Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- n -
- n
: cell_queue_t
, destroy_cell_queue_t
- n_accepted
: channel_listener_t
- n_args
: directory_token_t
- n_calls_since_last_time
: ratelim_t
- n_cells_recved
: channel_t
- n_cells_xmitted
: channel_t
- n_chan
: circuit_t
- n_chan_cells
: circuit_t
- n_chan_create_cell
: circuit_t
- n_circ_id
: circuit_t
- n_commit_rounds
: sr_state_t
- n_delete_pending
: circuit_t
- n_delivered_read_circ_bw
: origin_circuit_t
- n_delivered_written_circ_bw
: origin_circuit_t
- n_download_attempts
: download_status_t
- n_download_failures
: download_status_t
- n_entries
: short_policy_t
- n_hop
: circuit_t
- n_intervals_valid
: vote_timing_t
- n_members
: nodefamily_t
- n_overhead_read_circ_bw
: origin_circuit_t
- n_overhead_written_circ_bw
: origin_circuit_t
- n_protocol_runs
: sr_state_t
- n_read
: edge_connection_t
- n_read_circ_bw
: origin_circuit_t
- n_read_conn_bw
: connection_t
- n_reveal_rounds
: sr_state_t
- n_streams
: or_circuit_t
- n_subcredentials
: hs_cell_introduce2_data_t
- n_threads
: threadpool_t
- n_till_reseed
: crypto_fast_rng_t
- n_usec
: cpuworker_reply_t
- n_written
: edge_connection_t
- n_written_circ_bw
: origin_circuit_t
- n_written_conn_bw
: connection_t
- name
: config_deprecation_t
, control_cmd_def_t
, periodic_event_item_t
, struct_member_t
, subsys_fns_t
, testcase_t
, transport_t
, var_type_def_t
- name_lookup_warned
: node_t
- NATDPort_lines
: or_options_t
- need_capacity
: cpath_build_state_t
- need_uptime
: cpath_build_state_t
- needs_close
: logfile_t
- needs_retest_if_added
: routerinfo_t
- net_params
: networkstatus_t
- network_last_live
: network_liveness_t
- new_listeners
: listener_transaction_t
- new_thread_state_fn
: threadpool_t
- NewCircuitPeriod
: or_options_t
- next
: crypt_path_t
, di_digest256_map_t
, logfile_t
, vote_microdesc_hash_t
- next_attempt_at
: download_status_t
- next_chunk
: memarea_chunk_t
- next_max_idx
: bw_array_t
- next_mem
: memarea_chunk_t
- next_padding_time
: channel_t
- next_period
: bw_array_t
- next_rotation_time
: hs_service_state_t
- next_state
: circpad_state_t
- next_stream
: edge_connection_t
- next_stream_id
: origin_circuit_t
- next_upload_time
: hs_service_descriptor_t
- next_write
: or_state_t
- nickname
: extend_info_t
, extrainfo_t
, networkstatus_voter_info_t
, or_connection_t
- Nickname
: or_options_t
- nickname
: routerinfo_t
, routerstatus_t
- no_save
: microdesc_t
- node_id
: extend_cell_t
- NodeFamilies
: or_options_t
- NodeFamilySets
: or_options_t
- nodelist_idx
: node_t
- NoExec
: or_options_t
- non_guard_bw
: guardfraction_bandwidth_t
- nonlive_timeouts
: network_liveness_t
- nonpadding_sent
: circpad_machine_runtime_t
- num_circ_closed
: circuit_build_times_t
- num_circ_succeeded
: circuit_build_times_t
- num_circ_timeouts
: circuit_build_times_t
- num_circuits_launched
: entry_connection_t
, hs_service_intropoints_t
- num_cpus
: tor_libevent_cfg_t
- num_intro_circ_launched
: hs_service_state_t
- num_intro_points
: hs_service_config_t
- num_maxes_set
: bw_array_t
- num_n_circuits
: channel_t
- num_rdv_streams
: hs_ident_circuit_t
- num_recent_circs
: network_liveness_t
- num_reveals
: sr_srv_t
- num_socks_retries
: entry_connection_t
- num_states
: circpad_machine_spec_t
- NumCPUs
: or_options_t
- NumDirectoryGuards
: or_options_t
- NumEntryGuards
: or_options_t
- NumPrimaryGuards
: or_options_t
- nym_epoch
: entry_connection_t