size);
73  return result;
74 }
76 /* The square root of SIZE_MAX + 1. If a is less than this, and b is less
77  * than this, then a*b is less than SIZE_MAX. (For example, if size_t is
78  * 32 bits, then SIZE_MAX is 0xffffffff and this value is 0x10000. If a and
79  * b are less than this, then their product is at most (65535*65535) ==
80  * 0xfffe0001. */
81 #define SQRT_SIZE_MAX_P1 (((size_t)1) << (sizeof(size_t)*4))
83 /** Return non-zero if and only if the product of the arguments is exact,
84  * and cannot overflow. */
85 STATIC int
86 size_mul_check(const size_t x, const size_t y)
87 {
88  /* This first check is equivalent to
89  (x < SQRT_SIZE_MAX_P1 && y < SQRT_SIZE_MAX_P1)
91  Rationale: if either one of x or y is >= SQRT_SIZE_MAX_P1, then it
92  will have some bit set in its most significant half.
93  */
94  return ((x|y) < SQRT_SIZE_MAX_P1 ||
95  y == 0 ||
96  x <= SIZE_MAX / y);
97 }
99 /** Allocate a chunk of <b>nmemb</b>*<b>size</b> bytes of memory, fill
100  * the memory with zero bytes, and return a pointer to the result.
101  * Log and terminate the process on error. (Same as
102  * calloc(<b>nmemb</b>,<b>size</b>), but never returns NULL.)
103  * The second argument (<b>size</b>) should preferably be non-zero
104  * and a compile-time constant.
105  */
106 void *
107 tor_calloc_(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
108 {
109  raw_assert(size_mul_check(nmemb, size));
110  return tor_malloc_zero_((nmemb * size));
111 }
113 /** Change the size of the memory block pointed to by <b>ptr</b> to <b>size</b>
114  * bytes long; return the new memory block. On error, log and
115  * terminate. (Like realloc(ptr,size), but never returns NULL.)
116  */
117 void *
118 tor_realloc_(void *ptr, size_t size)
119 {
120  void *result;
122  raw_assert(size < SIZE_T_CEILING);
125  /* Some libc mallocs don't work when size==0. Override them. */
126  if (size==0) {
127  size=1;
128  }
129 #endif /* !defined(MALLOC_ZERO_WORKS) */
131  result = raw_realloc(ptr, size);
133  if (PREDICT_UNLIKELY(result == NULL)) {
134  /* LCOV_EXCL_START */
135  raw_assert_unreached_msg("Out of memory on realloc(). Dying.");
136  /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
137  }
138  return result;
139 }
141 /**
142  * Try to realloc <b>ptr</b> so that it takes up sz1 * sz2 bytes. Check for
143  * overflow. Unlike other allocation functions, return NULL on overflow.
144  */
145 void *
146 tor_reallocarray_(void *ptr, size_t sz1, size_t sz2)
147 {
148  /* XXXX we can make this return 0, but we would need to check all the
149  * reallocarray users. */
150  raw_assert(size_mul_check(sz1, sz2));
152  return tor_realloc(ptr, (sz1 * sz2));
153 }
155 /** Return a newly allocated copy of the NUL-terminated string s. On
156  * error, log and terminate. (Like strdup(s), but never returns
157  * NULL.)
158  */
159 char *
160 tor_strdup_(const char *s)
161 {
162  char *duplicate;
163  raw_assert(s);
165  duplicate = raw_strdup(s);
167  if (PREDICT_UNLIKELY(duplicate == NULL)) {
168  /* LCOV_EXCL_START */
169  raw_assert_unreached_msg("Out of memory on strdup(). Dying.");
170  /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */
171  }
172  return duplicate;
173 }
175 /** Allocate and return a new string containing the first <b>n</b>
176  * characters of <b>s</b>. If <b>s</b> is longer than <b>n</b>
177  * characters, only the first <b>n</b> are copied. The result is
178  * always NUL-terminated. (Like strndup(s,n), but never returns
179  * NULL.)
180  */
181 char *
182 tor_strndup_(const char *s, size_t n)
183 {
184  char *duplicate;
185  raw_assert(s);
186  raw_assert(n < SIZE_T_CEILING);
187  duplicate = tor_malloc_((n+1));
188  /* Performance note: Ordinarily we prefer strlcpy to strncpy. But
189  * this function gets called a whole lot, and platform strncpy is
190  * much faster than strlcpy when strlen(s) is much longer than n.
191  */
192  strncpy(duplicate, s, n);
193  duplicate[n]='\0';
194  return duplicate;
195 }
197 /** Allocate a chunk of <b>len</b> bytes, with the same contents as the
198  * <b>len</b> bytes starting at <b>mem</b>. */
199 void *
200 tor_memdup_(const void *mem, size_t len)
201 {
202  char *duplicate;
203  raw_assert(len < SIZE_T_CEILING);
204  raw_assert(mem);
205  duplicate = tor_malloc_(len);
206  memcpy(duplicate, mem, len);
207  return duplicate;
208 }
210 /** As tor_memdup(), but add an extra 0 byte at the end of the resulting
211  * memory. */
212 void *
213 tor_memdup_nulterm_(const void *mem, size_t len)
214 {
215  char *duplicate;
216  raw_assert(len < SIZE_T_CEILING+1);
217  raw_assert(mem);
218  duplicate = tor_malloc_(len+1);
219  memcpy(duplicate, mem, len);
220  duplicate[len] = '\0';
221  return duplicate;
222 }
224 /** Helper for places that need to take a function pointer to the right
225  * spelling of "free()". */
226 void
227 tor_free_(void *mem)
228 {
229  tor_free(mem);
230 }
void * tor_calloc_(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
Definition: malloc.c:107
char * tor_strndup_(const char *s, size_t n)
Definition: malloc.c:182
void * tor_malloc_zero_(size_t size)
Definition: malloc.c:63
void * tor_memdup_(const void *mem, size_t len)
Definition: malloc.c:200
char * tor_strdup_(const char *s)
Definition: malloc.c:160
void tor_free_(void *mem)
Definition: malloc.c:227
STATIC int size_mul_check(const size_t x, const size_t y)
Definition: malloc.c:86
void * tor_realloc_(void *ptr, size_t size)
Definition: malloc.c:118
void * tor_memdup_nulterm_(const void *mem, size_t len)
Definition: malloc.c:213
void * tor_reallocarray_(void *ptr, size_t sz1, size_t sz2)
Definition: malloc.c:146
void * tor_malloc_(size_t size)
Definition: malloc.c:32
Headers for util_malloc.c.
#define tor_free(p)
Definition: malloc.h:52
Macros to implement mocking and selective exposure for the test code.
#define STATIC
Definition: testsupport.h:32
Headers for torerr.c.
Integer definitions used throughout Tor.
Definition: torint.h:126